When Zhang Xinjie passed by, Zhang Zixi was not in the dormitory at all, and Zhang Xinjie didn't know where his sister had gone, so he could only wait outside his dormitory. After waiting for a long time, he saw his sister walking over with a few people talking and laughing. When he got closer, he could still smell the obvious smell of wine, and his brows frowned suddenly.

"Yo, brother, you're here." Zhang Zixi laughed after seeing the waiting people. "Let's go, everyone, I'll have a conversation with my brother."

"Zixi, what do you look like?" Zhang Xinjie couldn't help but said.

"Brother, if you come to teach me again, please turn around and go back immediately. We are all adults and have our own lives. Can you leave me alone?"

Zhang Xinjie wanted to say something else, but he thought of his reason for coming and sighed, "It's almost Chinese New Year, mom misses you a lot, you should go home and live."

Zhang Zixi frowned and thought about it. "Yeah, it's almost Chinese New Year, I see, I'll be back in two days, if you have nothing to do, go back." She waved her hand impatiently.

Zhang Xinjie left with a sigh

After returning home, Zhou Fangfei hurriedly asked how things were going. Zhang Xinjie was afraid that his mother would be even more worried if he told the truth. He only said that his sister was busy with work and would come back in two days. , I happily went into the kitchen to work.

When Zhang Xinjie saw this, he didn't want to let his mother know the truth and was unhappy. He sometimes thought that if Han Xiaoxiao was the daughter of the Zhang family, it would be great if he was his own sister.

Grandma was frying meatballs. Xiaoxiao ran into the kitchen with her younger brother, grabbed a ball with her hand and threw it into her mouth. Grandma was in a hurry.

"How can you put it in your mouth if you don't wash your hands, go and go, let me out."

Xiaoxiao walked out with a smile, and heard the phone ringing in the room, and ran over quickly.

After answering the phone, she happily rushed into the kitchen again.

"Grandma, Ji Yu said he will be home in two days."

"That's great. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. I just look forward to the reunion of everyone during the Chinese New Year." After being happy, he became more motivated to work.

Xiaoxiao was not happy, she came back before Ji Yu's injury was completely healed. Although Ji Yu said on the phone that the wound had healed, she still wanted to see it with her own eyes to be relieved.

Here, not long after Ji Yu made the phone call, he left for the train station to take the train.

He was waiting for the bus in the waiting room when a man walked up to him.

"What a coincidence, Battalion Commander Ji, you also take the car?" Xiao Xue said with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Xuejiyu felt a little unnatural, and gave a simple "En".

Xiao Xue sat down beside Ji Yu. "Captain Ji, are you going home for the New Year?"

Ji Yu nodded. "I also want to go home for the New Year, but I have to get off the bus halfway. I have never been to the capital when I grow up. Commander Ji, why don't you tell me about our capital?"

Ji Yu subconsciously moved to the side. "Well, I suddenly remembered that there is something I want to buy." After speaking, he got up and strode away.

Xiao Xue was so angry that she picked up her clothes. This Battalion Commander Ji, since Han Xiaoxiao's fiancée left, she has tried her best in private and created many opportunities for the two of them. She even organized the hospital to go to the army to examine the soldiers. The body, she is not afraid of hard work, and this time, she gave small gifts and all kinds of delicious food to buy people's hearts, so she found out that Ji Yu was going to take this bus home, so if she didn't hurry up, she would do it too. She got a train ticket to go home, so she delayed going home for several days. She thought that she could use the opportunity of going home for the New Year and traveling together to narrow the distance between the two of them again. However, Battalion Commander Ji ran away. up.

Disturbed by Xiao Xue, Ji Yu didn't go back to the waiting room to sit, but stood up outside. Fortunately, he was in good health and didn't mind standing.

Ji Yu hurried into the station when the radio said that their train was about to be checked.

After getting on the train and finding his seat, before Ji Yu sat down, he saw Xiao Xue who was already sitting on the lower bunk opposite and smiling at him.

This is really lingering, Ji Yu left without putting down his things.

Xiao Xue was thinking about how long the journey has been. You, Battalion Commander Ji, can’t wait to stay somewhere else. After waiting for a while, I saw a woman with two children walking over beamingly, and then the person opposite her The lower bunk sat down.

Xiao Xue frowned. "Lesbian, this isn't your seat, is it?" She had figured out which car and number Ji Yu's ticket was in before she asked her to get the ticket in front of her.

The woman immediately showed the ticket in her hand. "Look clearly, this is my position."

Xiao Xue took a closer look, she was shocked. "Where did you get this ticket?"

"What's the matter, just now a kind-hearted PLA comrade saw that it was inconvenient for me to take care of two children, so he exchanged land with me on purpose."

"Then where was your original location?"

"Here, the hard-seat compartment over there."

In order to hide from himself, Battalion Commander Ji didn't even want a comfortable sleeper berth, but was willing to go to the uncomfortable hard-seat car. Remember, Xiao Xue was suffocating when she heard this, but let her go and get her own berth ticket She went to find someone in the hard-seat car over there to change, but she was reluctant. If it was useful, she would just suffer a little bit, but judging by Battalion Commander Ji's posture, he obviously wanted to avoid her and go away, so she changed to suffer. Not to mention, if you still can't achieve your goal, wouldn't it be even more irritating.

Ji Yu is not a fool, he didn't know that the sleeper berth is more comfortable, but when he thought that Xiao Xue would follow him halfway, he would rather stay in the hard-seat car, and feel more comfortable.

If Xiao Xue had been a gay man, he would have punched him long ago, but this lesbian couldn't be beaten or scolded, so he could only hide and go away. For this reason, he missed his fiancée Xiaoxiao by his side very much. When he was young, thinking that he and Xiaoxiao had been so far apart, he wondered whether he should apply to be transferred back to the military region in the capital in two years.

It's okay for him to endure hardships in remote areas, but he doesn't want Xiaoxiao to suffer hardships away from his relatives with him.

The Ji family naturally knew the news that Ji Yu was coming back, and the family was very happy. In the past, it was normal for Ji Yu to go home every two or three years, but now, since he has Xiaoxiao as his fiancée, That's really willing to come back every year. Qiu Anhong is especially grateful to Xiaoxiao. She now feels that Xiaoxiao has a prosperous family. She didn't see that after Xiaoxiao and her son established a relationship, her family relationship is harmonious and everything goes smoothly. The whole year has been comfortable and satisfactory. Unlike the Zhang family, Zhou Fangfei, a good friend in the past, looks so young and good-looking. In the past two years, she seems to be getting old quickly. It's not because she was tossed about by unhappy sons and daughters. This family Ah, everything goes well and family harmony is more important than anything else.

Xiaoxiao didn't know yet that she had already been regarded as a member of the Wang family by her future mother-in-law before she even got married, and she was tossing about new clothes for Ji Yu.

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