Seeing Xiaoxiao getting married, the whole family and even the entire Ji family circled around her, Zhang Zixi was envious and jealous in her heart, wishing that the bride who was about to get married would be replaced by herself immediately.

One week before the wedding, Chu Tang finally told Xiaoxiao that her wedding dress was finished, and asked her to hurry over and try it out, and if something didn't fit, she could change it again.

Xiaoxiao immediately rushed to Master Chu Tang's house.

Because of getting married, she hasn't been to Master's for many days.

When she arrived at the place, Xiaoxiao was amazed when she saw her happy clothes.

This bright red wedding dress is so beautiful, and the fabric, as soon as she touches it, she knows it is a high-quality silk and satin, and she doesn't know where Master got it.

This wedding dress has the beauty of a traditional Chinese wedding dress, but it has been improved into a more suitable style. It is the same as Xiaoxiao's most upheld design concept, and it also fulfilled her wish.

"How about it, do you like it?" Chu Tang asked with a smile.

"Well, Master, thank you." Xiaoxiao was moved.

"If you think something is inappropriate, tell the master, and the master will correct it for you." Chu Tang said.

"Master, the size is pretty good, but I still want to embroider something on it myself." In Da Yin, women would start preparing for their wedding dress long in advance even if they couldn't do everything. She also wants to participate in a part, she still wants to add a few stitches to her wedding dress.

Thinking of her excellent embroidery skills, Chu Tang agreed very much. "Then you have to hurry up and embroider."

As for Ji Yu's wedding dress, he was not prepared at all. Both Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu thought that the military uniform was his best wedding dress.

And the various dowries prepared by her natal family for Xiaoxiao were put in the courtyard one after another.

Jiang Wenlan made several new quilts for Xiaoxiao and bought blankets, all of which were very practical things, and the Zhang family prepared more for Xiaoxiao.

As small as daily necessities, as large as furniture decorations, I can't wait to contract all the things in Xiaoxiao's new home.

As a family member, Zhou Fangfei also stuffed Xiaoxiao with a bankbook with 3000 yuan in it, saying that it was the bottom of the box for Xiaoxiao’s dowry. Their family owed Xiaoxiao too much in the first 20 years, so they could only use these way to make up for it one by one.

Seeing that Zhang's family is so busy preparing for her marriage and not talking about it, they are so dedicated to helping her prepare the dowry. Although she is not short of the money, she can still feel the care of others. Xiaoxiao's heart is not made of stone Yes, when I called these relatives again, the feelings became deeper.

Zhang Zixi now has quite a lot of money in her small coffers, but she is not envious of the passbook that Zhou Fangfei stuffed into Xiaoxiao, but she also hates the treatment of Xiaoxiao, her own daughter.

Grandma also prepared some things for Xiaoxiao as a dowry, plus Xiaoxiao's own family property and objects, her dowry can be said to be quite generous, but Xiaoxiao is afraid that too many things will attract people's eyes, and many of her precious objects She didn't take it out, and hid most of the money, otherwise she was really afraid that her dowry would be missed by thieves.

Three days before Xiaoxiao got married, Mrs. Fang came to the capital.

Qiao Jiu returned to her hometown at the end of October, and not only told her old mother about Xiaoxiao's getting married, but also told her the good news that she had a date.

The most worrying thing for Mrs. Fang these years is her son's lifelong event. When she heard that her son had found a partner, it was Xiaoxiao's college roommate. She wanted to fly over to meet her son's partner immediately. Qiao Jiu persuaded her to endure it. A few days before Xiaoxiao got married, the mother and son came together.

Originally, Mrs. Fang planned to live outside, but she has already come to the capital. How could Xiaoxiao and grandma let her live outside? They let her live in a courtyard, which can be regarded as Xiaoxiao's mother's family. Xiaochong was backed up by the number of people.

Because Xiaoxiao was going to get married from the courtyard, everyone in the Zhang family also went to the courtyard three days in advance to start the arrangement.

When they started tidying up the yard and house, there was a lot of movement. The neighbors in the neighborhood inevitably asked about it, and everyone was quite surprised when they found out that they were going to get married.

Originally, Xiaoxiao didn't want to let the neighbors spend money, so she only asked her grandma to notify the few houses she had a good relationship with. As soon as the news of her marriage came out, many neighbors asked why she didn't tell them. Grandma had no choice but to Several more families were invited.

Mrs. Fang moved in, and so did the members of the Zhang family. Thanks to Xiaoxiao and their courtyard house, which had two entrances, there was enough room for so many people.

The day before the wedding, Yindi and Wang Hui came to the courtyard as Xiaoxiao's bridesmaids, and they would stay with Xiaoxiao at night. Mrs. Fang finally met her future daughter-in-law, and holding Yindi was called an affectionate relationship. , Yindi felt embarrassed.

Yindi and Wang Hui were envious when they saw Xiaoxiao's wedding dress.

"Xiaoxiao, this wedding dress is really beautiful. If I have such a beautiful wedding dress as a wedding dress, I want to get married right away." Wang Hui said with emotion.

Yindi on the side nodded deeply.

The wedding dress that Chu Tang made was already very pretty, and Xiaoxiao embroidered some things with her hands, which also made the wedding dress reach a beautiful state. It was really the rhythm that any woman would want to wear to get married after seeing it.

Because tomorrow is going to get married, there are a lot of people in the courtyard today, and it looks a bit messy.

After dinner, Xiaoxiao went to help grandma receive the neighbors who came to the house. In the evening, everyone would make dumplings together. It was a ceremony before the woman got married.

When it was getting dark, all the adults were busy in the house, and the children ran around and played in the yard.

Although Xiaoxiao knew that her Goubao and raccoon cats would not catch and bite people, some children were afraid of dogs, and she was also afraid that some bear children would intentionally provoke her cats and dogs, so she took both Goubao and raccoon cats. Locked in a room in the backyard first, of course there is enough food and water in the room, it can be regarded as wronging my cat and dog for two days.

Xiaoxiao, the bride, will get up early tomorrow to put on her makeup, and grandma will let her go to bed early, so as not to have a bad rest.

Xiaoxiao happily took a hot bath, and then climbed onto the bed. Yindi and Wang Hui came up soon after tidying up. Xiaoxiao's bed was big enough for the three girls not to be crowded.

The three of them were still talking at first, but they gradually lost their voices.

Although Zhang Zixi didn't like Xiaoxiao, but for her own plan, she also lived in the courtyard with her family, and lived in the courtyard at the back.

When she heard grandma urging Xiaoxiao to go to bed, she became careful.

When the lights in Xiaoxiao's room were turned off, she wandered around the yard outside Xiaoxiao's room from time to time, and when she heard the silence in the room, she knew that everyone in the room had fallen asleep.

Seeing that there was no one around, she came over softly, pushed the door, but did not open it, and was cursing Xiaoxiao for being so careful in her own house, when her brother Zhang Xinjie's voice sounded behind her.

"Zi Xi, what are you doing?"

Zhang Zixi, who had a ghost in his heart, was taken aback and turned around immediately. "No reason, I'll just see if the door of Xiaoxiao's room is closed properly, otherwise it's cold now, and she will be frozen, tomorrow will be a good day for her, she can't be sick."

Zhang Xinjie was skeptical about his sister's words, but it was not easy to argue with her at this time, afraid of disturbing Xiaoxiao who was sleeping in the room, so he whispered: "You should go back to the room and sleep quickly, don't wander around outside.

Being stared at by her brother, Zhang Zixi had no choice but to go back to her room first.

But in the middle of the night, her door creaked open.

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