Shen Yiwen was a little helpless, she glanced at old man Su.

At this time, Su Xiuhe was yelling loudly, "Come here, come here!"

She looked bewildered.

"Come and see someone, who will help me save Grandpa!!"

She was crying like pear blossoms with rain at the moment, she was really worried.

The president of the provincial capital hospital, Wang, couldn't help sighing when he saw it.

After all, this is a human life. As a doctor, it is impossible to watch the patient die in front of his own eyes and remain indifferent.

Dean Wang walked towards this side. He was already very old, with a stooped back, but his expression was upright and serious. He took the pulse of old man Su, and checked briefly, "It's not a big problem, but... It's a stroke."


Shen Yiwen was stunned when she heard it, but looking at old man Su at this moment, it seemed that his mouth was crooked and his eyes were squinting. This was really a stroke.

Dean Wang said oldly: "Come two people, lift him up, and send him to the health center over there first."

These doctors came here for rescue and disaster relief, and they brought a lot of wound medicine, but there is really no cure for this kind of stroke.

Soon, two male doctors came over, one picked up old man Su, and the other followed him to take care of him.

Su Xiuhe was flustered, but she looked at Shen Yiwen with hatred in her eyes.

"It's your fault, it's all your fault!!"

She yelled in this direction like a crazy woman, then stomped her feet vigorously, and ran out after the two male doctors.

Shen Yiwen: "..."

Simply speechless.

Damn it! ?

What's wrong with her?
She didn't do anything!

It is obvious that the grandparents and grandsons of the Su family have mental problems themselves, and they really want to blame them, so there is no reason to worry!

"Okay," Cheng Jun laughed, seeing that she was not in a good mood, he rubbed her little head.

But Shen Yiwen was still angry like a pufferfish.


After everyone dispersed, Shen Yiwen came to Aunt Gui Ying with a lunch box.

"Auntie, here it is!"

Speaking of this matter, on the one hand, Su Xiuhe made trouble for no reason, but on the other hand, it was also caused by Aunt Guiying's uneven distribution.

Shen Yiwen poured back some of the soup in the lunch box.

Gui Ying said in a daze: "This is not possible! Wen Ya, you must not listen to the nonsense of that surnamed Su, you have put in a lot of effort, you should eat more!"

But Shen Yiwen just laughed, "I'm full, enough."

After finishing speaking, she took the lunch box and went to the side with Cheng Jun.

Cheng Jun smiled, while Aunt Gui Ying looked angry.

"The one named Su!!"

When Su Xiuhe was mentioned, Aunt Guiying was really upset.

This is good, what are you doing, what are you making a fuss about?There is that Su Xiuhe everywhere!
I heard that he was in Liujia Village a while ago, and that person had a lot of moths.

Such a big girl is really shameless!
"She won't give it to me?"

Gui Ying was holding back a burst of anger when she suddenly saw a woman rushing over and took up half a bowl of soup and drank it.

"Liu Yanzi!!"

When Gui Ying saw the man with disheveled hair, she instantly recognized him.

Why didn't there be a pause, Su Xiuhe had just walked away on the front foot, and Liu Yanzi appeared on the back foot.

Liu Yanzi didn't care about that, anyway, he drank more than half of the bowl of hot soup in one go, which was considered full.But after touching his stomach, he felt a little inadequate, so he reached out to grab the buns in the basin next to him, and took away four of them.

"What are you doing?!"

Guiying was really angry, the food was plentiful, normally one vegetable dumpling per person, but if Liu Yanzi ate more, it meant that the rest of the people had to eat less.

But Liu Yanzi rolled his eyes: "It's not worth it, what are you doing?"

Guiying couldn't believe it, why, why did she ignore it?

"Liu Yanzi, can you be a little self-conscious? You are not from our Meihe production team!"

Don't think she doesn't know, this Liu Yanzi has been divorced by Shen Laosan long ago, but Liu Yanzi doesn't like to hear this.

"Who says I'm not? Shen Yuwen, Shen Yushan, and Shen Erzhen were all born by me, they crawled out of my stomach. They are on the Meihe side, so as their mother, I am also from this Meihe." people!!"

"It's okay, it's not a good meal, who are you flirting with there!"

After speaking, as if afraid that Guiying would snatch the vegetable dumpling in her hand, Liu Yanzi quickly slipped away.

This person's shamelessness really pissed off Guiying so much!

And Shen Yiwen was holding a vegetable dumpling in her hand. Seeing such a scene, she frowned a pair of small eyebrows and wrinkled together.


After Liu Yanzi walked out of the cafeteria, facing the fierce north wind, at least he had food in his stomach, and he felt much more comfortable.

But after thinking about it, she really panicked in her heart.

After all, the disaster in Liujia Village was too serious, all the houses collapsed, and the food there was even more scarce. Even if there were rescue supplies dispatched from above, they were short of food and clothing, and had no place to live.

But the attitude of the Shen family...she could figure it out.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to stay in the Shen family anymore, as those Shen family members will be annoyed when they see her.

She was planning for herself, when she saw a slender figure walking in front of her, and then she saw a feminine face.

"Liu Yanzi? From the third room of the Shen family?"

This person turned out to be Chen Zuwang.

Liu Yanzi's shrewd little eyes rolled around, "What do you want from me?"

She knew that this person was the leader of the inspection team, and she had quite a lot of power in her hands, but for some reason today, she seemed to have settled down a lot, and rarely walked around in front of people.

Chen Zuwang laughed, but those gloomy eyes were like a poisonous snake.

He narrowed his slender eyes before saying, "Shen are Shen Erzhen's mother."

Liu Yanzi: "?"


Leaving aside the matter here, Shen Yiwen quickly got busy again after eating with everyone.

She took the time to ask the team leader Qian Fengshou.

"Uncle Qian, look, it's better for me to stay with us, or go back to Liu's Village?"

She regards herself as a brick, and she can move it wherever she needs it.

Qian Fengshou thought about it: "Let's stay here. You were very tired a while ago, and those experts from the provincial capital just came over. By the way, the old lady surnamed Zhong asked me about you just now, as if she wanted to talk to you. Ask me about growing vegetables and greenhouses in the classroom."

"Don't dare to take it!"

Shen Yiwen was humble in a hurry, but in this way, she had made arrangements for herself, and then went to the back mountain.

Those experts in the provincial capital, headed by Mr. Qi, worked very seriously.It's not like Su Xiuhe and old man Su's situation of looking for trouble for nothing happened again.

After that, she went to the greenhouse to look for Mrs. Zhong, and they started talking with each other.

However, at the same time, a major event happened at the Shen family's side.

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