Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 269 Mr. Appreciation

Faced with many congratulations and smiling faces, Xiaoxiao naturally responded in a friendly manner. While talking, the staff walked up to Xiaoxiao.

"Comrade Han Xiaoxiao, Teacher Chu Tang wants to see you."

Teacher Chu Tang?Xiaoxiao was a little dazed, she didn't know who Chu Tang was, but since the staff could come and call her, it must be pretty good.

As soon as Xiaoxiao left, some of the people who stayed behind were surprised.

"Teacher Chu Tang!"

"Who is Teacher Chu Tang?" A young man asked.

"Ms. Chu Tang was a famous figure in the clothing industry back then. He was born in a wealthy businessman's family. He traveled overseas at the age of sixteen. He studied abroad for five years. He was favored by design masters and won several awards. Many large overseas companies have paid attention to him. He extended an olive branch, but Mr. Chu Tang said that the country was in turmoil, and he wanted to return to China to contribute his own strength. He rejected many solicitations and resolutely returned to China. Mr. Chu Tang persuaded his family members to donate a lot of property to support the war of resistance, which is very impressive. I admire an old senior who participated in the design of some important projects after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but I haven't heard any rumors about Mr. Chu Tang for many years."

As for what happened to Mr. Chu Tang in these years, no one present knew. The master who could talk was the one who had the most detailed understanding of Chu Tang's past. At most, he still has a little impression of the name Chu Tang.

Xiaoxiao was taken to a room, and went in with a bit of anxiety. She saw an old man who thought she had a kind face. If she looked carefully, she could still see some traces of her youth. This old man must have been very handsome when she was young.

After bringing Xiaoxiao over, the staff left.

"Sit down, girl." Chu Tang stretched out his hand.

Xiaoxiao sat down on the chair next to the old man.

"Your name is Han Xiaoxiao?"

"Yes." Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Your work is very good, can you tell me about your design concept?" The reason why Xiaoxiao's work was scored high, and it also helped Xiaoxiao's final ranking by a lot, is because Chu Tang was in Xiaoxiao He saw some differences in his works, which are also what he is most interested in.

"I prefer things with a more ancient style. Our country has a long history, and many inheritances in the past also have their excellent and wonderful side. Although the clothes styles in the past have become history and are not suitable for the current people to wear, but Many of them are very good-looking, and I just thought, can I combine those clothes styles of the past with the current era, which can not only show our heritage of history and culture, but also be suitable for the current era, this is my design philosophy.”

"Okay, very good." Chu Tang praised.

Those who know him know that he has given such a high evaluation.

"Are you working at Dongfang Garment Factory now?" Chu Tang asked.

Xiaoxiao immediately shook her head. "No, I'm still in school."

"School?" Chu Tang was surprised. "What school do you go to?"

"I'm a sophomore in the Fashion Design Department of Peking University."

"Are you a student of Peking University?"


"If I remember correctly, there are also students from Peking University participating this time. Why don't you represent your school in the competition, but in the name of Dongfang Garment Factory."

Facing the puzzlement of the old man, Xiaoxiao bit her lip.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Tang smiled. "It seems that there is something inside this, that's all, if you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it." After several ups and downs, Chu Tang has never seen anything, so he is not surprised at all.

Xiaoxiao heaved a sigh of relief. Although she was disappointed when she failed in the school selection, there are still so many teachers and classmates who are kind to her. The ranking is already the best counterattack to those who don't let her participate.

That's right, after all the rankings were announced here, the teacher leading the team from Beijing University immediately got up and said he was going back.

Originally, Bai Qingqing and Xie Peng wanted to come over to congratulate Xiaoxiao, but seeing that the teacher leading the team was anxious to go back, they left together.

It was even more impossible for Li Qian to congratulate Xiaoxiao, she just wanted to leave this place immediately, and the people from Beijing University also left immediately.

As soon as the teacher who led the team returned to school, he quickly found many leaders of the fashion design department and reported the results of the competition.

Hearing that the three students from our school had entered the semi-finals, the leaders were naturally very happy. In the next second, the teacher who led the team said that there was another student from Peking University who also won the ranking, still No.5.

"Didn't we only send three students to participate in the competition?" The leader was also confused.

"Yes, there are three students. The student who won No.5 is Han Xiaoxiao. She also participated in the selection competition in our school before, but she failed. I don't know how she did it. During the competition, she appeared in Dongfang Clothing The participating team of the factory also represents the Dongfang Garment Factory."

"We won No.5 in the competition, but we failed in the school selection?" The leader did not participate in the selection and scoring, so he didn't know what happened, but was very surprised.

"That's right, the key point is that the work she took to the competition was the one in our school's selection."

This time the leader's face became even uglier.

What the leading teacher can think of, the leader can't think of.Isn't this a proper slap in the face? I even thought that Han Xiaoxiao did it on purpose because she had a lot of resentment against the school.

The teacher who led the team couldn’t help laughing, and said that Han Xiaoxiao originally prepared other entries, but for some reason, she found that it was damaged before the competition started, so she ran out temporarily to retrieve this used work at the last minute. Also took the No.5 good ranking.

When the leader heard this, his mood became more complicated, and he immediately called for the teachers who were in charge of the school's selection.

Knowing the situation of the game from the leaders and leading teachers, several teachers also reacted differently.

Xiaoxiao's teacher was elated, but of course he didn't dare to show it too obviously, while Li Qian's aunt, Li Xiangqin, looked a little ugly.

"What's going on here, please tell me clearly! How did you select the student who won the fifth place in other people's competitions, but is not qualified to represent the school in the competition? If outsiders know about this, they still don't know Why are you thinking about you, give me an explanation!"

The leader started to pat the table.

The several teachers who were called all looked at Li Xiangqin at the same time. The biggest reason why Han Xiaoxiao was not selected was Li Xiangqin. I was optimistic about Han Xiaoxiao, and finally obeyed her decision and changed the candidate to Li Qian, who was a senior.

The leader also noticed something strange and looked directly at Li Xiangqin.

As soon as Li Qian returned to school, she hurried to find her aunt Li Xiangqin, but she was in vain and could only wait in Li Xiangqin's office.

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