"Oh my god, I was scared to death." Zhou Wenjing clutched her chest.

"Don't be afraid, Goubao doesn't bite and is very smart. I told him, he won't come to you again." Xiaoxiao comforted her.

Sun Yan looked around with surprise on her face.

It seems that only Xiaoxiao's family lives in this yard?She couldn't believe it when she thought of it. "Xiaoxiao, isn't your house really nice?"

Only then did Zhou Wenjing react. "Xiaoxiao, is this your house?" She pointed to a circle of houses and said.

Xiaoxiao nodded. "How about it, is my yard well arranged?"

Not only that, Sun Yan gave Xiaoxiao a thumbs up. "You cow, it turns out that you are the one who hides the deepest among us, and finally let us see the true face of Mount Lu."

After a while, Xue Xiaobei and Wang Hui also came. Wang Hui had already been here, but she was very calm. After Xue Xiaobei took the address given by Xiaoxiao to find him, he had to confirm it several times before he dared to leave. Come in.

After seeing the living environment of Xiaoxiao's family, Xue Xiaobei was also very envious, "Xiaoxiao, your conditions are simply too good." Her grandparents, parents still live in the old house allocated by the work unit, Compared with Xiaoxiao, it is a sky and a world.

Xiaoxiao let them enter the house to watch TV, and went back to the kitchen by herself.

Seeing the conditions in Xiaoxiao's house, several people were amazed again.

TV, telephone, refrigerator, electric fan, and Xiaoxiao’s bicycle. Speaking of which, Xiaoxiao always rides home by bicycle. Before, everyone in the dormitory thought that Xiaoxiao had borrowed bicycles from relatives and friends. It must be Xiaoxiao's own.

It didn't take long for them to wait, and the dishes began to be served.

I thought it would be best to eat something hot in winter. There is still a copper hot pot in the middle of the table, but all the ingredients have been put in, and there are dishes around the copper hot pot.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao was going to invite her roommates to dinner today, Jiang Wenlan was afraid that there would be too many people to sit down, so she didn't go home at noon, so she ate outside.

This meal was so lively that I ate for more than an hour.

After eating, Xiaoxiao didn't let Yindi and the others leave in a hurry.

In fact, Xiaoxiao is warm, has snacks, and TV, Sun Yan and the others are not willing to leave.

Just staying like this until it was almost time for lunch, a few people hurriedly said goodbye and left, and they were too embarrassed to eat at Xiaoxiao's house again.

I prepared a lot of dishes for lunch, and I didn't finish them. For lunch, Xiaoxiao and grandma didn't make new ones.

In the evening, Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu called again.

On the phone, Ji Yu said that her mother complained that Xiaoxiao didn't go to Ji's house very often, and Xiaoxiao laughed when she heard it.

She didn't go to Ji's house very much. On the one hand, she was too enthusiastic to go to Qiu Anhong, and on the other hand, she didn't want to meet people from Zhang's family, especially Zhang Zixi.

It's not that I hate it, I just feel that my current life is pretty good, and I don't want to have any troubles.

People on both sides of the phone miss each other very much, but they can only express their hearts on the phone.

After a few days, Zhaodi's set of tools was all ready, and finally went out to set up a stall.

In fact, Zhaodi originally planned to take her daughter Huahua out together. After all, she was embarrassed to leave Huahua at home for others to take care of, but grandma felt that Huahua was too young, and she was afraid of taking her out to suffer, so she insisted on keeping Huahua. Zhaodi also agreed very grateful.

In school, the final exams are approaching, and the students are working harder. The library is often crowded with people, and it is difficult to find a seat. Xiaoxiao sees that it is not easy to find a seat in the library, so she can only go home early after class. The home is warm and casual, and it’s good for reviewing.

Whenever Yindi is free, she will come to her sister's stall to help. Zhaodi is afraid of delaying her sister's study, so she always drives her back. However, Yindi's feet are growing on her body. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't work. Zhaodi Really helpless.

Yindi can't help it, she feels that she owes Xiaoxiao too much, and she always wants to pay it back sooner, especially if she borrows Xiaoxiao's money.

Zhaodi's craftsmanship is good, and she is also sincere, and the things she makes are full of weight. Gradually, the business has also opened up. Everyone knows that there is a pancake here that is very delicious and affordable.

Setting up a stall in the winter is actually very hard, but how easy is it to make a living?

After Jiang Wenlan set up a stall for several months, she also saved some money, plus what she had saved from working in the factory before, so she wanted to open a small shop and continue to sell food. Sell ​​some, and you don't have to move things around all day long.

After she talked about it at home, grandma and Xiaoxiao were very supportive. Xiaoxiao even said that if there is enough money, there is no need to rent it, just buy it directly.

For Xiaoxiao's words, Jiang Wenlan is very convinced now, she didn't see that she had done a small business after listening to Xiaoxiao's words, did she look good now?

Xiaoxiao finally finished the final exam, and Jiang Wenlan also bought her own shop.

After buying the shop, Jiang Wenlan didn't stop selling the shop every day. She just spent the afternoon cleaning her shop. She spent almost all of the money she saved when buying the shop, and she still had to buy a lot of things in the shop. I didn't dare to hire someone. I did everything in the shop slowly by myself, including repainting the walls and scraping putty.

Jiang Wenlan set up a stall and earned a shop, which was an encouragement to Zhaodi and her younger sister Yindi. The two also dreamed of owning their own shop one day, and worked harder.

After the exam and the winter vacation, Zhou Wenjing and Sun Yan, who are not in the capital, bought train tickets to go home. Yindi didn’t want to go back to her ruthless home, let’s not talk about how much the round trip cost, just go back there and do it The endless work and yelling made her unbearable. After seeing the outside world, she didn't want to go back to that narrow and twisted home.

For this reason, Yindi only called the village party secretary and asked him to bring a message to her family, saying that the ticket was too expensive and she would not go back during the Chinese New Year.

After the Bai family learned about it, they just regretted the loss of a capable person in the family, and they didn't think about or worry about Yindi at all.

Everyone in the dormitory has gone home, only Yindi is left, Xiaoxiao can't stand it anymore, so she asks Yindi to go back to her home to celebrate the New Year together, anyway, Zhaodi and Huahua are both staying, so there is no difference between Yindi.

Yindi wanted to reunite with her sister and niece, and she was very grateful for that.

Xiaoxiao has more time to spend during the winter vacation, and misses her fiancé who is far away. Fortunately, she finally doesn't have to wait so long, and Ji Yu will come back during the Chinese New Year.

As the Chinese New Year approached, Qiao Jiu, the old lady from his hometown, also sent Xiaoxiao and grandma a lot of hometown specialties, and even the clothes that Qiao Jiu would send every year.

Xiaoxiao and grandma also sent more letters back. Qiao Jiu also called Xiaoxiao, saying that someone else would come to the capital after the Chinese New Year, and Xiaoxiao was looking forward to it.

In the first year in the capital, Xiaoxiao and grandma couldn't go back because of getting engaged to Ji Yu.
Thinking of getting engaged to Xiaoxiao after going back this time, Ji Yu in the army is also a little bit like an arrow.

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