Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 253 Happy Little Days

Ji Yu got up early the next morning, and Xiaoxiao also sat up immediately when she heard the sound.

"I'm still disturbing you, Xiaoxiao, you sleep for a while, I'm going to run." Although he has reached his position, he no longer needs to run with the soldiers below him every day, but he is already used to it, as long as there is no special If the situation is different, they will run along with him, because he, the battalion commander, has gone to run for exercises, and the deputy battalion commander and company commanders below are also not happy to go. Their first battalion is also a special existence in the regiment. Every day, all officers and soldiers will Let's go out together.

"No, I used to get up pretty early." Xiaoxiao didn't say that nonsense, and she always got up early to exercise. To practice.

Seeing this, Ji Yu no longer stopped her from getting up. "There is breakfast in the cafeteria, you can eat it, if you don't want to eat there, you can call back."

"No, I'll deal with it casually at home, you go and do your own thing, don't worry about me."

Ji Yu took the time to wash up and go out.

After Ji Yu left, Xiaoxiao went to the yard and started exercising. Seeing that the yard was a little dirty, she found a broom again and started to sweep it. After a while, Sister Yuan appeared on the wall.

"Xiaoxiao, you are sweeping the yard."

Seeing Sister Yuan, Xiaoxiao was a little surprised. "Sister Yuan, it's not because I'm quarreling with you, is it?"

"No, my family is with me, so I will follow. I have been used to it for so many years. By the way, let me tell you something."

Xiaoxiao immediately put down the broom. "you say."

"Wait, I'll come over and talk to you." There was no feeling of whispering while lying on the top of the wall.

Sister Yuan came over immediately, and she did not forget to bring a small bench in her hand.

"Last night, someone came to my house to look for our Lao Zhou, do you know what's going on?" Yuan Chunmei made a fool of herself.

Xiaoxiao shook her head, how could she know what was going on.

"Let me tell you, the matter of Pang Cuihua's family is still related to you." Sister Yuan lowered her voice.

Now Xiaoxiao became curious. "Is it related to us?"

"That's right, didn't Pang Cuihua come to you yesterday to find trouble? Your Battalion Commander Ji went to our old Zhou to report the situation, and our old Zhou found Pang Cuihua's man, that is, Company Commander Wang, and made a show for him. For ideological work, Company Commander Wang didn’t know what he had said to Pang Cuihua when he returned home. The two quarreled and fought, and people around came to our house to look for our old Zhou. On this big night, our old Zhou I went to their house to help them settle the lawsuit, but I didn't follow, but I heard from our old Zhou that Pang Cuihua scratched his man, Wang Dahai, and I heard that he couldn't even see his face. .”

This is really true, it's hard to put into words, but this Pang Cuihua deserved it, and as for Wang Dahai, Xiaoxiao still felt a little sympathetic for no reason.Everyone can see this scratched face and walk out, and I don't know how long it will take to heal. Where can I put Wang Dahai's face.

Ji Yu only found out about it when he went to eat after running in the camp, but he just shook his head with a smile.

Xiaoxiao didn't go to the cafeteria to get a meal, so she made some food at home, and then asked Sister Yuan where she could buy something if she wanted to buy something.

"It's shopping. We have no place to buy here, so we have to go to the city. Usually, we wait for the car in the army to go to the city to pull food or do other things. If you want to buy something, you have to wait for the car. See when the cars in the army enter the city."

It's so troublesome, Xiaoxiao also thought that many things in the house are lacking now, so she thought about going out to buy some for additions, it seems that she has to wait, she is also embarrassed to let Ji Yu drive it because of this personal matter. She goes to town.

Because the fight between Pang Cuihua and her husband was too big, Xiaoxiao, who was indirectly connected, became famous in the army, and everyone knew that Battalion Commander Ji's fiancée had arrived.

Wang Dahai didn't bring his wife to apologize, but was embarrassed by being scratched. He was so angry that he even put down such cruel words as divorce last night. Went to Ji Yu with a hurt face to apologize.

It’s just a matter of hearing, Ji Yu felt very sympathetic to seeing Wang Dahai’s miserable state.

Although the matter of shopping would not be resolved for a while, Xiaoxiao started to solve another matter first. She asked Sister Yuan to lead her, and found a phone number that the family members could use to call home.

Originally, when she arrived yesterday, she was supposed to report to her family that she was safe, but she was busy with other things and didn't care about it. Now that she remembered it, she hurried to call.

Counting that she should have arrived yesterday, but there has been no news. Grandma has been worried at home. Now that she received the call, grandma felt relieved. She asked a lot about Xiaoxiao's situation now, knowing that her granddaughter is now living in Ji Yuxin Branch In the yard, there is not only a cafeteria for food, but also things at home. Grandma is completely relieved, letting Xiaoxiao stay in the army and not worry about her family.

As soon as my sister left, Xiaofeng missed her very much. When grandma finished speaking, she couldn't wait to pick up the phone and chatted for a while.

After finishing calling home, Xiaoxiao made another call to Ji's home.

After chatting with her mother-in-law Qiu Anhong and the old man for a while, she hung up the phone.

Yuan Chunmei led Xiaoxiao all the way, and met many family members. Yuan Chunmei is an old man here, and she warmly introduced Xiaoxiao to everyone, and also introduced each other to Xiaoxiao. Soon Xiaoxiao got to know many family members .

Yuan Chunmei has three children. The eldest went to join the army directly after finishing junior high school and did not pass the high school entrance examination. The second and third children are still in school and live in the current courtyard.

Fearing that Xiaoxiao would be bored staying at home alone, Yuan Chunmei specially invited a few family members to work together, and also took Xiaoxiao together, and everyone chatted while working.

These family members were either fixing shoe soles or mending, so Xiaoxiao brought her own needles and threads and began to embroider.

Seeing her work, the family members were amazed, and some people asked for advice.

Xiaoxiao didn't hide it, she was willing to talk if she wanted to ask, but the embroidery art can't be mastered by just listening to a few words, it still needs a lot of practice, and after a while, the family members gave up, Sit back and do the work in your own hands, but this does not prevent everyone from admiring Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao still finds it very interesting to listen to the short chatter of these family members.

After staying at home for a day, when Ji Yu came back from work, Xiaoxiao made the meal again.

The two sat around the small table, talking and eating together, already like a happy little day between husband and wife.

Ji Yu is also very satisfied with this. He has been looking forward to this kind of life for a long time. He thought that he would have the opportunity to experience it only after he got married, but he did not expect to enjoy it in advance now.

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