Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 173 Installing the Telephone

Doesn't Zhang Zixi know that her behavior is childish and willful?She knew it, but all the things about Han Xiaoxiao and her mother's behavior made her unable to control the panic and anxiety in her heart. She clearly wanted to be a well-behaved daughter of the Zhang family, but it was always beautiful to imagine. , the reality may not be able to do it.

The adults of the Zhang family can only treat their children as adolescents, and they have too many ideas, so what can they do with their own children.

During the Chinese New Year, when Ji Yu returned home, Zhang Zixi thought that he would be able to see him when he went to Ji’s house to pay New Year’s greetings, but unfortunately, Ji Yu happened to go out on business, and in the next few days, due to various reasons, she also kept seeing him. I didn't see Ji Yu, and they didn't see each other until Ji Yu returned to the army. This also made Zhang Zixi feel even worse. The key point was that she also heard from her brother that Ji Yu entrusted his brother to collect a lot of university information for Han Xiaoxiao. From the information, it can be seen that she cares about Han Xiaoxiao, and comparing the two, it is no wonder that she is in a good mood. She just wished that Xiaoxiao would disappear from this world forever, but right now she wants to return to thinking, and she dare not do anything presumptuously.

It's spring, the weather is getting warmer, it's a good time to go out for a spring outing, but the third year of senior high school is a tense period, and the spring outing group activities of the third class that lasted for two years can only be suspended, and everyone puts all their energy on their studies .

The school will still have the holiday break as usual, but on this day, the high school seniors who have worked hard for a week just want to use the rest day to catch up on sleep and recover, and few of them have the energy to go out to play.

Xiaoxiao has always been able to go out or not. Seeing that her grandma and younger brother are nervous and don't bring up things to play, she just stays at home on rest days, sleeps enough, reads novels to change her mind, and then Petting the cat, teasing the dog, embroidering a few stitches, the little days are clearly and fulfillingly arranged.

Qiao Jiu also emphasized again and again, let Xiaoxiao not have to worry about a few stores, everything is with him, let Xiaoxiao review with peace of mind, prepare for the college entrance examination, and get into a good university is better than anything else. Although Qiao Jiu is not good at studying, But I am also very envious of those who can be admitted to the university. It seems that Xiaoxiao's admission to the university has also fulfilled his longing for the university.

After the Chinese New Year, the frequency of communication between Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu has also been reduced to once or twice a month, but this does not affect the relationship between the two at all. Ji Yu also hopes that Xiaoxiao can quickly end her senior year in high school and go to university Well, when he got there, he wouldn't have to bear the silence anymore.

In the distance, Zhao Zheng, who had communicated with Xiaoxiao several times, knew Xiaoxiao's ambition, and he also thought about the city and university he wanted to go to, and only waited for them to meet in another city.

Jiang Wenlan knew that Xiaoxiao was nervous about the college entrance examination, and when she came to visit Xiaofeng occasionally, she would bring some food and nutrition for Xiaoxiao. Grandma was very happy for her granddaughter, and seeing that her granddaughter didn't object, she left everything for her. After it was done, Xiaoxiao only thought that Jiang Wenlan apologized to the original owner and made atonement, and she ate the leftovers with her grandma and brother.

Another spring sports meeting was held in the school. The old people from Class [-] who were powerful before Xiaoxiao all remembered that they left Xiaoxiao with the tough ones without having to pick them. score.

This time, although the total score of the third class was not the first in the whole year, it also achieved the second best result. In the first class, there were several students who practiced sports. Only Xiaoxiao was the strongest in their class. After all, there were some elites. There is a big gap, to get this ranking, whether it is the class teacher Su or the students in the class, they are already very satisfied, and they also praised Xiaoxiao, a great hero, in various ways. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, Xiaoxiao has experienced a lot of praise. It is also very calm.

After the sports meeting, the workers who installed the telephones in their store arrived at the store. This time they wanted to install two telephones, one in Xiufangzhai and one in the main store of the clothing store.

During the installation, Qiao Jiu also stared at the whole process. After the master installed it and tried the phone to work normally, Qiao Jiu then handed the master cigarettes and invited him to eat, which made the installer feel embarrassed. If you have any problems with your phone, you can contact him directly, which is very helpful to Qiao Jiu.

There was a phone in the store, Qiao Jiu first called the people who often purchased goods one by one, told the other party the numbers of the two phones in the store, and then called a few people who were close to him, and asked the other party to write down the number, with a beaming smile on his face.

Let alone him, Mrs. Fang, grandma, Xiaofeng and so on all made some phone calls. Mrs. Fang told her daughters, grandma told people in her hometown, and Xiaofeng called Jize.

When Xiaoxiao came back from school, she turned to the store as soon as possible. She was also very happy when she saw the installed phone. Ji's family had called, so she only called Ji Yu. Ji Yu knew that he could often contact Xiaoxiao by phone in the future, and he was very excited when he heard the other party's voice.

Although there is a telephone, the communication between them will not be interrupted, but it is more convenient to contact now than together. In order not to fail to find Xiaoxiao, the two have agreed that if Ji Yu is not urgent, call Xiaoxiao For Akatsuki, they would always call on her rest day.

TV sets, electric fans, refrigerators, bicycles, sewing machines, watches, and telephones that are no different from those at home even though they are in the store. The number of large items owned by Xiaoxiao’s family has crushed countless families in this era. Daily life The level is also far ahead. Grandma feels that she is very happy and content with her life now. Xiaoxiao feels happy, but at the same time, she still has a more ambitious goal. She is still young, so it would be a waste of time not to work hard in the future.

After entering May, Xiaoxiao came home one day, and heard her grandma and Mrs. Fang chatting about something. After hearing it, she found out that a group of dog thieves came out of the city recently, and they caught stray dogs or some domestic dogs and sold them. Dog meat, the Gou Bao family in their courtyard, all eat round and healthy, if they walk outside, they may be targeted by dog ​​thieves, and they have to be careful in the future.

Xiaofeng simply regards Goubao as his best friend. Knowing that Goubao might be stolen, he was so scared that he didn’t take Goubao with him when he went out to play. Goubao was always left behind, and he felt very wronged and always complained. .

I thought that the dogs in their yard would be safe if they didn't go out for a walk to attract people's attention, but who knows, maybe there were more dogs in their yard, so word spread after all.

No, on a dark and windy night, when everyone was asleep, someone threw the seasoned meat into their courtyard.

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