Xiang Nan felt that his elder brother was rough and fine, otherwise he would not have thought of this.No, as soon as his elder brother mentioned it, the two of them came over with firewood to help Sister Wen light the fire.

The earth kang in the farmhouse, the earth kang on the side of Shen's house, is used to burn fire in the house.

There is a square opening under the kang head as a stove pit. Once the firewood is added, thick smoke billows, and the room is choking badly. Big black smoke comes out, and the yellow mud walls are blackened by the smoke. It's like hanging a thick layer of black smoke oil.

Shen Yiwen looked at Shen Xiangdong and blinked.

Shen Xiangdong was facing her back, squatting on the ground to add firewood to the stove.

"Cough... it's too choking!" Xiang Nan coughed.

Just as Shen Yiwen was about to speak, she asked Xiang Nan to tear her away.

"Sister Wen, let's go, don't you still have to go to Uncle Qian? It just so happens that there is a lot of smoke in the house, so open the door first and let go. You also have something to do. When you come back, it should be almost the same."

Xiang Nan pushed Shen Yiwen out.

Shen Yiwen walked two steps, then turned her head, staring at Shen Xiangdong's hard-working, capable back like an old scalper, she frowned again, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

"Hey...forget it, let's go, let's go to Uncle Qian's house first."


"Uncle Qian, are you there?"

Shen Yiwen knocked on the door, and with a creak, Aunt Gui Ying came out with a face of surprise: "Old Qian, look, Wenya is back!"

Qian Fengshou hurriedly ran out: "Girl Wen? Hurry up, come in first!"

Qian Fengshou is very sad.When Qian Feng got it back yesterday, it was already late at night, and everyone had fallen asleep.He himself was so excited that he stayed up all night without closing his eyes.

At dawn on the second day, he called the members of the production team to hold a meeting.It's a pity... He scratched his head, and it was almost bald.

"Uncle Qian?" Shen Yiwen knew at a glance that this must not be going well, and she was in trouble.

She asked, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Hey!" Qian Fengshou sighed fiercely. "I announced the news today. The superior asked us to grow vegetables in the house first. I was thinking about taking out the seeds from our brigade first and distributing some from house to house, but..."

No, here comes the problem.

These days, everyone is too poor.Even if it was the Qian family, Qian Fengshou's family conditions were pretty good, but there were so many people in the family, son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, all of whom slept on the kang with the old couple.

The house is small, once you grow vegetables in the house, what about the people, where will they sleep?

Some families are even more struggling. They cannot sleep on the kang, so they have to take turns sleeping on the floor.

Even the Shen family, the Shen family used to be like this. Later, the earthen house was because Shen Yiwen's elder brother was a soldier in the army. He made a great contribution shortly after joining the army. Only then did the Shen family have money, so they asked someone to build a few more. earth house.

Otherwise, the whole family lived in the same room with Mrs. Shen, and the bed on the kang and the floor were full of people sleeping, and it would be difficult to turn over in the middle of the night.

Qian Fengshou sighed: "What a mess...we got all the approval documents, but this..."

This has just taken the first step, and the number one big problem is ushered in.

Shen Yiwen frowned, thinking seriously.

Aunt Qian's name is Guiying, and Guiying also has a sad face: "Actually, if this can be done, even if there are not many vegetables grown in the house, at least... in the future, we won't have to boil cabbage and potatoes in winter."

In this bitterly cold Great Northeast, every year when it gets cold, there are only a few grains that can be stockpiled for the winter.

Potatoes, cabbage, or pickled sauerkraut, or sweet potatoes, all winter, every day, every meal, so that people are afraid of cabbage and potatoes.

Now that we have caught up with the food disaster, we can't even eat potatoes and cabbage. It really makes people think more and more bitterly.

The sons of the Qian family were also listless, and the daughters-in-law held their children with their heads lowered and kept silent, and the emotional ones even shed tears.

Because of this matter, no one in the Qian family was not worried from top to bottom.Even the little grandson of the Qian family asked stupidly, "Where's Guagua? Can I still eat Guagua?"

As soon as the child pursed his mouth, he felt very sad. Guagua grew wings and flew away. Could it be that he can't eat Guagua anymore?The child wanted to cry, but held back.

"Uncle Qian, I think so."

Shen Yiwen had an idea.She just remembered Cheng Juan. Cheng Juan came back to recognize his relatives, but the Cheng family moved away long ago, and now Cheng Juan lives in the old house of the Cheng family.

"I see that there are many empty houses in our brigade. Those people have either moved away or fled famine. Do you think we can requisition those houses that have no owners or people?"

Qian Fengshou was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I think that if we can expropriate those empty houses that no one lives in, then we only need to spend some manpower to be responsible for pulling soil, planting, fertilizing, and picking up some firewood. In this way, the vegetable fields will be placed in the Together, it is also easier to manage.”

Qian Fengshou's eyes lit up: "That's right, why didn't I think of that!"

Qian Fengshou slapped his big hands, and he did the sums again, and he stopped being sluggish, and he regained his energy.

The two discussed carefully again, and the other people looked at the big and the small, and their eyes gleamed.

I feel... the mountain is looking up!

How can this Wenya be so capable?A major event like the sky falling can be easily resolved here with her. How did she have such a long brain? Why is she so clever!

This matter is finalized, sooner rather than later.Even though it was dark, it was not too late.

Qian Fengshou decided to take Shen Yiwen for a walk to see the empty houses where indoor vegetables will be grown in the future.

The two walked around, and Shen Yiwen picked a few good places, almost all of which were extinct, and her family members were all dead. She also had some considerations in her heart.

For example, those who moved away, those who fled famine, Bao Qi would come back suddenly, if they occupied other people's houses at this moment, she was afraid that there would be some disputes in the future.

Furthermore, growing vegetables indoors in winter is equivalent to a small experiment. Once it is done, we can increase our efforts to promote greenhouses.It is impossible to let everyone burn bricks and mud to build a house for farming. The cost is too high, so it is better to be more economical in the greenhouse.

The two walked and chatted.

"Wen Ya!?"

When passing by a large courtyard, a man was not tall, only more than 1.7 meters, but he was quite strong, with an upright Chinese character face, and he looked like a city man in his clothes, not like the patched up patches of everyone in the country.

He hesitated, full of disbelief, and shouted with some hesitation.

Shen Yiwen was stunned for a moment, her little face turned black on the spot, it was almost the same as the night, pitch black.

"Teacher Liu?" Qian Fengshou recognized him.

It was the person in charge of the literacy class, Liu Zijin, who Shen Yiwen said was the "little boy" who had no limit for a morsel of food, was full of lies, had a messy relationship between men and women, and had a rough private life!

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