At that moment, Shen Yushan really fell hard.When she struggled to get up from the ground, she made a gesture to rush towards Shen Yiwen.

She has had enough! !
Shen Yiwen, this little bitch!

Counting all the sufferings that have happened to her these days, almost all of them were caused by Shen Yiwen.Shen Yushan could not wait to tear Shen Yiwen alive.

However, at this time.

"Enough, enough!!"

Under the eaves of Shen's house, Shen Erzhen suddenly covered her ears and cried out in pain.

Her eyes were red, and big tears kept dripping down her face.

"Er Zhen!" Xu Dazhi and Yu Caixia looked worried and looked at her quickly.

Shen Erzhen shook her head desperately, as if trying to get rid of the voices that occupied her mind.

Those sounds, however, sounded like tarsal maggots.It seemed that everyone was laughing at her, belittled her, and despised her! !

She really couldn't bear this feeling, and suddenly rushed outside.

"Oh! What's the matter?"

There were quite a few people surrounded outside the Shen family courtyard, upon seeing them at this moment, they all stepped aside and made way for a path.But there were also some people who reacted a bit slower and were staggered by Shen Erzhen.

"Second Jane!!"

In the yard, the old lady Xu Dazhi's expression changed, she immediately wanted to catch up with Shen Erzhen, but Shen Erzhen ran too fast.

The old lady's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.She hurriedly shouted at Shen Yiwen: "Wen Ya, Wen Ya! Wei Hua, hurry up!!"

The old lady kept urging, while Shen Yiwen and the two brothers rushed over quickly.

"Grandma, don't worry! We will definitely bring her back!!"

Shen Weihua was in a hurry, before leaving, he only had time to leave such a sentence.Afterwards, I saw that the two brothers and sisters were blown away into the distance like a gust of frightened wind...

The old lady Xu Dazhi wiped away tears, her heart was full of anger and sadness.

"What's the matter! One Liu Yanzi left, and another Shen Yushan came! Our old Shen's family is really unfortunate!!"

As the old lady spoke, she began to cry again.

Yu Caixia was also full of discomfort, she quickly held the old lady's arms.

"Mother, please stop crying, let's go over there first to see the situation."

She just took a look at it, and Erzhen seemed to have run out of the production team, and she didn't know what the child was thinking, so don't get overwhelmed.

Think about it this way.Yu Caixia couldn't help but feel a little heavy.


Shen Erzhen was in a daze.

Counting her past few years is like a joke! !
She was so kind to her elder sister Shen Yushan with all her heart and soul, but what happened?

How did her mother and her eldest sister repay her? !

At this moment, disturbing memories swept in, constantly impacting her mind.

In the end, she thought of Chen Zuwang again, and remembered what happened that day.

She was pressed to the ground by Chen Zuwang, her jacket was torn off her body, and her cotton trousers were ripped off...

It is said that women hold up half the sky.But this world is still too harsh for women.

And a girl like her, if there are no accidents, she should get married in two years. At that time, a matchmaker will come to her door to say goodbye... But she has become like this now, how can she marry? people?People must despise her to death! !

His life is ruined.

Immediately, Shen Erzhen felt that she seemed to have no hope of living, so she let out a miserable laugh.


By coincidence, she saw a river outside the village, which was already frozen.

Several children are skating on the river.

At this time, an old woman shouted at the children: "Gou Sheng!? What are you doing? You brats, come back to me!"

"There's an ice hole over there, don't fall in it!!"

When the woman yelled like this, the children smiled playfully, and then you pushed me, I bumped into you, and ran away in a hurry.

"The ice hole...?"

As if possessed by a demon, Shen Erzhen looked towards the river.

The ice is thick and there is indeed a huge ice hole.Near the hole, there are traces of cracks.

Her eyes were dull, and she couldn't help thinking——

"Why don't you just jump off like this!"

"It's better to end like this!"

End her ridiculous life!
In the past, she boasted that she was a bit clever, so she calculated and calculated, but in the end, this calculation ended up in such an end.

I just feel sad and ridiculous! !
Shen Erzhen laughed at herself, she closed her eyes forcefully, and a string of teardrops rolled down her cheeks in an instant.


"Strange, where is she?" Shen Yiwen ran and found something was wrong.

After rushing out of the production team, I saw a glacier in front of me, and the surrounding forests were covered with snow.

She looked around blankly.

"Shen Erzhen, is she alive?"

I searched back and forth, but couldn't find it.And at this moment, there was only a plop!
"It's not good, it's not good, someone jumped into the water!!"

Suddenly there was a cry for help from afar.

Shen Yiwen's pupils shrank, "It's broken!!"

Her heart was pounding, and she ran over quickly.

"Come here, come here, come here quickly! Someone fell into the ice hole here!"

When Shen Yiwen came over, she saw a middle-aged woman who was yelling loudly in all directions with a distraught look.

"Auntie, who is this?" She had seen this person before, and he was a fellow of their Meihe brigade.

The man was taken aback, and then patted his thigh: "Wen Ya, it's not good, it's Shen Erzhen from your third room, she fell into the ice hole just now!"

As soon as the other party spoke, Shen Yiwen's expression changed drastically.

When she approached the ice hole, she saw that the ice hole was quite big, about two meters long and wide.In the icy river, Shen Erzhen's limbs stretched naturally, and her body sank slowly...

With her eyes closed, she didn't resist or struggle, her expression looked so peaceful, almost dreamlike.

However, Shen Yiwen's heart was beating wildly.

She didn't even have time to think about it, and plunged into the ice hole.


The moment she entered the water, she shivered from the cold.

The heavy cotton-padded jacket and trousers on her body were drenched almost instantly, and the chill hit her in an instant. The coldness ran along her limbs and directly hit her sky, making her stiff from the cold, and her hands and feet almost couldn't move.

But she still held her breath and swam towards Shen Erzhen.


asphyxia! !
Shen Erzhen closed her eyes, her long black hair was floating in the river.It was the first time she had come so close to death.

Indulgingly, she allowed her body to sink, sink, and continue to sink! !

Maybe dying like this is also a kind of relief...

However, suddenly a small hand held her arm.

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