Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 221 Freshman Enrollment

Xu Xiaoxiao's luck was not very good, when she called, Ji Yuren was not in the office, the phone rang for a while, but no one answered, she could only hang up regretfully.

After that, Xiaoxiao called Ji's family and Qiao Jiu, told them her new phone number, and talked for a long time on the phone.

Because she has to go to school tomorrow, Xiaoxiao didn't go to bed too late. Now that she has her own room, it is very convenient, and she doesn't have to shy away from grandma when she practices in the room alone at night.

Waking up early in the morning, Xiaoxiao went out to buy deep-fried dough sticks and tofu nao, and when her grandma brought out some homemade pickles, the family sat around the table and had breakfast.

When Xiaofeng went to school with her schoolbag on her back, Jiang Wenlan said that she was going out to find a job.

The family has already agreed on this, and there is nothing to be surprised about. Grandma also knows that letting Jiang Wenlan live with her is already the granddaughter's greatest tolerance for her. Possibly, and she disapproved of it.

After tidying up everything that should be packed at home, Xiaoxiao packed her luggage and prepared to report to school, but before she could go out, Qiu Anhong came.

"I know you start school today, so mom will send you there." As soon as Xiaoxiao became a prospective daughter-in-law, Qiu Anhong directly omitted the word "dry". Knowing that Xiaoxiao was in a bad situation in the Han family before, she felt more and more fond of her. Unfortunately, she really treats her like her own daughter.

Qiu Anhong didn't come here by herself, Xiao Ma drove her here, also to send Xiaoxiao to school.

After moving all Xiaoxiao's things into the car, grandma got into the car too.

The granddaughter is going to college, how can grandma not go to her granddaughter's school to have a look.

It is convenient to have a car. After ten minutes, the car has already stopped in front of the gate of Peking University.

It's not easy for Xiao Ma's car to drive into the school, it would be too ostentatious, Qiu Anhong asked Xiao Ma to park the car at the school gate and wait, and she accompanied grandma Xiaoxiao out of the car.

Xiaoxiao was so strong that she took more than half of the luggage she brought, and Qiu Anhong and grandma shared the rest.

As soon as they entered the school gate, enthusiastic seniors and sisters came to help, especially when they saw Xiaoxiao took so many things, someone had to share them.

Xiaoxiao didn't want to embarrass the helpers, so she distributed some.

After asking which college she was a freshman, she was taken to the place where freshmen of their college reported. Xiaoxiao filled out her own information, got her dormitory information from the senior sister in charge of reception, and went with her grandma Qiu Anhong Walking to the dormitory, this time it was replaced by her seniors from the same college to help.

Xiaoxiao's looks are not bad at all, and she has a spirit of washing, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and other edifying temperament. Standing in the crowd, she looks outstanding. I don't know how many people's attention. Think about it, it is still very fulfilling to help such a beautiful school girl.

Xiaoxiao's dormitory can accommodate six people, which is already an excellent condition in today's era, and their dormitory also has a small balcony where clothes can be dried.

There are three upper and lower bunks in total, and the berths have already been assigned. Xiaoxiao got the upper berth by the window. Xiaoxiao didn't care where she was assigned. After all, she didn't plan to live in the dormitory for a long time. It's just a temporary place to stay.

Grandma is too old to climb up and down, so Qiu Anhong insisted on going up to make Xiaoxiao's bed.

Perhaps it was because Xiaoxiao came early enough, but there was no one else in their dormitory. After Xiaoxiao's things were all put away, another one came in the dormitory.

It was a gentle girl with twin ponytails and glasses. She came here alone. When she saw her grandma and Qiu Anhong, she immediately called for someone.

This girl gave Xiaoxiao a good first impression.

After saying hello to the new girl, Xiaoxiao asked grandma to go home quickly, because it was lunch time, brother Xiaofeng would go home for lunch, grandma was leaving, and Qiu Anhong couldn't stay anymore, Xiaoxiao They have been sent out of the school gate before returning to the dormitory.

As soon as she came in, she found that there was another person in the room.

This time it was a short-haired girl, dark and thin, with no family around her.

There was no adult in the room, and the three of them introduced themselves to each other. The elegant girl with twin ponytails was named Xue Xiaobei, and she was a native of the capital. Because her grandparents were old professors of Peking University and lived in the courtyard of the Peking University family, for Beijing University is very familiar with it, so no one came to see it off.

The black and thin short-haired girl is named Bai Yindi, and she comes from the countryside in the south. There is no family to follow her so far away, and it is difficult for Xiaoxiao and Xue Xiaobei to ask why.

After exchanging a few words, I found that the two roommates who came first were not difficult to get along with. Xiaoxiao was relieved. Even if she didn’t live in the dormitory for a long time, people in a dormitory would have to get along with each other for four years in the future. Get along, even if she is not afraid, it will be very frustrating.

Later, the remaining three people in their dormitory also came one after another.

One is Zhou Wenjing, one is Wang Huihui, and the other is Sun Yan.

Zhou Wenjing is from Jin City, and she looks like she was raised by her family. She just sat there and watched her parents help her pack her things without even moving her.

Wang Huihui is also a native of the capital, and her mother is behind her. Xiaoxiao can see some shadows of the past from her, and always feels that Wang Huihui's background may be extraordinary.

There is also Sun Yan, who is from Haishi, followed by her parents. The family is dressed in exquisite and high-end clothes. One can tell that the family is in a good family. However, Xiaoxiao feels that this Sun Yan is more shrewd, and her eyes keep rolling. The rest of them.

It's just a one-sided relationship, so it's hard to judge whether the rest of them get along well.

When it was lunch time, there were still several parents in the dormitory who hadn't left. Xiaoxiao got off the upper bunk, got up and went to the school cafeteria.

As soon as she went out, a roommate caught up with her.

"Are you going to eat?"

Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Let's go together." Bai Yindi said with a smile, she looked cheerful and outgoing.


When they go to college, the state provides subsidies. There are food stamps and subsidy money every month. If they don't spend it randomly, it is enough for a college student's daily life.

The cafeteria of Beijing University is still very big. Xiaoxiao bought two steamed buns, a stewed dish, and a bowl of rice soup. When she got back to the table, she saw that Bai Yindi only bought two steamed buns.

Seeing Xiaoxiao look over, Bai Yindi smiled and said, "When I was at home, such good steamed buns were not often available." She said without embarrassment.

She is so natural, and Xiaoxiao's embarrassment is less, but when eating, she has been struggling in her heart, should she give some food to Bai Yindi? Bai Yindi's self-esteem gradually became familiar with her later, and Xiaoxiao knew Bai Yindi's story.

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