Before Xiaoxiao and grandma went to bed, they discussed the house again.

"Xiaoxiao, the money to buy the house is basically earned by you. We will buy whichever you like the most. When the time comes, the house will also be in your name." Grandma said calmly. .

"Grandma, this house is for us to live together in the future, we just want you and Xiaofeng to live comfortably."

Grandma laughed. "Which of the houses we looked at was worse than the old courtyard we used to live in? Grandma is used to living in it. The important thing is that we are together."

"Okay then, grandma, let's buy our first courtyard house."

"Sure, it's better to make a decision early, so as not to cause trouble for others at Ji's house every day." Knowing that the relationship between her granddaughter and Ji Yu is firmly established, grandma is also afraid that it will not be good for her granddaughter to live in Ji's house until she is married.

Xiaoxiao also thought the same way. It just so happened that the things they consigned came, and they didn't need to go to La Ji's house. They could be taken directly to the courtyard house over there, and Jiang Wenlan, who is now Jiang Wenlan, looks quite pleasing to the eye. It is not impossible to live in the courtyard they bought in a place where there is no place to stay. Of course, the house must still be in her name. It is not that she does not want to trust others. People's hearts are the most unpredictable thing, and she I don't want to test it either, the house is the most secure under her name.

When they got up together in the morning, Xiaoxiao went to Qiu Anhong to tell her and grandma's final opinion.

Qiu Anhong immediately laughed. "I also think that yard is the best, so what are you waiting for, let's go and settle it quickly, so as not to be robbed first." After all, the condition of the house is good, and the price is not arbitrary, so maybe there are still people who are interested in it.

They just made do with breakfast, and went out to find the old couple.

The biggest thought of the old couple is their son who went abroad. Now that the son's children are all grown up, they want to see them even more. They are also very anxious about selling the house. No, Xiaoxiao and the others will be punished when they come again. A warm welcome from the old couple.

Both parties were sincere, and all the formalities were completed on the same day, the money was paid, and the contract was signed.Ji Yu's help is also indispensable here, otherwise the various procedures would not be completed so quickly.

There were still a lot of furniture in the courtyard of the old couple, and they couldn’t take it with them when they went abroad, so they kept all of them. After living for so many years, the old couple naturally had feelings for their courtyard. They can be regarded as the first family of scholars. , This house was also handed down from the ancestors. Even if they are in a hurry to sell, they are willing to sell it to Amen only because Xiaoxiao and their grandparents are decent people and know that Xiaoxiao is about to become a college student at Capital University. Even if the price is right, the old couple may not sell it. They still want to find a suitable new owner for their ancestral home.

At noon, Xiaoxiao and the others found a restaurant outside to make do with food. It was already afternoon after everything was done. The old couple sold the house and planned to leave immediately. They had almost packed everything that needed to be packed. The key was given to Xiaoxiao and the others, and they didn't live in their own house, so they went to live in a relative's house with their luggage.

After getting the key to her own house, Xiaoxiao felt completely different. It was different from buying a store. After all, she and Qiao Jiu cooperated in the store, but this was her first house after she came to this world. , the meaning is completely different.

The house had just been bought, so it was naturally not easy to live in, so Xiaoxiao and the others went back to Ji's house.

Besides the Zhang family, Zhou Fangfei called her son's unit when they came together, and told Xiaoxiao and the others about their visit. Zhang Xinjie immediately said that he would be back after get off work today.

Not long after Xiaoxiao and the others came back, Zhang Xinjie also arrived home.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, Zhou Fangfei was worried about how to make her daughter not care if they wanted to go to Ji's house, but today Zhang Zixi was called by someone she knew to tell her that her work was settled and asked her to come over , Zhang Zixi was still very concerned about work, so she packed up immediately and went out by herself.

Seeing her daughter going out, Zhou Fangfei was relieved, and felt that this was a good opportunity to go to Ji's house.

As soon as her son Xinjie came back, Zhou Fangfei called her husband who hadn't come home, and went to Ji's house with her son.

It's not easy to come to the door empty-handed, and the mother and son brought some things specially.

Xiaoxiao and the others were still a little tired after running around for so long, grandma went back to the room first, Zhou Fangfei saw that it was time for lunch, so she went into the kitchen to work, Xiaoxiao also hurried over to help.

When Zhang Xinjie knocked on the door, it was Ji Yu who came to open the door.

"Xinjie!" Ji Yu laughed.

"I heard you're back, so I'll come here." Although I still have the purpose of bringing my mother to see Han Xiaoxiao.

Ji Yu also knew it well, and invited them in directly.

"Auntie, you and Xinjie sit first."

"Who is it?" Qiu Anhong came out of the kitchen, and was taken aback when she saw that it was a good friend, mother and son, and also thought of the entanglement between Xiaoxiao and the Zhang family.

"Aunt Qiu." Zhang Xinjie immediately stood up and called for someone.

"Ah, you sit and you sit, well, I still have to work in the kitchen, so let Ayu entertain you." After speaking, Qiu Anhong went into the kitchen, saw Xiaoxiao who was still there, thought about it, and said to Xiaoxiao Said: "Xiaoxiao, you don't have to work anymore, go out and sit for a while first."

In fact, in her heart, she still hopes that Xiaoxiao is the child of the Zhang family.

Xiaoxiao heard everything about Zhang Xinjie and his mother Zhou Fangfei as soon as they entered the house. She still has the same attitude towards the Zhang family. If you don’t provoke me, I won’t provoke you either. Yes, she nodded, put down her things and went out.

Zhou Fangfei looked around after entering the house, and when she saw Xiaoxiao coming out of the kitchen, she immediately became nervous.

"You're here, I haven't congratulated you on being admitted to Capital University." Seeing Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xinjie spoke first.

Xiaoxiao smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"By the way, this is my mother." Zhang Xinjie immediately introduced his mother to the side.

"Hello, Auntie." Xiaoxiao also called out in agreement.

"Hey, hello, hello." Zhou Fangfei said quickly.

After finishing speaking, Xiaoxiao sat next to Ji Yu. Ji Yu looked at her and smiled, and gave her a hint not to be afraid of his presence.

In fact, Xiaoxiao is not afraid, but her caring for her partner is also very useful.

She wanted to see Xiaoxiao in her heart, but when she really saw Xiaoxiao, Zhou Fangfei didn't know what to say, as if she was more timid when she was close to her hometown. Fortunately, her son was still there, and Zhang Xinjie and Ji Yu started chatting. The two may not have seen each other for a long time. See you, there is still a lot to say.

Zhou Fangfei didn't speak, but secretly looked at Xiaoxiao from time to time.

Xiaoxiao noticed it naturally, but she didn't say anything, she just sat quietly and listened to Ji Yu and the others.

It was only after Jize and Xiaofeng, who were playing in the room, came out that the room became lively.

Over there, Zhang Minsheng finished his work after answering his wife's call, got in the car and drove home.

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