Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 273 Doubt Confirmation

Unexpectedly, Han Xiaoxiao was really overwhelmed, and Li Qian's gloom these days was swept away, replaced by full of complacency.

Not as good as you?There was also the final, I would never admit defeat, Xiaoxiao's eyes became determined again.

Li Qian won the No.2, Xie Pengbai gently and none of them congratulated her, they were only surprised, it was Li Qian who had defeated the favor of others before.

Although Li Qian is already a senior, she is two years older than Xiaoxiao, and she might get No.2. In the eyes of everyone, she is also a young and promising representative. Especially after starting to discuss, remembering that she only got 49th place in the preliminary round, She has become more and more a representative of counterattack and inspiration. In the first round, Xiaoxiao attracted many people to congratulate her because of her No.5. This time, even more people surrounded Li Qian.

Hearing everyone's compliments, the smile on Li Qian's face couldn't go away at all. She had already started thinking about going back to school. After telling her aunt about her grades, her aunt's expression changed.

Xiaoxiao got No.3 in the rematch, which was better than the first round, but this time because of Li Qian, who counterattacked from 49 to No.2, everyone's attention was shifted to Li Qian, even No. No. 1 has not received much attention. No. 1 is a middle-aged man, and has always been well-known in the circle. Many years ago, he was a young and promising talent. However, he has not achieved much in these years. Achievement, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Qian, a potential stock, is obviously more promising than him. After all, he has improved so much from the preliminary round to the semi-finals, and maybe he will be able to win the first place in the final.

Bai gently looked at Li Qian who was surrounded by everyone, and whispered to Xie Peng: "Do you think this is really Li Qian's design? If so, then her style change is too great."

"Who knows, there will be a final after that, we can watch it again." Xie Peng replied.

Bai Qingqing was in the same class as Xie Peng and Li Qian, so she also knew more about her.

Although I was surprised why Li Qian was able to become the second, but after all, this is a good result obtained by the students of her school. The teacher who led the Beijing University was also very excited after being surprised. Before, because of Han Xiaoxiao, the leaders were all angry. Now Li Qian's ranking surpassed Han Xiaoxiao's. No matter what the inside story was in the school's selection, now outsiders will no longer talk about their Beijing University's badness because of it. When they return to school, they will tell the leader the good news, which is different from leaving in a hurry last time. When I led the team this time, I had been waiting there for Li Qian.

Society is so realistic, as long as you are strong enough, many things and rules can be changed for the strong.

Originally, the results were announced and the judges and teachers could leave on their own, but Chu Tang just sat there without moving.

"Old Chu, are you still leaving?" someone asked.

"I'll wait."

At this moment, the young man ordered by Chu Tang ran in, ran all the way in front of Chu Tang, handed over a magazine, and panted, "Master, I found it."

Chu Tang quickly took the magazine and began to search for it.

Those who hadn't left yet came over curiously to have a look.

I saw magazine covers in foreign languages ​​that I couldn't understand, and foreigners in fashion.

"This is not English." A judge teacher who understands English said.

"It seems to be French, and I know a few words." One of the judges said.

Teacher Chu Tang flipped through the pages and stopped, staring at one page for a while, then sighed.

"This is the French version of VOGUE magazine."

The rest of the judges suddenly realized, "VOGUE", they do know, because this magazine is so famous, there are editions in many countries, but there are not many foreign books entering the country, and it is much better than before in recent years. Occasionally there are a few "VOGUE" in China, and the English version is the majority, followed by the Italian version.

But at this time, what is the purpose of Mr. Chu Tang sending a French version of "VOGUE"?Everyone is very puzzled.

He had been skeptical at first, but now that he has found conclusive evidence, Chu Tang also knew that it would be better to say it sooner rather than later, so he directly adjusted the magazines, pushed them over, pointed at a model on the page, and clicked.

"Look at this dress on the model."

Several people standing in the front put their heads closer.

After taking a closer look, one of the judges said in surprise, "This, this is not that, it's just that."

"That's right, it's the dress designed by the No.2 contestant, with only a few changes made." Chu Tang concluded.

"I also said that dress is really nice, how could it be like this." A teacher has already begun to sigh.

"When it breaks, it breaks. If it keeps breaking, it leads to chaos. I'm also very sorry. Go and call someone." Chu Tang sighed and sat down. Why didn't he hope that there would be more good seedlings with design talents in the country? It didn't take long, the finals hadn't started yet, and they could still minimize the adverse impact of this incident, which was why he wanted to delay the announcement of the results of the competition just now.

At the beginning, Chu Tang himself studied in France. He can speak fluent French and English. After returning to China, out of professional habits, he will try his best to understand the dynamic news in foreign fashion design circles, such as "VOGUE" As long as he has the opportunity, he will try his best to get such fashion magazines. The one in his hand is the one sent by a foreign friend more than a month ago. When Akane designed the models on the stage, he was a little confused, because he felt familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered that he had seen similar clothes in the French version of "VOGUE". He fetched it, so he could verify it carefully, but he didn't expect it to be the result he least wanted to see.

Not long after the leader in charge of the competition left, he didn't call back. He also said that Mr. Chu had something important to tell him about the reputation of this competition. When he heard that it was so serious, he hurried over.

The contestants and staff sitting over there only saw that many of the judges and teachers did not leave, and they were still gathered together to discuss what they were discussing. Out of curiosity, most of them also stayed where they were.

As soon as the leader in charge came in, he hurried up to Chu Tang. "Old Chu, what's the matter?"

Mr. Chu pushed the magazine over and clicked again. "Look at this dress."

The leader looked at it, but was a little confused and didn't react.

"This dress is more than 2% similar to the work of the No.80.00 contestant in the competition just now. After discussing with several judges, it can be judged that it is plagiarism. The original intention of our competition is to select clothes with outstanding creativity and design. Talents with ability, if we blindly borrow from others, we will never be able to surpass others, this No.2 must be canceled immediately, and severe warnings and punishments must be given, so that others can warn them." Chu Tang said seriously.

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