Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 250 A Passionate Neighbor

"Xiaoxiao, this is our home, don't be afraid, you have to close the door." Is he such a careless person?

Only now did Xiaoxiao have time to start appreciating Ji Yu's so-called home.

The yard is not big, it is still made of mud, and the houses are only three rooms in a row. Whether it is the yard where she lived with her grandmother in her hometown, or the home in the capital now, it is much better than the current yard, but the feeling is completely different. .

"I just moved in, and I haven't tidied it up yet." Ji Yu said a little embarrassedly, and now there are only the simplest furniture in the house, such as the bed, wardrobe, table, and a few stools, all pulled from the army warehouse. If you don't need it, you have to return it.

Xiaoxiao smiled. "I think it's not bad." She naturally knew that Ji Yu used to live alone in the army dormitory, that is, he was a high-ranking officer, and he could still live in a small single room. If he was an officer with a lower rank, he was not qualified to be allocated a room, even if he lived in a dormitory. , and basically two people live in one room. Compared with those, the current conditions are already many times better.

Xiaoxiao was right, and the yard that Ji Yu was assigned to was not long after it was built. Their camp had not existed for too long, and the conditions were even more difficult at the beginning, and the family members of the army also lived in the same camp. In the entire row of bungalows, a family can have a room without even a yard. When it comes to a family with a large number of children, it is really crowded. Only later did they start building a new house. The family who thought they could get a room this time They still live in the earliest bungalows.

"Xiaoxiao, are you hungry, or I'll go to the cafeteria and get you something to eat."

Xiaoxiao raised her hand and looked at her watch. "At this point, your cafeteria should not cook."

"That's true, but you don't have to worry, I'll let you do something alone." The fiancée came here with great difficulty, how could he starve people again, if he was on his own, he wouldn't do this special thing.

"That's fine, no need, I'll just eat whatever I want. Do you have noodles?"

"Oh, you wait, I'll get it right away." After Ji Yu finished speaking, he opened the door and ran out.

Xiaoxiao got up and found the kitchen. The current layout of these three rooms is a kitchen, a living room and dining room, and a bedroom. The kitchen is clean, except for a stove, there is nothing to use. There were no tools, so Xiaoxiao laughed when she saw it.

She was wandering around the house when she heard movement outside.

"Come back so soon?" Muttering, she went out, only to see a woman with an apron around her waist.

"Are you the fiancée of Battalion Commander Ji?" the woman asked.

"I am, are you?" Xiaoxiao asked doubtfully.

The woman ignored her, looked at the yard and was about to enter the house again, Xiaoxiao hurriedly stopped her. "What are you going to do?"

"Look, why don't people see it?" This woman is the daughter-in-law of the first company commander of the third battalion, Pang Cuihua. Not being humble, she was always angry in her heart. Before Xiaoxiao came to the camp, she dragged those family members who had not been allocated a new yard and were in the same situation as herself to chew on Xiaoxiao, Ji Yu's fiancée.

"This is not your house. You came here uninvited and insisted on breaking in. What's the difference between you and a bandit?"

"Hehe, I thought I was great after drinking two more bottles of ink. If it weren't for you, this yard would have belonged to our family." Pang Cuihua said unconvinced.

Xiaoxiao didn't know what was the root cause of this. Anyway, Ji Yu said that this was their yard, so it belonged to them, so she didn't care what Pang Cuihua said.

"Anyway, this is my home now, please go out immediately, or I will be impolite."

"I want to see how rude you are." Pang Cuihua stepped forward.

At this moment, a human head popped out from the top of the low wall. "I said Pang Cuihua, just after Battalion Commander Ji left, you are here to bully his fiancée. If you have the ability, you can come back when Battalion Commander Ji is at home."

The person who appeared suddenly was a neighbor of Xiaoxiao's yard, and also Yuan Chunmei, the wife of the battalion commander of the third battalion. What did you say?

Snorting coldly at Xiaoxiao, Pang Cuihua turned around and left.

Xiaoxiao then looked at Yuan Chunmei. "Sister, thank you."

"Thank you, thank you, I just can't understand this Pang Cuihua. She always says that her husband is old and qualified, and he has to be the first to do everything. Your battalion commander Ji has long been qualified to divide the house. Isn't this always the first thing to do?" Leave it to others, this time Pang Cuihua is thinking about this yard, no, I have thoughts about you, in fact, even if Battalion Commander Ji doesn't want it, it may not be their turn this time."

With Yuan Chunmei's explanation, Xiaoxiao finally understood what was going on.

"By the way, your Battalion Commander Ji left you alone. Why did you do that?" Yuan Chunmei asked curiously. She had been with the army for several years and knew Ji Yu a long time ago. Teacher Ji Yu could be alone. It's not easy for a woman to talk to other people often, it's not easy, Ji Yu has come to the family, and the communication between the family members is much easier.

"Just moved here, there is nothing to eat in the house, he went to get things."

"That's it, you wait." After speaking, there was no one on the wall.

The wall is a little higher than ordinary people, and people can see it by stepping on a small stool.

Soon, Yuan Chunmei came in through the courtyard gate, holding a lot of things in her hands.

"Here, I pickled some vegetables. I just brought you some. By the way, can you eat spicy food? I'm from Sichuan Province, and my pickled vegetables are all too spicy.

But no, as soon as she gets close to Xiaoxiao, she can smell the choking spicy smell. Fortunately, she can still eat spicy food. "I can eat."

"That's good." Yuan Chunmei smiled. "You take these first. If you finish eating, come to me to get it. By the way, your yard is too wasteful to be empty now. I have some vegetable seeds. If you don't mind it, I will get you some. You can eat it in the yard. It’s much more convenient to grow and eat.”

"Sister, I'm leaving for a few days." Xiaoxiao said embarrassedly.

"What's the matter, why don't you live here all the time?" Yuan Chunmei was puzzled. They only heard that Chief Ji's fiancée was a cultural person, but they didn't know Xiaoxiao's specific situation.

"I still have to go to school. I'm starting my sophomore year."

"You haven't graduated yet. Let me tell you, I feel young just looking at you." Yuan Chunmei was surprised. "Then you really don't need this kind of thing." The family is not here, and Battalion Commander Guangji lives with a big man. Do you still expect him to grow vegetables and cook by himself every day?That's definitely a canteen.

After leaving Yuan Chunmei's food and sending her away, Xiaoxiao found a piece of cloth, pressed some water out, and started cleaning the house after getting wet.

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