Liu Zijin was so frightened that he quickly got up, glanced behind Dong Cuie in a hurry, and then dragged him in, and quickly closed the door.

"Fortunately, there is no one outside, otherwise if it is discovered..."

"What the hell are you doing!"

Dong Cuie interrupted Liu Zijin with a broken face.

"Don't forget, we are in the same group. But you didn't get things done, and you even got jealous?"

Dong Cuie's eyes were red, since yesterday, Wang Dafeng has been shutting himself out.

Shen Yiwen had conflicts with Wang Dafeng before, and afterwards she advocated that Wang Dafeng be handed over to the police.

When the police went to the countryside to investigate the case, they also carefully interrogated Wang Dafeng.Wang Dafeng didn't do anything wrong at the time, and never mentioned Dong Cuie, but he fell seriously ill when he turned around.

Some people said that she was a false alarm. She had never seen the police investigating and handling affairs like this. She was so timid that she was frightened by them.

And Dong Cuie lived in her natal family under the banner of Wang Dafeng's illness.

It's not that she doesn't panic, nor is she not afraid, she wishes to stay as far away from Meihe as possible.But the matter is not yet settled, she has to take some risks, who knows that she will run into a pig teammate!
Dong Cui'e asked with red eyes: "What's the matter with you? Are you interested in that Wenya? Don't really fall in love with her. Just think about her temper and her previous appearance... all day with disheveled hair , sloppy, smelly..."

"As long as she is like that, you can still talk about it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Liu Zijin roared, but he was afraid of being heard by others, so he quickly lowered his voice.

"Dong Cuie, don't deceive people too much. Speaking of which, what does this have to do with me? You beat someone, and you almost killed that child Shen Xiangxi."

"If it really happens, I will be the person in charge of this literacy class at worst. I can just pat my ass and leave!"

As Liu Zijin spoke more smoothly, his face became more and more gloomy.

That's right, why didn't he think of it earlier, why did he have to go into this muddy water, what does it have to do with him!
When Dong Cuie saw that he wanted to give up the pick, her heart skipped a beat, and she clenched her hands tightly between her teeth.

"You pretend I don't know!"


"Yes, you are from the city, but you have been engaged to someone in the city before, and your future father-in-law arranged this job for you, otherwise, it's just you?"

Dong Cui'e completely broke up with Liu Zijin.People don't want to kill heaven and earth for themselves, so she went all out.

"Listen well, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten into these troubles."

"If you dare to turn your face and deny people, don't blame me for making things worse. At that time, you won't be able to keep your job, and you may have to be taken away by your superiors for investigation because of your personal style."

"And you have done so many dirty things here in Meihe, I don't believe that your future father-in-law will still be able to protect you!"

Liu Zijin's expression tightened, "Dong Cuie!"

He had a fierce look in his eyes, and he slapped Dong Cuie fiercely on the ground with his hands.

"Bitch! How dare you threaten me?"

Dong Cuie covered half of her face and gave a bleak smile.

In fact, she regretted it quite a bit, why did she not want to be lonely back then, why did she fall in love with Liu Zijin?
It may be because Liu Zijin is a city resident and the person in charge of the literacy class. He is also a person in charge at this age, so she fell in love with him somehow.

Especially this person looks righteous, he seems so reliable, just looking at his face can give people a sense of security.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

"If you have the guts, shoot me to death! If you kill me, you are a murderer, and you have to pay for your life!" Dong Cuie said these words with a low growl.

Liu Zijin got angry again, he really wanted to kill her, but he didn't dare.

This place is busy with dogs biting dogs, Cui Yiwen has been working all morning and is already tired.

He ate a vegetable dumpling in the cafeteria before.But a dumpling weighs less than two or two, and that little thing is not enough.

He came back to get something to eat. He brought a lot of food when he came to Meihe.

But as soon as I entered the yard of the literacy class, I heard bursts of vague disputes.

Cui Yiwen frowned, paused for a few seconds, and then quietly returned to his own room.

On the other end, Liu Zijin took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.

Dong Cuie had already got up, she rubbed her slapped eyes, then looked at Liu Zijin with red eyes.

"Anyway, think carefully! Don't think I'm just scaring you. I'm barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

Dong Cuie put down these words, turned around and left.

She bowed her head deeply, afraid of being discovered by others, and was very careful when she left.

Little did they know, on the literacy class side, Cui Yiwen pushed open the window and glanced at her back.

Cui Yiwen frowned for a long time again, that person...why does he look like the daughter of Aunt Wang's family in the cafeteria?
But isn't he married? He's already married to another brigade.

Why did he come out of Liu Zijin's room?

Cui Yiwen looked puzzled.


There was no free time all day, and Shen Yiwen was very busy.

"Wen Ya, is this really possible?"

Everyone is skeptical.

Although the official approval documents have been obtained, but vegetables are grown in the house, why is this...a bit ridiculous?
The production team has never set such a precedent, and it has never been heard of anyone doing such a thing in those places outside.

Everyone felt that this was busy work, and the bamboo basket fetched water at the end of the busy work.

There are those who are sincere, even if they don't believe it in their hearts, they work very hard.But there are also people who don't work hard and patronize paddling with a dejected look.

"Of course it can!"

Shen Yiwen nodded vigorously with a small face.

She knew that it was normal for everyone to believe, but at times like this, she had to show a firm attitude, otherwise she would shake the morale of the army.

"Uncles and aunts, think about it. Before the land reform, those old landlords raised flowers and grass. They did a lot of things. Since people can grow flowers in winter, we can grow vegetables in winter, which is just a change. The soup does not replace the medicine!"

She spoke brightly, but like a reassurance, it inspired people.

Some people said: "What are you talking about, can you try it first, and you will know when the time comes. Anyway, the busy farming is over long ago, and we have nothing to do when we are idle."

"Why do you have nothing to do!"

Suddenly a shrill sound sounded, piercingly tight.

Shen Yiwen followed the sound and saw a young girl with a khaki triangular scarf wrapped around her head. The scarf was tied in a knot under her chin, and she had a dirt basket on her arm. She was dressed like a typical village girl.

She was stunned for a long time before she remembered, it's over, this is the love debt provoked by that scumbag Liu Zijin.

Hey, just say, why is she so unlucky!
The girl's name is Yang Manjing, she is eighteen years old, she is two years older than Shen Yiwen, and she is at the age of marriage.

She sullenly looked over sharply.

"I think you're just looking for trouble, you're free! What are you talking about? The captain is really serious, and he actually believed you!"

"We don't have to be busy with farming, but our brigade doesn't have enough food. Before, Aunt Guiying and the brigade leader had to take us into the mountains to find food every day. This is great, you have delayed it all!"

"If people starve to death this winter, it must be your fault, you are a villain!"

Yang Manjing couldn't get enough of her anger, she just spit out her mouth.

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