Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 143 Getting into trouble?

In the evening, Xiaofeng and Jize were still doing their homework, while Han Xiaoxiao sat beside her and took out the things she had with her to embroider.

Qiu Anhong came in to deliver fruit to them, and sat down in surprise when she saw the work in her hand.

"Xiaoxiao, did you really embroider this yourself?" She also remembered the gift she received during the Chinese New Year.

"Yes, godmother, I embroidered it myself." This skill has long been known, and now it is also the main means of earning a living, and there is nothing to hide.

"let me see."

Han Xiaoxiao handed over the objects in her hand, Qiu Anhong looked carefully, touched the ones that had been embroidered on it, and sighed: "Xiaoxiao, your hands are so skillful, you can do such delicate work, I can only knit a sweater at most .”

"Godmother, if you like, I can teach you too." Anyway, there is no need to teach advanced embroidery, just teach some low-difficulty embroidery methods.

Qiu Anhong was really interested and immediately expressed her desire to learn.

Han Xiaoxiao took some materials for her from the materials she brought, and taught her by hand, and Qiu Anhong also studied them very seriously.

After Ji Ze and Han Xiaofeng finished their homework, they originally planned to let Han Xiaoxiao read it, but seeing that they were studying hard, they went out to play. Seeing them come out, Han Xiaoxiao didn't come out, Ji Yu who was sitting in the living room became curious.

"Brother, you'll know after a quick look." Jize put on a show.

Needless to say, Ji Yu really got up and went to see it. When he saw his mother and Han Xiaoxiao, one was serious about studying and the other was serious about teaching, the corners of his mouth curled up. Seeing that his mother and Xiaoxiao got along so well, he said in his heart I can't help but be happy. Speaking of it, after he came back this time, he got along very well with his parents. It seems that Xiaoxiao's credit is also in it. This girl is really easy to like, but think about it, Xiaoxiao She is excellent in all aspects, and she is very considerate, making it difficult for people to hate her. If he knew that Zhang Zixi had completely different ideas, he would probably be amazed.

Once a person is serious about doing something, time passes quickly. In the end, Jize came back and reminded his mother that he and Xiaofeng were going to bed. Qiu Anhong realized that she had been studying for so long, but she was like a child who got a new toy. Even when he went back to his bedroom, he was still gesticulating with something in his hand, which made her husband Ji Hongqi very curious.

"What are you fussing about?"

"You're just tossing around. I'm learning how to embroider from Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is really good." Qiu Yinhong gave her husband a blank look, and sighed with emotion.

"I haven't stopped hearing you praise Xiaoxiao, do you really like her so much?" Ji Hongqi was also puzzled, probably her own daughter hadn't heard her mother praise her a few words.

"Nonsense, don't you like Xiaoxiao?" Qiu Anhong asked back.

"This kid is really good, but I'm not as exaggerated as you." Ji Hongqi said objectively.

"Come on, what do you like, go to sleep, just don't disturb me." Qiu Anhong lowered her head and started to work again.

Ji Hongqi was speechless for a while, his current status in this family is really getting worse day by day, let those old guys know, they have to laugh at him to death.

After breakfast, Ji Yu got into the car like yesterday, and took Han Xiaoxiao and the others out.

Zhang Zixi looked at the car passing by his window with a gloomy expression.

"Xiaoxiao, let's climb the Great Wall today. Come to the capital. It would be a pity if you don't climb the Great Wall once."

Great Wall?Just the Great Wall that began to be built in the Qin and Han Dynasties and was continuously strengthened in the Ming and Qing Dynasties?It was written in the book that the Great Wall made great contributions to resisting the invasion of the frontier fortress, and it was also an extremely great project. Of course, she was interested in seeing it.

Although the Great Wall is very long, some places have been damaged by wars and other reasons. Nowadays, Badaling is more suitable for sightseeing and climbing.

Ji Yu drove for a long time to reach the destination, parked the car, and the group started to climb, probably because of the good weather, there were quite a few people climbing the Great Wall.

There was no food or drink on the Great Wall, so they brought their water bottles with them before they set off.

While climbing the Great Wall, Xiaofeng saw a blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner, and was immediately amazed. He pulled Jize and said, "Brother Jize, look at that man, he looks so strange."

Jize grew up in the capital, and has seen some foreigners in the past few years, especially in the area where embassies gather, where there are the most foreigners, so it is not surprising at all. "It's just a foreigner, don't make a fuss."

"It turns out that foreigners look like this." He said he was educated.

Han Xiaoxiao laughed when he heard it. "Xiaofeng, there are many foreign countries. Not all of them look like this. Some have white skin and some have dark skin. Eyes and hair also have many colors. We belong to the yellow race, with black hair and black eyes."

"Sister, you know a lot." Xiaofeng got up in a daze.

"When you are in the senior grades, you will naturally learn from the books. There are a lot of useful knowledge in the books, so you just study hard." While popularizing knowledge, she did not forget to teach her younger brother.

"Understood sister." Han Xiaofeng nodded obediently.

Climbing the Great Wall, Han Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu felt the most relaxed. Of these two people, one practiced martial arts and had internal strength, and the other was a young backbone of the army. The speed is not too fast.

At first, Han Xiaoxiao was worried about grandma, but she felt relieved when she saw that grandma didn't look very tired. At the same time, she thanked the spiritual spring water in the space.

As Ji Yu climbed the Great Wall, he also noticed some abnormalities in his body. His leg was injured before. Although it didn’t affect his movement, after a long time, he would feel some slight pain. This time, his leg should have reacted a long time ago. But there was no bad feeling all the time. He was surprised but also faintly happy. Isn't it good if there is nothing wrong? He didn't know that this was also the reason why Han Xiaoxiao secretly added ingredients to the water he drank.

When helping grandma in Ji's kitchen during the day, Han Xiaoxiao did not forget to add some spirit spring water.

It is impossible to climb to the end of the Great Wall. They climbed to a suitable place, stopped, drank some water, and took pictures before returning the same way.

At this time, grandma felt a little uncomfortable. After going up the steps for a long time, she suddenly started to go down the steps all the time. Her legs were sore when she bent her legs. Well, grandma is getting old, and the foundation is there. It is already very powerful to be able to climb here without being too tired.

The rest of the people also reacted a bit, but they were not as strong as grandma.

When we finally reached the foot of the Great Wall, everyone was relieved.

After going up and down, when it was time for lunch, Ji Yu drove them to the city.

Yesterday they tasted the roast duck, today they ate the noodles with fried sauce, although compared with yesterday, the taste of noodles with fried noodles is also excellent, the hungry few people ate very delicious.

Old man Ji was playing chess with his old buddy, and when he mentioned Zhang Zixi's inappropriate behavior, old man Zhang became sullen when he heard that. "Don't worry, kid, I understand." His grandson is not interested in his granddaughter, who keeps chasing after her and does inappropriate things, so that people can't bear to talk about him, he thinks It's a shame, I didn't even have the mind to play chess and ended it hastily.

As soon as he got home, the old man asked his daughter-in-law. "Where is Zixi, let her come over."

Seeing her father-in-law's complexion not looking good, Zhou Fangfei's heart skipped a beat, Zixi won't cause any trouble, right?

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