After Mr. Ji finished talking to the old man, he didn't forget to give a word of advice. "I said, I told you about this, you can't reveal it when you go back,

Do you understand if you startle the snake? "

"You are the snake!" Although he was very angry with his granddaughter, but when he described his granddaughter as a snake, Mr. Zhang still spoke out.

"Okay, okay, I'm a snake, you just need to remember it, Xinjie doesn't want you guys to know, so you should pretend you don't know."

When Mr. Zhang went back to Zhang's house again, he really held back. Perhaps it was to keep himself from losing his temper. He didn't bother to go out to see his granddaughter. He either stayed in his room or went outside.

Besides, Zhang Xinjie, in order to check the past few days, he has also gained a deep understanding of Xiaoxiao. The more he knows, the more shocked he is. Her grades can still be excellent, and that’s all. She is so versatile that she can’t let ordinary people live. If she doesn’t know, who can believe that she is just a child from an ordinary family? Both are excellent!

After seeing Wai Yuekai, Zhang Xinjie got entangled in one thing, whether to see Jiang Wenlan or not, and if Jiang Wenlan knew about the events back then, he would have kept it a secret for so many years. It was a waste of time to ask, and it might let the whole Han family know that this was not a situation he would like to see. After much deliberation, Zhang Xinjie and Ji Yu called to discuss it.

"Xinjie, I know about this. Don't go to her. I'll talk to her when I go to Jin Province."

"That's fine." Thinking that Ji Yu was more familiar with the Han family, and perhaps it would be more convenient for him to ask about these things, Zhang Xinjie finally held back.

He and the people sent by Mr. Ji set out to find the doctors, nurses and other people who might know the truth, but finally found the doctor who delivered Zhou Fangfei, but the doctor said he didn't remember it at all. Expressed no impression.

The doctor naturally also asked why Zhang Xinjie asked about such a long time ago. Zhang Xinjie didn't hide too much from the doctor, he only said that the two children might have been hugged wrong back then. , then there may be a way.”

"What method?" Zhang Xinjie asked quickly.

"If a person needs a blood transfusion, the same type of blood must be transfused. Do you know this truth?"

"Understood." Zhang Xinjie nodded hastily, after all, he also went to college.

"Blood type test, knowing the blood type of your parents, the blood type of their children is also fixed, this is also the basic knowledge of biology, of course, it is not absolutely possible to find out the result, if your parents are both type B blood, the other parent's blood type is also Yes, the descendants have the same blood type, so they cannot be distinguished, and this can only help you increase the probability of detection."

After being reminded by the doctor, Zhang Xinjie suddenly realized that although this is not a 100% sure method, it always provides a clear direction and some hope.

Zhang Xinjie really couldn't remember what blood type his parents were, he didn't even know his own blood type.

He didn't dare to call his parents to ask about this matter. After all, he suddenly asked about his blood type for no reason. His parents must have found it strange. What he had to do now was to find out the blood types of Han Xiaoxiao and her parents, as well as his own parents and sister Zixi. blood type.

Han Xiaoxiao's blood type is easy to say, she just took the college entrance examination, and all candidates have undergone a physical examination before the college entrance examination, he only needs to get Han Xiaoxiao's physical examination report, as for Jiang Wenlan and Han Jianjun who disappeared, if they have had a physical examination before , must also have records.

Get rid of these people by yourself first, and then return to the capital to do your own work.

Just do what you say, with Zhao Qunxiang's help, Zhang Xinjie got Xiaoxiao's physical examination results easily, and the next step is to find Jiang Wenlan and Han Jianjun.

While Zhang Xinjie was busy with various tasks, the Zhang family's new phone was finally added.

When the new phone is installed, Zhang Zixi is always waiting for an opportunity. Her grandfather doesn't like to stay at home now, her father Zhang Minsheng has to go to work, and her mother Zhou Fangfei is always busy with housework and shopping. Zhang Zixi easily found opportunities. Without her mother's knowledge, she called her brother's work unit.

"Hi, may I ask..."

"What? Isn't he on a business trip?" She was surprised.

When she hung up the phone, Zhang Zixi's expression became extremely ugly. She pretended to ask her brother for something, but the other party said that her brother had taken a long vacation.

I asked for a long vacation, but lied to them that it was a business trip, and even went to a place as far away as Jin Province. What exactly does my brother want to do?Her heart flustered.

Among these people, if you want to say who is the calmest, Xiaoxiao is probably the one who knows the least, but lives the most relaxed life. Apart from going to the shop to embroider things every day, she just watches TV at home and practices kung fu. , I had a very pleasant little day.

Gu Qing actually came to see her once, saying that she was anxiously waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, which made Xiaoxiao laugh so hard. "Are you in a hurry or not? It's a foregone conclusion after the exam. You might as well take it easy."

"If I want your strength and self-confidence, I dare to relax. The problem is not there."

"Okay, okay, let me show you something nice." Xiaoxiao took out a long dress that she had designed and made for a long time.

"Xiaoxiao, this dress is really pretty, did you make it?" As a good friend, Gu Qing naturally knows what Xiaoxiao's dream is now.

"Well, I made it, doesn't it look good?" This is an improved version that she combined with Da Yin's dressing style and the current style of clothes. It can be regarded as a fusion of ancient and modern.

"It looks good, I didn't see it, you can make your own clothes now." Gu Qing sighed, sure enough a good person can do anything.

Xiaoxiao was very happy to get the praise and affirmation from her friends. Does this mean she has taken the first step of her dream?
"Mom, let's go to my cousin's place for a few days. My brother is on a business trip there. You haven't seen my cousin for a long time. I really want to see them too. Mom, I finally took the summer vacation. , let's go out for a while." Zhang Zixi started to attack the most talkative mother in the family.

It's been a long time since I saw her. It would be a lie to say that Zhou Fangfei didn't want to see her cousin Li Chunxiang, but she took Zixi out by herself?Just thinking about it made her shake her head, her daughter felt uneasy at home every day, what if she got into a catastrophe when she went away.

Although Zhou Fangfei was also moved this time, she still did not agree to her daughter's request.

Zhang Zixi was in a hurry, and called Yue's house again. As soon as Yue Kai answered the phone, she said harsh words first. "Yue Kai, if you don't do what I say, I'll tell my family that you are stronger than me, why don't you try?" She was completely helpless.

Yue Kai was dumbfounded. "Zhang Zixi, how could you, could you treat me like this?" From the beginning to the end, he never let her down, right? How could he play with him like this? It's not natural.

"Just say, you can do it or not."

"I, Zhang Zixi, let me tell you, your brother has already come to look for me, and I have told him all the things you asked me to do. Aren't you going to die, come on, who is afraid of anyone?" Yue Kai was angry Besides, he became a bachelor.

What!Yue Kaiquan told his brother!To Zhang Zixi, this was like a bolt from the blue!

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