Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 147 Accumulating Advantages

After being lively for a while, Han Xiaoxiao went out to find the newsstand and called Ji's family to inform her grandparents and grandsons that they had arrived safely.

Finally returned to their own home, grandma and Xiaoxiao didn't rest, took rags and water and began to clean up the house, left for a few days, there was still some dust, Xiaofeng is more sensible now, and also helped to sweep the floor and get things.

In the evening, after Qiao Jiu came back from the outside, she was very happy to find that Xiaoxiao and the others had returned. She had a lot of conversations with Xiaoxiao, and also informed her of the latest progress of the store. Knowing that they might be tired after they came back, Qiao Jiu didn't Agreed with Xiaoxiao about the rest of the store, let her rest early, and went back by herself.

After a good night's sleep at home, Xiaoxiao came together, took her younger brother to exercise, and then went outside to buy warm tofu nao and fried dough sticks. After eating breakfast, she drove to the post office with some things. Send the things you brought to the landlord aunt and Liu Jing together.

When she came back, Qiao Jiu was waiting for her.

"Xiaoxiao, let's discuss the time to open the store."


The two took the old almanac and studied it.

Since the clothes Qiao Jiu brought back were mostly summer clothes, they couldn't open the store too late, so the two chose a nearby auspicious day, which was also a rest day, that is, next week.

This day must be good, and there are more things that need to be busy. The two of them went in and out of many places, buying things needed for the opening, and going to the store to decorate.

Naturally, the new clothing store still needs to hire people. Qiao Jiu’s older sisters and the children at home either already have jobs, or they are not suitable as a whole. Come alone.

Their clothing store deals in women's clothing, so naturally it is best to recruit a suitable woman. Qiao Jiu directly asked Han Xiaoxiao to write a recruitment announcement and posted it outside their Xiufangzhai and new stores. Mrs. Fang also helped them in the surrounding areas. Find suitable candidates.

Dong Chunni was her own person before, and she didn't need to meet and talk too much. This time when recruiting, the two of them need to get to know each other well and have a chat.

With the relaxation of policies, more and more educated youths are returning to the city, but the jobs that can be provided in the city are far from enough. Under this general situation, there are many people who need a job. Someone asked, and someone who got the news from Mrs. Fang also wanted to find a job for their relatives and friends. Naturally, it was inevitable to talk about favors. Fortunately, Qiao Jiu and the others had considered this situation in advance and had already done it. After finding a countermeasure, Mrs. Fang shirked that her son opened the store together with others when she met someone who was trying to make connections, and she was just helping to publicize the recruiting, and she couldn't control who they hired, so those people gave up.

There were also those who directly approached Qiao Jiu to say good things, and Qiao Jiu pushed them to Han Xiaoxiao, but few people approached Han Xiaoxiao. She smiled and said that she would have a chance to chat, but in the end, she couldn't decide whether she was hired or not.

There are quite a few people who want this job. After a few days, they met a lot of people. Afraid of meeting too many people at home, they directly set the location at Xiufangzhai. After many considerations, they finally chose one. A smart-looking female educated youth named Wang Juan, who is not yet married, came back to the city, and her parents' work has been taken over by her older brothers. Wanting to find a job to support herself and move out from home, Han Xiaoxiao admired the girl's straightforwardness very much, and finally settled on her.

As for the remuneration, Han Xiaoxiao and Qiao Jiu decided it for Wang Juan after discussing it. The monthly salary is 30 yuan, and the clothes Wang Juan sells can also get 5.00% of the profit. That is, if she earns ten yuan, she will give Wang Juan fifty cents , Wang Juan became excited when she heard it, let alone a commission, she was willing to do it for a monthly salary of 30 yuan.

Besides, in the capital city, Xiaoxiao and the others are all gone. Qiu Anhong hasn't gotten used to it for a few days. Halfway through, she took the time to go to the photo studio and handed the film to the master to have the photos developed. Naturally, the photos were taken when Xiaoxiao and the others went out to play together. According to the photos, they were walking fast, and the photos haven't been developed yet.

After paying the money and waiting for a day, Qiu Anhong got the processed photos, kept some at home, and sent the rest separately, some to Xiaoxiao and some to the army.

Ji Yu received the photos, looked at each one carefully, and treasured all of You Xiaoxiao's. Han Xiaoxiao was busy and didn't have time to contact him. Ji Yu returned to the army for several days, but there was no letter from You Xiaoxiao. I felt so lost in my heart, I couldn't hold it back, and wrote a letter to send it to me first.

As soon as the letter was sent, he thought of what his grandfather said to him. Will Xiaoxiao really be his wife in the future?To be honest, he was actually moved.

Xiaoxiao is so good, she will definitely be noticed by more people of the opposite sex in the future. Now Xiaoxiao is still in high school, so that's better. When Xiaoxiao becomes an adult and then goes to university, there may be countless suitors. Shouldn't we be thick-skinned and start accumulating advantages early on?Yes, just do it!
Xiaoxiao received the photos first. After seeing those photos, she immediately showed them to her grandma and younger brother. Grandma happily shared them with Mrs. Fang and Uncle Fang in the courtyard. Xiaofeng also excitedly took some of her own and went out He showed off to his friends. These days he told his friends that he went to Tiananmen Square in the capital, went to the Forbidden City, climbed the Great Wall, and ate roast duck, boiled meat in a copper pot, and I don’t know how many envious eyes he received. Take out the photos, he must be the most beautiful cub in the nearby alleys!
Finally, it was the day before the opening of the clothing store, and all the things that should be prepared were ready. Han Xiaoxiao was also free, went out to find friends Wang Jinsong and Gu Qing, brought them special products brought back from the capital, and invited them The next day I went to my clothes store to witness the opening.

Knowing that she went to the capital for fun, Wang Jinsong, who had been there once, was fine, but Gu Qing was so envious that she kept asking her to tell her about her experiences in the capital.

When they were chatting about things in the capital, Zhang Zixi finally got in touch with the person she wanted to contact. At first she planned to ask her cousin Li Chunxiang for help, but then she thought about the relationship between her cousin and her mother, and she was afraid that the things she asked to do would be disturbing. When the mother found out, she changed the candidate.

She made a phone call to the home of a former subordinate of her father who once visited their home for New Year's greetings. He is now working in Jin Province. She secretly looked through the phone book at home to find the contact information of the other party.

Zhang Zixi remembered that the other party had a son who was several years older than himself and was very considerate to him at the beginning. After calling, he had to find the son whose name he could not remember clearly. After the other party answered the phone, he would first reveal his identity , and then one brother at a time, they got close to each other, and finally said her request. Of course, she repeatedly emphasized that she didn't want the elders in the family to know. The other party was very excited when she thought that she could help the daughter of the Zhang family. , hurriedly promised that he would absolutely keep it secret, and that he would do things well, and he even had a dream in his heart to marry the Zhang family's golden phoenix and achieve the highlight moment of his life!

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