Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 2 The person who killed the original owner

I haven't settled with you yet, but I delivered it to your door first.

If I didn't teach you some profound lessons, wouldn't I be too sorry for the original owner who left? Han Xiaoxiao stretched her muscles a little and sighed in her heart. This body is still too thin and weak, not as good as her original one.

Liu Yue was a little annoyed when she saw that the fool who was being bullied by her stood obediently and hid herself.

"Hide what, did I make you move!"

"Hold her down for me." He motioned to the two people behind him.

Wang Yao and Ma Huilan approached Han Xiaoxiao maliciously,

"What are you doing, you don't go to class yet."

A stern female voice came over.

Several people looked over.

It was Mr. Li, the dean of their school.

"You're lucky, let's go." Liu Yue glared at Han Xiaoxiao, and left with two attendants a little disappointed.

In fact, she should really be thankful that Teacher Li arrived in time, otherwise it might be hard for someone to suffer later.

Han Xiaoxiao took back the needle held between her fingertips, followed Liu Yue and the others, and hurried to the school gate with her schoolbag on her back.She got this stitch from grandma's sewing basket before she left the house.

Teacher Li looked at Han Xiaoxiao's back and sighed.

This child obviously did so well in the exams when he first entered school, but why did he get worse and worse in the exams later on? It's a pity that a good seedling turned into what he is now.

Teacher Li didn't know anything about Han Xiaoxiao's experience at school.

It's just that Han Xiaoxiao didn't learn how to be depraved.

It's not that no teacher has talked to Han Xiaoxiao, but because of her autistic temperament, the teacher asked ten questions, but she couldn't get a complete answer from her, and finally the teachers had to give up on her.

This is also one of the reasons why Liu Yue's people bullied Han Xiaoxiao even more. She will not complain to her teachers and parents, and bullies her however she wants.

Although she has accepted all the memories of the original owner, Han Xiaoxiao still needs to adapt to the real environment.

Following the original owner's memory to find her own classroom, she walked towards the original owner's seat in the last row of the classroom.

As soon as I sat down, the class bell rang, and the math teacher walked into the classroom and began to write and draw on the blackboard.

Han Xiaoxiao took out the original owner's so-called math textbook and began to get familiar with it.

She is still her own soul now, but she has integrated the original owner's memory and high IQ.

Looking at the numerical formulas explained by the teacher on the blackboard, she can quickly come up with the answer without calculating.

Suddenly, I was not so interested in the content of the class.

The original owner's favorite place to go was the school library, because there were many books to read there, and she knew what the teacher taught her, so she had to find books by herself to learn things that she couldn't learn in class.Over the past few years, she has almost read all the books available in the library, and of course she has not learned a little.

These things are only known to the original owner, not even grandma.

Grandma doesn't care about her granddaughter's academic performance. In her opinion, as long as her granddaughter is a good person, she is better than anything else.

The content of the class is already known, and Han Xiaoxiao has nothing to do, so she starts to errands and thinks about the future.

She is now in the third grade of junior high school, and there are still more than two months before the senior high school entrance examination in this era.

I can perform better in the senior high school entrance examination, and go to the high school in the provincial capital, so that I can stay away from the original owner's superb parents.

When the time comes, I will bring my grandma with me, and the two of them should keep their whereabouts secret, so that the superb parents can't find them.

In the past, when the original owner was in class, although he knew that he knew what the teacher said, he still listened carefully.

Unlike the current Han Xiaoxiao, who seems to be wandering in the sky.

After a long time, she was followed by the math teacher on the podium.

The math teacher only took them to this class in the third year of junior high school. In his impression, Han Xiaoxiao was a poor student who had poor academic performance and didn't know how to ask for advice. Now he openly deserted and smashed the end of the chalk in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiaoxiao received special training in the Great Yin Dynasty, and her skills were excellent. Although she didn't know when the teacher hit her, she still dodged it by reflex when the chalk head flew over.

The teacher suddenly stopped teaching and hit people with chalk heads, which naturally attracted the attention of all the students in the classroom, so everyone saw how Han Xiaoxiao reacted sensitively to avoid the chalk head attack.

Those who couldn't hold back exclaimed.


The math teacher was already a little annoyed when he missed the hit, but now he heard other students exclaiming, and suddenly felt that he had been slapped in the face by Han Xiaoxiao, and the look in her eyes became extremely disgusted.

"Go out and stand." The math teacher said angrily.

Han Xiaoxiao obediently got up and walked out.

Whether it is in the Great Yin Dynasty or now, she will never forget the etiquette of respecting the teacher. It's just that she got carried away in the first class and didn't pay attention. Bar.

Grandma, who was about to sew at home, was looking for her needles everywhere.

"It's strange, the needle has been inserted in the thread all the time. Why is it gone? Could it be that my memory has deteriorated and I forgot where to put it?"

The culprit who was being talked about by grandma sneezed.

"Oh, this body is really bad, and I have to exercise hard in the future." Han Xiaoxiao said with emotion.

Standing in the aisle outside the classroom, she just practiced her posture, and she didn't feel too much pain.

You must know that in the Great Yin Dynasty, the nanny invited by her mother taught her to practice etiquette for a few years. It was a hardship, but now she just stands around randomly, which is really nothing.

She was used to living a life of rich clothes and good food in the Great Yin Dynasty, and she was not used to being so poor and poor all of a sudden.

Although grandma has a pension, it is only enough to maintain their daily life, and it also supports her to go to school.

Should I try to make some money by myself?
In the Great Yin Dynasty, she also had her own shop, Zhuangzi, which was a dowry prepared by her mother in advance, but at that time she had many capable people, and she only needed to meet with the manager once a month, and then she would look at the accounts. But now everything can only depend on her.

So how does she make money?
Since she was a child, she was brought up by Miss Qianjin, who was a noble family, because their Han family was one of the top few families in the Great Yin Dynasty, and the family background was profound, so the education she received was also the best.

She is proficient in all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting that must be mastered by a young lady of a family.

Because of taking care of the shop under her own name, and for the sake of embroidering clothes for her future marriage, she can embroider and count.

The elder brother is the head of the secret service used by the emperor.

She pestered her brother who doted on her and secretly learned many self-defense skills such as concealed weapons and martial arts.

So she is really versatile.

Han Xiaoxiao thought about it, buying and selling calligraphy and painting?

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