Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 285 Asking for leave to visit

"Where did you know about Ji Yu's injury?" Xiaoxiao asked with a serious face, without showing that she didn't know.

As soon as Zixi heard this picture, she became proud. "Do you think I don't care about Brother Ji Yu like you do?" After speaking, she looked at Xiaoxiao's bicycle again.

"It's so cold, you just ride a bicycle. Didn't I hear that you can make money? You don't even buy a small car to drive. Look at my car. It's much more convenient and comfortable to go out than yours." Finally in one In terms of surpassing Han Xiaoxiao, Zhang Zixi also felt very superior.

Xiaoxiao ignored her showing off, and still only cared about whether Ji Yu was injured. Seeing that Zhang Zixi didn't answer her question properly, she pedaled the car and rushed home, asking herself whether Ji Yu was injured or not.

Seeing Han Xiaoxiao leaving now, Zhang Zixi thought she was envious of the new car she bought, and she became more and more proud. It feels so good to be rich. When Brother Ji Yu sees Han Xiaoxiao's true face, the two of them are done playing , she is even happier, really looking forward to it.

As soon as Xiaoxiao rode her bike into the yard, she threw down the bike and ran into the house to make a call. The call was naturally Ji Yu's office. The phone rang for a while but no one answered. She became anxious, seeing that Zhang Zixi was sure In that case, Ji Yu won't be really hurt, right?Uneasy after thinking about it, she could only make a phone call that she hadn't dialed for a long time, it was from Ji Yu's army, and it was also the one that the correspondent was responsible for answering in the past.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiaoxiao said anxiously: "Hi, I'm looking for your Battalion Commander Ji."

"who are you?"

"I'm the fiancée of Battalion Commander Ji."

As soon as he heard that it was Commander Ji's fiancée, the correspondent who had already been instructed by Ji Yu immediately said, "I'm sorry sister-in-law, Commander Ji hasn't come back yet after a mission."

"Is it really a mission?" Xiaoxiao asked.

On the other end of the phone, the correspondent was sweating, but thinking of Ji Yu's iceberg face, he still stood firm and said, "Yes, Battalion Commander Ji has gone on a mission."

Seeing that the correspondent didn't get any results, Xiaoxiao was about to hang up the phone, when she suddenly said, "Then please help me find Sister Yuan Chunmei, who is the lover of Commander Zhou, can you please, I want to send her something , I want to chat with her." Ji Yu is on a mission, and Sister Yuan, a military wife, can't be on a mission.

The correspondent really couldn't say anything, so he could only say wait a moment, and then ran to call for someone.

The family area where Yuan Chunmei lived was not close to the correspondent. After waiting for a while, they heard someone pick up the phone.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao, it's me, Yuan Chunmei."

"Sister Yuan, let me ask you something, is Ji Yu injured?"

"Ah, this, no." Yuan Chunmei didn't want to lie to Xiaoxiao, but thinking of Ji Yu's entrustment, she could only say against her will.

"Sister Yuan, is it true? I heard someone said that he was injured today, and I called his office but no one answered. I'm worried."

Hearing this, Yuan Chunmei was embarrassed to deceive Xiaoxiao again. "Xiaoxiao, it's not that the eldest sister insists on keeping it from you, it's that your Battalion Commander Ji is worried that you will find out."

"So he was really hurt!" Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't be scared. He was injured, but it's not that serious. He's in the military hospital now. He'll be fine in a few days. I just went to see him. He's in good spirits." Yuan Chunmei quickly comforted her.

But even if Sister Yuan said that Ji Yu was fine, Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still for a while.

After asking a few more simple questions, Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and sat by the phone, really worried and angry, worried about Ji Yu's injury, angry that he was injured and kept it from her, and now Zhang Zixi actually knew it earlier than herself.

Thinking about it, I just met my future mother-in-law and the old man, and they don't look like they know about Ji Yu's injury. It seems that this guy has kept them all in the dark.

As soon as she entered the yard, she threw down the car and ran into the house. This posture also shocked grandma. She went to the kitchen to continue cooking when she heard that she was calling. When Xiaoxiao came out, grandma asked.

"What's the phone call? It's so urgent."

Looking at grandma, Xiaoxiao suddenly made a decision.

"Grandma, Ji Yu is injured, I'm going to see him."

"What, Ji Yu is injured!" Grandma was shocked.

"Grandma, don't worry. He said that his injury is not serious, but he is still living in the hospital. I couldn't let it go, so I wanted to see him."

"That's why I should go and see, but what do you do with your studies? You don't have a holiday." Thinking of her studies, grandma worried.

"It's okay. I'll just ask for a few days off. After all, I'm considered a military wife. I'm going to see my injured fiancé. The school should allow me to leave."

Thinking about this matter, Xiaoxiao went to the head teacher, Teacher Wen, the next morning before she even went to the classroom, and told her that she was going to ask for leave.

"Xiaoxiao, the competition is over, why do you ask for leave? Although your grades have always been good, you can't miss too many classes." Teacher Wen thought for her.

"Teacher, my fiancé is a soldier. He was injured. I'm going to the hospital to see him."

As soon as he heard this reason, Teacher Wen was stunned for a moment and then asked. "How is your fiancé now?"

"It is said that the injury is not serious, but I don't want to take a look at it myself, so I don't feel relieved."

"Since that's the case, then this fake teacher is right, but remember to go early and return early, so you can't miss too many classes."

"I see, thank you teacher."

Asking for leave, Xiaoxiao hurried to find Wang Hui and Sun Yan, and said that she would not come to class for a few days and wanted to visit her fiancé Ji Yu. When Wang Hui and the others heard that Ji Yu was injured, they also supported Xiaoxiao to go and see After looking at it, Xiaoxiao also said that Xiaoxiao didn't have to worry about the missing classes, and they would take good class notes.

After finishing these, Xiaoxiao didn't stay for class, and immediately went to the train station to buy tickets.

Because of the rush of time, she couldn't buy a sleeper ticket at all, and could only buy a hard seat, but in order to go to see Ji Yu earlier, she didn't care about these conditions anymore.

After buying the tickets, Xiaoxiao rushed home to pack her things.

When she was packing her things, grandma was beside her giving all kinds of instructions and nagging.

After Xiaoxiao packed up, grandma sent her all the way to the bus stop outside, watched her get into the bus, and then went home with a sigh.

Now I don't know what's going on with Ji Yu, and I'm afraid that the Ji family will be worried for no reason if they find out, so Xiaoxiao also told her grandma not to tell her.

When Xiaoxiao got on the train, Yuan Chunmei also went to the hospital again. Xiaoxiao knew about Ji Yu's injury. Since she vomited, she had to tell Ji Yu that it was too late yesterday, so she didn't come here again. No, no, after serving the whole family, I quickly brought some food.

Seeing Sister Yuan coming, Ji Yu smiled, but as soon as Sister Yuan sat down, she said with guilt: "Ji Yu, Xiaoxiao heard about your injury from somewhere, I called yesterday Ask me in the army, I have no choice but to tell her the truth."

When Ji Yu heard it, his eyes went dark, it's over!

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