Xiaoxiao wanted to leave, but of course she didn't leave right away, after all, it wasn't a matter of life or death, but since she decided to go back sooner, Ji Yu still called her grandfather, which was also a good thing for the Zhang family.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao is willing to come back earlier, Mr. Ji thinks that Xiaoxiao is a very caring child. Of course, if Xiaoxiao doesn't want to, he won't blame him.

The three grandparents of the Zhang family naturally knew that Xiaoxiao would be back in a few days, and they were both happy and nervous.

Everything is ready, the only thing left is Xiaoxiao.

Decided to go, Xiaoxiao chose for three days, Ji Yu also bought the ticket for Xiaoxiao first.

I thought I could stay for more than a month, but I didn't expect to go back in a few days, Xiaoxiao also hurriedly told Sister Yuan, and Sister Yuan naturally asked why she left in such a hurry, Xiaoxiao couldn't tell the truth, He only said that there are some things in the capital that she needs to deal with.

Seeing that she didn't go into details, Sister Yuan thought that it might not be easy to tell outsiders about it, so she didn't pursue it, but just expressed her reluctance.

Although the two will be able to meet again after Ji Yu participates in the advanced training, but the relevant notice of the advanced training has not been issued yet, and the time is not known how long. For the past three days, Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu cherished each other very much. The two felt like glue, which made Sister Yuan who occasionally saw her feel envious.

In the Zhang family, Xiao Xiao knew that he was willing to come back earlier, and the grandparents of the Zhang family were also looking forward to it.

However, just the day before Xiao Xiaolin's departure, Zhang Zixi, who had been away from home for a long time, returned for the first time.

Zhou Fangfei is fine, after all, she doesn't know anything now, so she is naturally happy to see her daughter come back. Although the relationship between mother and daughter is not as cordial as before, she is busy making delicious food for her daughter Zhang Luo, asking all kinds of greetings, but Seeing the present Zhang Zixi, the rest of the Zhang family felt more complicated.

Naturally, the feelings are still there, but when they think that Zhang Zixi is a child of the Han family, but has been favored by their family for 20 years, and their own children of the Zhang family don't know what's going on. If it is Xiaoxiao, they are not in the mood It's good, when they checked Xiaoxiao's background before, they already knew what happened to Xiaoxiao in the Han family these years, she can still be so successful now, it is purely due to her own ability, but if Xiaoxiao is a child of the Zhang family, she has suffered for so many years, in the end Zhang Zixi, who hadn't taken advantage of her benefits, was bullying and plotting. This was simply poking the hearts of the grandparents of the Zhang family, and they didn't dare to think about it.

In order not to show any abnormalities when facing Zhang Zixi, the grandparents and grandchildren tried to minimize their contact with Zhang Zixi.

Although Zhang Zixi didn't have a good relationship with her family before, she felt even more strange when she came back this time. Whether it was grandpa, father or brother, they always avoided her, which made her puzzled. Occasionally, he would nag and educate her, but now even these words are gone.

Because she has been doing those unscrupulous things to earn money in private, she is inevitably a little guilty, and wonders if her family has heard something.

She didn't dare to ask her grandfather and father, so she approached her brother Zhang Xinjie to test him out.

After eating, Zhang Xinjie hid in his room to read, and said "Come in" when the door was knocked.

Zhang Zixi unscrewed the door and walked in.

Seeing that it was his younger sister, Zhang Xinjie put down his book and tried his best to smile. "Zixi, what's wrong?"

"Brother, did I do something to make grandpa and dad angry?" She asked cautiously.

Zhang Xinjie was startled, and quickly denied it. "No, why do you think so?"

"Oh, didn't I see that they didn't pay much attention to me? By the way, brother, you are too. Why do I feel that you are avoiding me?" Obviously before, she didn't like to let her brother control her all the time, but now Her brother really alienated her, but she was not used to it.

"Is there? You think too much. I'm just tired from work." Zhang Xinjie explained.

"Really, then rest, I'll go first." It seemed that it wasn't because of the things she did in private, so Zhang Zixi was relieved, and had no intention of staying any longer.

When his sister left, Zhang Xinjie's expression changed, and he also sighed. Now his mother doesn't know about it. When he finds out, how should his mother face his sister? Waiting for another result.

Zhang Zixi just came back to refresh her face because she was thinking that she hadn't been home for a long time. Although she was comfortable living outside, she didn't forget that she could make so much money in private, and she was still able to make a living in the work unit. What, her position as Miss Zhang's is naturally precious and cannot be lost, so it's good to come back. When I found that the family members except the mother were behaving strangely, I would panic and think about it. Now I tried it out and felt that it was not a big deal, so I relaxed again Leisurely went.

After staying at home for a day, Zhang Zixi left and went back to the unit's dormitory.

In fact, she has earned a lot of money now, and she also bought a house secretly, but she also knows that she is working at the company and not married, so it is difficult to explain the house, and she dare not let her family know. After I got the house, I didn't dare to live in it, I just went there occasionally to put some things.

The husband and son avoided their daughter a little. Zhou Fangfei didn't pay attention at first, until her daughter left, and she accidentally saw her husband's relieved expression, and then she felt strange. Thinking about it recently, it seemed that there was something in the family that she didn't know about. , But thinking of asking her husband's answer last time, she didn't ask again, and just kept her mind.

The short three days passed by in a hurry, Ji Yu took a leave of absence from the leader, and drove Xiaoxiao to the station. After learning about Ji Yu's family background, the bosses became more and more amiable to him. It was a very reasonable request. As soon as Ji Yu raised it, the leader immediately agreed, and said that he would not have to go to work today.

Before leaving, Xiaoxiao reluctantly bid farewell to Sister Yuan. Sister Yuan also said that she would come early next year so that the two of them could get along more, but Xiaoxiao knew in her heart that maybe at this time next year, Ji Yuren would not be around Now, she was even more reluctant to face Sister Yuan, but she couldn't say these words, she only said to write more letters after returning home.

Ji Yu helped Xiaoxiao carry the big and small bags, and sent her to the car until the train was about to leave before getting off the train.

When the train started, Xiaoxiao waved goodbye to him in front of the window.

"Xiaoxiao, wait for me, I will go back soon." Ji Yu shouted.

Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously, and sat back when she couldn't see Ji Yu, opened the birthday present Ji Yu gave her in advance and looked at it, with a happy smile on her face.

"Girl, is that your husband?" Xiaoxiao asked kindly from the aunt on the lower bunk opposite her.

"Well, he is my husband." It will be soon, Xiaoxiao thought.

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