Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 224 A's Honey B's Arsenic

"Han Xiaoxiao, after communicating with the head of the department and several leaders, your request to live off-campus has been approved. This is the school's special care for you." Teacher Wen said seriously.

"I see, thank you teacher."

"You're welcome, by the way, if you have any difficulties in study and life, you can come to the teacher." Looking at Han Xiaoxiao's information and thinking about what she said, Teacher Wen also thought that Xiaoxiao's life was more difficult.

After leaving Teacher Wen, Xiaoxiao became happy.

Teacher Wen also asked if the bed in her dormitory should be vacated. Xiaoxiao didn't plan to vacate it. Even if she didn't stay at night, she could still take a nap at noon, right?

After the collective work, the school also gave the freshmen a day's rest in a very humane way, which can be regarded as a holiday.

Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, took some things, left the school, and went to the bus stop sign in front of the school.

When school started, she came here by Ji's car, so she naturally had to find a way to go back now.

Perhaps it was because the freshmen had a rest, and many people wanted to go out, and the bus was still crowded. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry, and waited for several buses to pass before she got on the bus.

There is no need to think about the seat, just standing wobbly all the way, Xiaoxiao finally sat in front of the house, and ran home after getting off the car.

She just arrived at the door of the house, and Gou Bao, who smelled her smell, kept barking and ran to meet her.

"Sister!" Xiaofeng ran over happily.

Coincidentally, tomorrow happens to be the public's Sunday rest day, and Xiaofeng just came back from school.

Hearing the movement, grandma and Jiang Wenlan both came out of the house.

I haven't seen her for a week, but grandma still misses Xiaoxiao very much. After all, she and her granddaughter haven't been separated for so long in several years.

"Haven't you eaten yet? Grandma made something delicious for you."

"Hey, grandma, I'm still hungry."

Seeing Jiang Wenlan Xiaoxiao also nodded.

Seeing Xiaoxiao, Jiang Wenlan hesitated to speak.

"What do you want to say?" Xiaoxiao asked directly.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, I've been looking for a job for several days, but nothing is suitable. I, I want to do some small business by myself." Jiang Wenlan finally said.

Do small business by yourself?Xiaoxiao didn't mean to discriminate against Jiang Wenlan's idea. After all, there was no difference between making money by her own labor, but she was just curious about whether Jiang Wenlan could do it.

"Then do you have any ideas?" There are too many businesses to do, so you must find someone you are capable and good at.

"I see that the business of selling food outside is good. I want to sell breakfast."

Lunch and lunch at work and school are either eaten in the canteen of the unit or cooked at home, only breakfast, and they are generally afraid of getting up and cooking, and many people buy and eat.

"Okay, as long as you think about it, go ahead and do it." Xiaoxiao said indifferently.

"Hey." With Xiaoxiao's daughter's affirmation, Jiang Wenlan was also happy. From her point of view, Xiaoxiao was able to do business with Qiao Jiu at such a young age. Immediately full of confidence.

After Meimei had a meal, Xiaoxiao lay there to entertain herself, feeling that she was still at home at home.

"Xiaoxiao, you've finally come back, so you don't want to contact Ji Yu?" Grandma asked.

Yes, Xiaoxiao jumped up immediately. "I'm going to call him right now."

Seeing her jumping away, grandma laughed.

Xiaofeng started to do homework, Jiang Wenlan was preparing for her small business, Xiaoxiao was talking on the phone with Ji Yu in the house, the cats and dogs were lying in the yard, and Xiao Lihua insisted on lying on Goubao, The Goubao is directly used as a cushion, and the courtyard is warm and harmonious.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao can live at home, Ji Yu is very happy. After all, if Xiaoxiao lived at school, it would be difficult for the two of them to contact each other. Now that Xiaoxiao lives at home, they can still talk on the phone frequently.

On the phone, Xiaoxiao told Ji Yu about her roommates and some things about collective labor. Ji Yu listened carefully and also told Xiaoxiao about her daily life.

Although they are separated by a long distance, their hearts are tightly bound together.

I don't know if it was counting time, but not long after Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu finished calling, Qiu Anhong from Ji's house called, and when she heard that it was Xiaoxiao on the other end of the call, Qiu Anhong became happy.

"I'm still thinking about going on vacation. I don't know if you've come home. By the way, can I go shopping with my mother tomorrow?"

"Okay." Which woman doesn't like shopping? She happens to be able to buy some things she needs.

After the phone call, Xiaoxiao accompanied her grandma to watch TV.

They moved to the capital, and the TV channels have increased.

Xiaoxiao told grandma that she was going to go shopping with her future mother-in-law tomorrow, and grandma also said that she should go out for a walk more, instead of always staying at home with this old guy, Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry.

Early the next morning, Xiaoxiao rode out of the yard after having breakfast.

She and Qiu Anhong made an appointment to meet at Wangfujing.

Qiu Anhong is not such an extravagant person who talks about cards, she takes the bus here alone, and usually only asks Xiao Ma to drive her when there is something to do.

As soon as the two met outside the shopping mall, Xiaoxiao straightened the bicycle, and the two started shopping arm in arm.

Xiaoxiao really doesn't know much about the shopfronts of these shopping malls in the capital. Under the leadership of Qiu Anhong, who has lived in the capital for decades, she also discovered many treasure shops.

Although she has no shortage of clothes to wear, she doesn't mind adding a few more. It just so happens that the season is changing, so she bought two clothes she likes for herself. Of course, she didn't forget to buy one for her grandma and younger brother. As for Jiang Wenlan, It was out of her scope of consideration. She had always cared only for the people she cared about, and Jiang Wenlan hadn't entered that boundary yet.

When shopping together, Qiu Anhong also asked about Xiaoxiao's suitability in school, Xiaoxiao said everything was fine, and Qiu Anhong felt relieved.

The two wandered outside for a long time, and they went home after lunch.

As soon as Xiaoxiao came back, she showed her grandma and younger brother the new clothes she had bought, and let them try them on. Jiang Wenlan never came over to join in the fun, and was still studying how to open her small business.

Because she was able to live at home, Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry to go back to school in the afternoon. Their schedule had already been distributed before leaving school. She only needed to remember to arrive at the classroom on time tomorrow.

Xiaoxiao didn't come to the dormitory at night, and made the people in the same dorm worry. It wasn't until the next day when they saw her in the classroom that everyone knew it was a false alarm. After returning to the dormitory at noon, Xiaoxiao also felt sorry for her. Several roommates announced that they would go home to live in the evenings. Except for Bai Yindi, everyone was very envious. After all, living in their own home is much more comfortable than living in a school dormitory.

On the other hand, Zhang Zixi also adapted to her new unit, and began to get along well.

Unlike Xiaoxiao, Zhang Zixi feels that living at home is too restrictive, and it is more free to live alone, and has already applied to the unit for a dormitory.

One is honey and the other is arsenic, it all depends on how the individual thinks.

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