Qiu Anhong was lucky this time, as soon as she made the call, she was answered.

"Hi, I'm Ji Yu." Ji Yu's deep voice sounded from the phone.

"Ayu, I'm Mom."

"Mom, why did you call here? Is there something wrong at home?" Ji Yu became serious.

"No, Mom just wanted to ask you, do you have a lot of thick clothes? Isn't it cold?" She changed the words again.

"Mom, I'm not cold. There are military overcoats in the army, and I don't have to stand guard, so I won't be cold." At his level, he has long since left the guard.

"It's good if it's not cold, that Ayu, you said you're already 26, or next time you go home, mom will ask your aunts to introduce you to some girls." She tried.

On the phone, Ji Yu frowned, why did mother think of such a thing again?But he didn't want to argue with his mother on the phone, so he pondered for a while before saying, "Mom, let's talk about this when I get home."

"It's not Ayu. If you agree, mom will have to find contacts in advance. Don't take it seriously. This girl is in high demand. Mom also wants to find a good partner for you."

"Mom, I don't need to find a partner yet, so don't bother."

Are you unwilling to look for it or already have it?Qiu Anhong's heart sank, and the restraint on her face could no longer be maintained. "Ayu, tell Mom the truth, do you already have a girl in your fancy?"

Ji Yu's heart skipped a beat, what the hell did he know?Otherwise, why did he suddenly want to introduce a girl to him today, and asked these questions step by step.

Hearing her son's hesitation and not speaking, Qiu Anhong was already half-confirmed that what Zixi said was true!She is not angry that her son has a partner. On the contrary, she has always hoped that her son can find a suitable partner to talk about marriage. However, she resisted whenever her son was mentioned before. She didn't say anything more, but it's impossible to say that she is not in a hurry. Now, she should be happy that her son has a partner, but when her son has a partner, she hides it from herself as a mother. What does it mean?She was sad and a little angry.

"Mom, you think too much." After a while, Ji Yu replied.

Qiu Anhong knew that if her son didn't want to tell her something, there would be no result if she kept asking, so she could only sigh: "Ayu, mom knew that your dad and I owed you when we were young, but we already knew we were wrong, so can't you forgive mom?" , Forget it, if you don’t want to tell me, I won’t ask.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone disheartened.

Hearing the "beep" sound over there, Ji Yu also felt uncomfortable.

Why did it come back to the past, he had some opinions about what his parents did to him back then, but when he grew up, he didn't take these things to heart, he just wanted him to be as harmonious as his elder sister and younger brother. The relationship between parents is close, and it is really impossible to forgive him, but he has not disrespected or blamed his parents because of this. Isn't that enough, what else can he do?He has to announce to everyone generously, that's right, I forgive you all, I don't remember what happened back then, is that all right?
Even if he doesn't care about those things anymore, the harm he caused still exists, so why should he be generous to express his forgiveness.

Qiu Anhong who hung up the phone was not in a better mood. Why did she feel so depressed every time the eldest son was involved.

By the way, old man, the eldest son and father-in-law have always been close, and they will tell the father-in-law first if there is anything, so does the father-in-law know that the eldest son has a partner?She became suspicious.

Because she and her husband misunderstood the eldest son back then, and the couple had some unpleasantness with the old man at that time, she didn't want to ask her father-in-law directly, so she thought of her husband.

When Chief of Staff Ji came home, he was dragged into the room by his wife.

"What's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you."

"Just talk about it, you can't talk about it outside, it's so mysterious."

"Ayu seems to have a partner." She hurriedly told her husband about the important matter.

"Really?" Chief of Staff Ji showed joy. "It's a good thing, girl from which family, have we met?"

"It's because I don't know who that girl is that I drag you in to discuss it."

Monk Zhang Er, Chief of Staff Ji, was puzzled. "I don't know. If you ask me, who should I ask? Just ask Ayu."

"You think I didn't ask, and he didn't tell me at all." Qiu Anhong said angrily.

"Then I don't know either." Chief of Staff Ji said he had the same idea.

"You don't know that Dad may know, why don't you ask Dad?"

Thinking of his old man, Chief of Staff Ji suddenly realized. "It makes sense, you wait for me to ask him."

Chief of Staff Ji changed his clothes and went out.

During this time, Mr. Ji stayed in his study.

Chief of Staff Ji went over and knocked on the door.

"Come in." The old man looked towards the door.

Chief of Staff Ji opened the door and walked in.

"Hongqi, what's the matter?" Seeing that it was the son, the old man was a little surprised.

"Dad, you see what you always say, I can't chat with you if I have nothing to do."

Old man Ji looked at his son and smiled. "You and I don't understand yet, you can go to the Three Treasure Hall for everything."

Ji Hongqi laughed. "If there is something to say, there is really one thing."

"Speak up if you have something to say, chirping."

"Dad, then I'll tell you, do you know which girl A Yu is interested in?" He said bluntly.

The old man looked over directly. "Ayu's partner? Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"I was curious when I heard that Ayu has a partner. Now that the child is getting older, Ayu doesn't like to communicate with me and his mother anymore. I just thought you might know."

"Why Ayu doesn't want to communicate with you, don't you understand?" The old man complained for his grandson.

Ji Hongqi was suddenly a little embarrassed. "Dad, let's not dig out this old almanac, please tell me who that girl is."

Although he didn't know where his son got the news, the old man thought about his grandson's words, thought about it, and said, "This is actually like this." He mentioned that he asked his grandson to help his benefactor back then. His granddaughter was in trouble, and the grandson claimed to be the benefactor's granddaughter's fiancé, but in fact it was false. He planned to recognize the girl as his granddaughter, because he hadn't met anyone yet, so he didn't do it.

When he heard that it was false, Ji Hongqi was a little dumbfounded. "Dad, you said that you kept this kind of thing from me, and you didn't tell me."

"What's the use of suing you? It's not true." Although it almost became true at the beginning, the old man will never mention his original plan, but if that girl is really as good as Shun Hai said, if she is true Being a grandson's daughter-in-law is not something that cannot be considered.

Being pissed off by the old man, Ji Hongqi looked helpless.

When he went back, he told his wife the whole story. Qiu Anhong was also shocked. She never thought that the "object" was a fake, and the relationship between herself and her son became more rigid. Thinking of the phone call she hung up because of anger, she would Feeling regretful, she was also a little dissatisfied with Zhang Zixi who told her these things, no wonder she didn't like this girl very much, you see what she did.

The old man dealt with his son and immediately called his grandson to inform him.

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