Xiaoxiao bought a new house and shop, so naturally she wouldn't hide it from her grandma. Although her name is written on the certificates of the house now, she also showed those things to her grandma.

Grandma only asked her to put all these things away. Apart from being happy for her granddaughter, there was no hint of greed in her eyes. Grandma was afraid that her grandson would think too much. If you work hard by yourself, what your sister earns is your sister's, so he can't be greedy.

Fortunately, since Xiaofeng lived with Xiaoxiao and grandma, these three views have been corrected, and now he is also a sunny boy with correct thinking. What about my sister's things, when he grows up and makes money, he has to be filial to his grandma and help his sister.

After hearing these words, grandma was really relieved and happy.

Although Xiaoxiao and Qiao Jiu bought several properties in one go, they will continue to invest in the future. As Qiao Jiu said, the money is always in their hands, and it is useless except for depreciation. It is better to change As for houses and land, at least they can appreciate in value with market conditions.

In fact, if she wasn't afraid of being too conspicuous, Xiaoxiao would still want to buy some gold for storage. No matter in prosperous or troubled times, gold will always be hard currency.

Grandma didn't want Xiaoxiao's real estate certificates, so Xiaoxiao put them in her own space for safekeeping, and the house might be burglarized, there is no safer place than her own space.

Real estate can be bought as soon as you buy it, but land is not so easy.

Originally, Xiaoxiao wanted to buy land, but she was influenced by the thinking of the Great Yin Dynasty. If she had money, everyone would either sell the land or buy a shop. After buying the land, she could hire farmers. Being a landlord, unless natural disasters or man-made disasters occur, there will be a steady stream of income in the future , but the situation in the country is different now. Except for the land owned by farmers, the fundamental nature still belongs to the state. It is almost impossible for private buyers and sellers to buy and sell land. There is always hope, she can buy it right away if she doesn't ask for it, just wait and see, when there is a suitable one, can she and Qiao Jiubu buy it.

The general public in the capital has a strong spending power, and their clothing store business has always been very good. After the two bought several shops this time, some of them were rented out, and some were planned to be used to open new stores.

They are already familiar with the model of opening a store, and the supply channels are also stable. They only need to recruit employees for training.

In [-], the environment for doing business became more and more relaxed. Not only did the individual economy rise, but many Hong Kong and Taiwanese businessmen, as well as foreign-funded overseas Chinese enterprises, came to the mainland.

All industries in the country are waiting to be developed, and there is a big gap in science and technology with foreign developed countries. Everywhere is eager for foreign capital and technology, and various preferential policies are also emerging in an endless stream. Following this development of the East, Xiaoxiao their company also officially established.

In the past two years, many people have become million-dollar households through business, and their families have lived a good life. This has also attracted many people in the system to suspend their jobs or even resign to go to sea. The charm of making money in the sea is almost unstoppable.

Xiaoxiao and grandma had previously accepted the task of Mrs. Fang to find Qiao Jiu's partner. Xiaoxiao didn't pay much attention to it, but grandma was already eager to make arrangements.

Although Qiao Jiu is not a native of the capital, and his education is not too high, he can't stand being rich, and grandma doesn't have to brag about being rich. She just said that Qiao Jiu has her own car, so I don't know how many people are amazed and favored. Having said that, if Qiao Jiu finds a partner in the capital, he will directly buy a house in the capital.

Marriage in this meeting does not require a house, except for the bride price, that is, the three big things. The house, except for the ancestral one, basically lives in the house allocated by the unit. How many families do not know how many people live in each other? In a small house with a small square meter, the one who has a car and the one who is willing to buy a house far exceeds 90.00% of nine blind daters. Qiao Jiu's conditions are definitely popular in the blind date market here.

Grandma hadn't been busy for a few days, and she had a lot of girls to choose from.

Qiao Jiu never expected that everyone else would go to the capital, and they would not be able to escape the fate of a blind date. However, thinking about how many older sisters her mother had in her hometown, there was only one grandma in the capital. Bitter, accepted grandma's kindness and met one by one on a blind date.

I heard grandma talk about Qiao Jiu's conditions, and many of the people who were willing to meet Qiao Jiu came for Qiao Jiu's money. Qiao Jiu is a good person, and you can find out the depth of each other by just chatting casually. Someone said that if they got married in the future, they would not only have a new house as a wedding house, but also buy a house for their younger brother. Good guy, this is simply taking Qiao Jiu for a fool. For such a girl, Qiao Jiu is naturally grateful.

Apart from those who came here for money, there were still a few who really wanted to meet and live together, but Qiao Jiu basically didn't call with them, and this matter went on for a while and there was no result.

Every day Xiaoxiao listens to Qiao Jiu complaining about what kind of girl she met today, whether the other party is weird or too demanding, and she is happy every day because of Qiao Jiu.

After seeing so many people but not seeing anyone who is pleasing to her heart, Qiao Jiu also wondered whether she was too demanding or the marriage was not yet here.

Xiaoxiao can only comfort him that he is not afraid of being late for a good meal, and that he will always meet when it is time to meet.

Jiang Wenlan and Zhou Dashan started talking about marriage, and they didn't move slowly at all. The two first picked a tube building and bought it as their future residence. Originally, Jiang Wenlan would have to pay for it, but Zhou Dashan said that these years He is single, and he doesn't spend money recklessly. He still has some savings. He doesn't use her money. When he buys things in the future, he will try to buy the best things. Some things are more effective than talking about them. Jiang Wenlan sees them , I also feel that I have finally met my beloved, and my heart to live together has become stronger.

When the shopping was almost done, they also began to tidy up the purchased Tongzilou. When Jiang Wenlan had a meal together, she mentioned that she and Zhou Dashan were going to get married soon.

The family members had already prepared for this, and when they heard that she finally said that she was going to get married, they were not surprised, but only blessed.

Besides, Han Jianjun, as long as he has free time, he will catch a university to hang around, and he will go to every department to ask if there is a student like Han Xiaoxiao.

He searched and searched, and found the Capital University of Technology.

Cheng Xue was walking towards the cafeteria with her roommates when she heard a man on the side of the road asking something, she vaguely heard the name "Han Xiaoxiao", and stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, may I ask, did you just say Han Xiaoxiao?" Cheng Xue walked over and asked.

"Yes, it's Han Xiaoxiao, do you know her?" Han Jianjun became excited.

"I'm not sure if the Han Xiaoxiao I know is the one you're looking for, by the way, what does the Han Xiaoxiao you mentioned look like?" Maybe it's just someone with the same name and surname, although Han Xiaoxiao proved that she would not compete with Wang Jinsong, But Wang Jinsong finally found someone else as a partner. She was always a little bit uneasy, and she also complained that Han Xiaoxiao didn't help her. She didn't think about it, what kind of friendship did Xiaoxiao have with her, why did she help her?

Han Jianjun immediately described his daughter's appearance and characteristics.

Cheng Xue nodded after listening. "That's right, it's her."

Han Jianjun's eyes lit up, and his hard work paid off, so he found it.

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