Shen Yiwen had a good night's sleep, but the next day, just after dawn, she heard the sound of falling and beating coming from outside.

"Bah, why did this prodigal bastard burn so much firewood!"

It's early in the morning, what's the matter?
Shen Yiwen turned over and covered her head with the quilt, she really didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't stop the other party from making noise continuously, as if she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hear.

With a wooden face and sleepy eyes, she suddenly kicked the quilt hard and scratched the air.

Sitting up abruptly, he tousled his hair.

"What are you doing!" It's early in the morning, and I haven't gotten up from house to house yet.

When she rushed out of the house, she saw the third aunt Liu Yanzi, and the third-bedroom Shen Yushan. These two girls came back.

Followed by another girl.

Shen Yiwen was startled.

The girl was slender, with fair skin and an elegant swan neck. Even though she was poorly dressed, she looked lovely with every frown and smile, and she was actually very beautiful.

Shen Yiwen was stunned again, isn't this Shen Erzhen?
Shen Sanfang gave birth to a son and two daughters in total, the eldest daughter was named Shen Yushan, and the second daughter was named Shen Yuzhen, but everyone usually called her Erzhen.

"Wen Ya?"

As soon as Shen Erzhen saw Shen Yiwen, she looked eager.She rushed over in two or three steps, and took Shen Yiwen's hand affectionately.

Not only that, but she also had a sad face, like a Bodhisattva, as if she had feelings of compassion.

"I've heard my mother tell you about everything, this time it's our third wife who is wrong, and you have been wronged, Wenwen."

"I'll make an apology for my mother and my eldest sister. Don't argue with them, okay?"

This Shen Erzhen not only looks delicate and soft, but even speaks with a soft tone of Wu Nong, and she has done a lot of face-saving work.

But Shen Yiwen narrowed her eyes, and coldly withdrew her hand.

Speaking of the three rooms, Shen Yiwen felt that this was really weird, and she had never seen such a weird person before.

As for Shen Erzhen, she looks like a little white lotus, and her mind is very shrewd.

Just like back then, the old lady Xu Dazhi picked up the original owner. At that time, seeing that the original owner was well dressed, everyone guessed that she was a child from the city.She even had a solid gold longevity lock around her neck.

But one time later, Shen Erzhen happened to see it. Shen Erzhen wanted it, but the original owner didn't give it.

As a result, it didn't take long for her longevity lock to be stolen by three parties.

The original owner quit and became angry. Even though he was young, it was probably because he was spoiled by his biological family in the past. He was a delicate and willful owner since he was a child, so he must have caused a lot of trouble.

But Changshousuo didn't want to come back, and Sanfang actually beat her up and scolded her for wronging her... She was so angry that she had sex with Sanfang.

It was precisely because of this that when he grew up, he became more and more at odds with the Shen family.


"Wen Ya?" Shen Yiwen just pulled out her hand, but Shen Erzhen had a pitiful face, as if someone had wronged her, and even sobbed softly.

Shen Yiwen rolled her eyes, she really couldn't stand this hypocritical little Bailian.

"Damn you bastard!"

Liu Yanzi's eyes sharpened: "Who are you with? Why do you bully our family Erzhen? Erzhen has a good heart, so she talks nicely to you, but you are so good, you don't know how to flatter a dog!"

After being scolded for no reason, Shen Yiwen laughed angrily.

"Do I need your praise? Don't be too sentimental. Besides, what did I do to her? Did I scold her or beat her? Why did I bully her? "

Shen Yiwen burst into anger, causing Liu Yanzi to choke.And her eldest daughter, Shen Yushan, was grinding her teeth, "Little beast, don't be shameless!"

"Who are you calling a beast? Do you want to be beaten again? It seems that I beat you lightly last time!"

Shen Yiwen shook her wrist back and forth, making a clicking sound.

Shen Yushan became timid, her face turned green, and she was furious, but she didn't dare to speak out.

Shen Erzhen's eyelids twitched, and she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, we're all one family, don't make trouble."

She smiled and pretended to be a peacemaker, but the more Shen Yiwen looked at it, the more fake she became, she turned her head and left, not bothering to pay attention to these dirty and dirty things.

"How did you come back!?"

Shen Xiangdong carried two buckets of water on his shoulder pole, and looked at him coldly.

He and his younger brother started south earlier, one went to the mountains to collect firewood, and the other went to the river to carry water.Xiang Nan hadn't come back yet, but when Shen Xiangdong saw the women in the third room, his face sank and he couldn't get angry.

"Brother Dongzi?" Shen Erzhen smiled in surprise, and immediately expressed sympathy: "Brother Dongzi, I've heard about it. Is Xiangxi okay? This time, your fourth wife has really suffered."

Shen Yiwen was speechless when she heard this.

This Shen Erzhen's demeanor is like a leader going to the countryside to inspect, saying one official word after another, as if an official is condolences to the common people.


She complained in her heart.

Shen Xiangdong frowned, he didn't want to see Sanfang, but he never had any conflicts with Shen Erzhen, the main reason was that she was clever and avoided disadvantages.

Hypocrisy to the extreme can also live out a philosophy.

Shen Xiangdong didn't say a word, and was about to go to the kitchen with his shoulder pole, when he saw Liu Yanzi gathered the firewood in the corner, cursing, "This prodigal, she burned all the firewood in the house."

Shen Xiangdong endured it, didn't hold back, and sarcastically said: "It's so cold, if you don't burn firewood, you will freeze to death."

"Besides, since Second Uncle and his family left, all the firewood in the house was picked up by our fourth room."

"Who are you calling prodigal? Don't you have long hands? If you want to burn firewood, won't you pick it up by yourself!"

Liu Yanzi was so angry that she wanted to spit it out, but Shen Erzhen was smart, so she quickly pulled Liu Yanzi, and said with a smile on her face: "Brother Dongzi is right, mother, it's cold outside, you go back to the house, I will Go up the mountain with my eldest sister to collect firewood."

Shen Erzhen comforted Liu Yanzi, Shen Xiangdong let out a cold snort, and stopped attacking anyone.

But when the crowd dispersed, Shen Erzhen squinted her eyes and looked gloomyly at Da Fang's room.

Shen Yiwen had already returned to the house, and Shen Erzhen was thinking about something.

Her elder sister, Shen Yushan, was furious: "Erzhen, that little beast beat me several times, you have to help me vent my anger!"

Shen Erzhen sighed, "Okay, big sister, you are just too stupid. How can you call Wen a little beast?"

She had a face full of condemnation, but she curved her lips secretly.

"Even if she's really a beast, she can only be scolded by others. You really made her anxious. It's no wonder she doesn't beat you up."

"Er Zhen!" Shen Yushan protested.

Shen Erzhen hugged Shen Yushan's shoulder again to comfort her.

"Okay, okay, I know, don't worry. Now that I'm back..." She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Even if Shen Yiwen is really a monkey grandson, she must behave well and honestly to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

When Shen Yushan heard this, she immediately felt relieved, she knew that Erzhen was a caring person, and she would definitely not suffer any more with Erzhen in charge, all she had to do was what Erzhen said and what she did.

Shen Yushan smiled happily.

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