Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 131 Expanding the scale?

"Hello." Han Xiaoxiao nodded to Zhao Qunxiang.

"Student Xiaoxiao, are you going to watch a movie with your family?" Looking at the elderly and children beside her, Zhao Qunxiang smiled.

"Yes, this is my grandma and my younger brother, grandma, and this is the leader uncle who presented me the award when I received the three-good student award." Han Xiaoxiao introduced.

When she heard that she was still a leader, grandma quickly nodded and said, "Hello, hello."

"This is my wife and my son." Zhao Qunxiang also introduced his family.

Li Chunxiang smiled at them, but her gaze stayed on Han Xiaoxiao's face more. Han Xiaoxiao was very sensitive and noticed it, but just like last time, she wouldn't ask if they didn't say anything.

They didn't know each other well, so they didn't say much. After saying hello and a few words, they said goodbye to each other. After walking a few steps, Li Chunxiang asked. "Qunxiang, this girl named Xiaoxiao really looks like my cousin when she was young."

"Like, I found out earlier, and they are from Wen County."

"Wen county where my cousin's husband works?" Li Chunxiang was surprised.

"That's right, it's Wen County, and she's the same age as that girl Zixi."

"Qunxiang, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, by the way, you asked your cousin Zixi's birthday before, did you ask?"

"I really forgot about this. When I get back, I'll call my cousin and talk to her." Although her husband didn't say anything, Li Chunxiang also figured out something. She's not stupid, and she's also very curious. Also just ask.

Han Xiaoxiao, who walked away with her grandma and brother, was also puzzled. Zhao Qunxiang seemed surprised when he saw him before, but now his wife is too. What is the reason?She couldn't figure it out.

Li Chunxiang did what she said, and as soon as she got home, she called the capital, and Zhang Zixi answered the call.

"It's Zixi, I'm your cousin Chunxiang."

"Hello, Aunt Biao." Zhang Zixi still remembered her.

"Well, is your mother at home?"

"My mother is not at home, she went out early in the morning."

"Well, okay, when she comes back, you ask her to call me back."

"Good cousin."

After hanging up the phone, Li Chunxiang still felt a little awkward. In fact, she didn't intend to ask anything other than Zhang Zixi's birthday, but she couldn't speak to Zhang Zixi directly, and could only wait for her cousin Zhou Fangfei to come back.

After watching the movie, grandma was a little tired, and grandpa and grandson stopped wandering outside, and took the bus back home.

Goubao was very happy to see them coming back. Han Xiaofeng was tired at first, but seeing Goubao being so enthusiastic, he ran around playing with Goubao in the yard again.

Grandma went to lie down in the house to rest, and Han Xiaoxiao thought about the strangeness of Zhao Qunxiang and his wife again. If it wasn't because they were not familiar with each other, she really wanted to ask directly, or if there was a chance, Ji Yu could help inquire about it?
Li Chunxiang waited at home until evening before finally receiving a call from Zhou Fangfei.

"Chunxiang, I'm your cousin, Zixi said you were looking for me, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, cousin. I just thought that I haven't contacted you for a long time. It's just a holiday today, so I just wanted to talk to you."

"Are you and Qunxiang all right?"

"We're doing well, cousin, how is the old man?"

"It's also very good. You said you and Qunxiang, but you didn't say you came to the capital to see us."

"Isn't Qunxiang busy with work? I really want to go."

"Then leave him alone and bring the child yourself. When is he not busy with work?"

"Okay, I'll pick a time to go there when the kids are on vacation."

"Then we can agree."

"By the way, cousin, when is Zixi's birthday?"

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this?" Zhou Fangfei was puzzled.

"I don't even think about it, and I haven't seen Zixi for several years. I know when her birthday is, and I will send her a gift when the time comes." Li Chunxiang smiled.

"That's great, Zixi, it's my birthday on August [-]th."

"Okay, I remember."

The two chatted casually about something else before hanging up the phone.

Seeing that his mother hung up the phone, Zhang Zixi, who was sitting on the sofa, looked over. "Mom, what are you talking about with my cousin? Why did you mention me and my birthday?" She asked curiously.

"That's not because your cousin wanted to send you a gift on your birthday, so she asked about your birthday."

Some people are thinking about giving themselves a birthday present, which is naturally a happy thing, Zhang Zixi is no exception, and said happily: "Biao Aunt is so kind."

"That's right. When you were young, your cousin took care of you a lot."

When asked about his birthday, Li Chunxiang went to find her husband. "Zixi's birthday is August [-]th."

"August sixteenth?"

"Yes, August [-]th, is it the same day as that girl named Xiaoxiao?" Li Chunxiang was curious.

In the past few days, he only remembered that Han Xiaoxiao was also born in August or so, but he couldn't remember clearly. All the information about Han Xiaoxiao was kept in his office, and he had to go to the office to check it. "I can't remember, I'll be in the office tomorrow."

"I thought you just remembered it." Li Chunxiang felt a little regretful.

"Why do I keep remembering this when I'm fine." Zhao Qunxiang smiled helplessly.

When he arrived at the office the next day, Zhao Qunxiang was about to look through Han Xiaoxiao's relevant information when the secretary ran in suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Qunxiang frowned.

"Leader, something happened." The secretary looked anxious.

"Tell me what's going on." Zhao Qunxiang's expression became serious when he heard about the accident.

It turned out that there was a big factory down there that was not doing well and couldn't pay the workers' wages for several months. The workers gathered together and came to the provincial government.

Hearing this, Zhao Qunxiang didn't have any interest in reading the materials, so he quickly ran out with the secretary. Gathering people to the government is not a trivial matter, and if it is not handled properly, accidents will happen.

After the May Day holiday, everyone's dress has also undergone some obvious changes. Girls who love beauty wear dresses, and boys wear vests with coats or a more decent shirt.

The vest is either red or blue, or with black and blue stripes. The color is relatively simple. Han Xiaoxiao always feels a little spicy when looking at it, but this will be popular. There are only a few colors that the big guy prefers. If you see too much, you will get used to it .

She wants to wear better-looking clothes, and she doesn't want to be too far behind others, so she can only give up the idea of ​​making better-looking clothes for herself, and comfort herself by studying hard to make money first.

Xiufangzhai became famous a few more times, and she and her grandma became more confident about their future life. Qiao Jiu also looked energetic, and even thought about opening another store elsewhere.

Han Xiaoxiao admires his ambition very much, but now she basically makes the handicrafts in the store, even if the store is opened again, she will supply a lot, unless they switch to other businesses.

Fortunately, Qiao Jiu only had the idea of ​​expanding for the time being, and didn't want to implement it immediately, so the two didn't seriously sit down and discuss it together.

But after being told by Qiao Jiu, Han Xiaoxiao still started to think about it.

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