Liu Zijin's face darkened.

That crazy girl Dong Cuie, what does she want to do!How did you bring this up!
Liu Zijin was anxious, his face tensed.

Shen Yushan was taken aback for a moment, her eyes turned red.

"Liu Zijin, say it, say it! Why don't you say it? You held my hand before and said you only have me in your heart, why don't you say it!"

She was so angry that she cried and punched Liu Zijin several times.


Shen Erzhen rushed over panting, and when she heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, come home with me!"

"Erzhen! He lied to me. I didn't even know it. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have done it..."

Shen Yuzhen let out a wow, crying out of breath.She is not a good person, but at least in this respect, like many other women in this era, she is very conservative.

Shen Erzhen's face was tense, and she glared at Liu Zijin bitterly.Liu, you wait for me!

With a sigh of relief, she pulled Shen Yushan and said, "Go, go home!"

"Erzhen..." Shen Yushan wanted to say something more, but Shen Erzhen gave her a stern look.

"Shut up! Don't you feel ashamed enough!"

That kind of thing is actually shouted out loudly, will you marry or not, and will you still be a human being?

Shen Erzhen gritted her teeth, "Go, let's go home first!"

"Why is Teacher Liu like this..."

Everyone heard it and saw it, and they all looked stunned.

Just like that, Teacher Liu, who was loved by everyone in the past, suddenly became a person who hated dogs.

What's more, in the past, Shen Yiwen was also hated by people, but his current treatment is not as good as that of Shen Yiwen in the past.

Someone pointed at him, and curled his lips in disdain.

"I just said, how could he, who is from the city, fall in love with our country girl? That's his intention!"

"That's for sure, it must be just for fun. He's from the city, how can we afford it?"

Everyone is in a strange mood.

Not far away, in the literacy class, Xu Wei said "Hey" and bumped Cui Yiwen with his shoulder.

"This kid is going to be in bad luck!"

Cui Yiwen raised his eyebrows: "Many deeds of unrighteousness will lead to self-death. Whatever cause he planted, he will reap the fruit now. It's just self-inflicted."


In the cafeteria, Shen Yiwen was busy with Aunt Guiying.

It turns out that men are stronger and women are generally weaker, and men do all the heavy and tiring work.

Don't think that cooking is easy. A large pot of rice for five or six hundred people requires hundreds of catties of water alone.

But these days, the customs are strict, and men and women are on the defensive... Those old men feel that it is a shame to let them work in the back kitchen.

So from top to bottom in the cafeteria, there are female relatives, including young daughters, middle-aged aunts, and even old ladies in their 70s and [-]s to help.

Although everyone has endured hardships and is not squeamish, some physical work is really too difficult for them, especially because of the disaster year, starvation, starvation, and weakness, the strength is even weaker, and the body is weak Son.

But Shen Yiwen is different.

"Hey, Wenya is so nice!"

"That's right, let's say less than fifty or sixty catties for a bucket of water. To fill up all these large tanks, you have to go back and forth several times."

"We usually do it by ourselves, but we are very tired. It's not like Wen Ya."

"That's right, this work is done lightly... Ouch! Wenya, what are you doing? Put it down, be careful!"

The aunt was chatting when she saw Shen Yiwen bend down and lift up a thick and sturdy rough clay water tank that seemed dead at first sight.

Shen Yiwen was at a loss.

"Ah? Ah! I'm fetching water. It's so troublesome to carry the buckets one after another. Why don't I carry the big tank over, fill it with water and bring it back."

Then she left.

She is petite and thin, and she hides behind the bulky big water tank, which is at least 1.2 meters high, and she holds it up.

Looking at it from a distance, I couldn't see her, but it seemed that the big water tank had grown its own legs, and it was upside down quite quickly, and disappeared in a flash.

When everyone saw it, their cheeks twitched wildly.

"This... this strength is terrifying!"

Not to mention anything else, just that big tank, if it is so heavy, it would cost at least a hundred catties.

Fill up the water when you come back, let alone two hundred catties!
Just going back and forth a few times like this, Shen Yiwen filled all the water tanks in the cafeteria.

"It's over!" She clapped her little hands, only sweating a little.

Gui Ying swallowed her saliva: "Wen Ya... you're not tired, are you?"

Shen Yiwen bared her small white teeth.

"I'm not tired at all. I have great strength. Let alone two hundred catties, I guess I can easily lift five or six hundred catties."

Even the little sweat I was sweating was not from tiredness, but from being anxious to fetch water just now, and walking back and forth too fast, so I was panting a little.

Guiying: "..."

I feel that there seems to be a difference between this person and another person!

Just say, how did Wen Ya grow up? ?

"Come on, wipe your sweat."

Although Shen Yiwen felt that she was not contributing much, she was not very tired.But Guiying and the others felt that she had made too much contribution, so they... threw her out of the back kitchen.

"Hurry up and rest!"

Guiying said so, and hurried back to work.

Shen Yiwen's face turned numb: "I'm really not tired."

At this moment, Cheng Juan handed her a snow-white veil.

People like to use handkerchiefs these days, no matter if it is a man or a woman, anyone who is particular about it must carry one.

Whether you wash your hands or wipe your mouth and sweat, use a handkerchief.

Shen Yiwen was not polite either, she took it and wiped her forehead: "I'll return it to you after I wash it."

"It's okay, you take it, I still have it."

Looking at her appearance, she didn't seem to have a handkerchief, and she didn't have this habit. She just grabbed her sleeve and rubbed it on her face when she was sweating.

The kid can appear careless at times.

The two sat together, chatting all kinds of things when they had nothing to do, and it was at this time that Shen Yiwen heard about Liu Zijin.


She narrowed her big eyes and smiled like crescent moons.

"This is Neptune overturning."

"Sea King?" Cheng Juan was startled.

Shen Yiwen lowered her voice mysteriously: "That is to say, like Liu Zijin, he teased one after another, casting a wide net to catch more fish."

Cheng Juan understood, and smiled, realizing that this description was quite appropriate.

When the meal was served at noon, everyone was in an unprecedentedly enthusiastic mood. Each of them held their own lunch boxes and rice bowls, and stretched their necks to look around.

"Hurry up, his aunt, I can already smell it! Can I eat it?"

"What's the hurry, the starved ghost is reincarnated!"

Guiying laughed and cursed angrily, and then called everyone to come and line up for a meal.

"Don't squeeze! Although there is not enough food to eat, we can get enough water today!"

Everyone has a vegetable dumpling, and each person fills up a large bowl of egg drop soup. The egg drop soup is made of wild goose eggs, and the sparrows that Xiang Nan brought down with the children in the morning have all been turned into meatballs. go in.

Then mix some tree roots and bark, the weight is not light.

Everyone ate with satisfaction.

At this moment, Shen Sanfang, Shen Sanfang and Liu Yanzi came.

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