Shen Yiwen was taken aback, she didn't expect the captain to call her.

He didn't even make a fuss, just walked over in a big way.

"Who is this little comrade?"

The old man was still excited, and looked at Shen Yiwen with a smile.

Qian Fengshou immediately said happily: "Comrade, you don't know that the coal mine here was discovered by girl Wen on the mountain. This child is a lucky star."

Thinking of the changes that Shen Yiwen has brought to the production team these days, Qian Fengshou is very excited.

Growing vegetables indoors, greenhouses, and now a coal mine, all these were brought by Wen girl.

Among them, the first batch of green vegetables with a relatively short growth cycle in the greenhouse are ready to be harvested.

If it weren't for people from the provincial capital today, Qian Fengshou planned to take the big guy to the greenhouse to harvest vegetables.

"Okay, not bad!! It really is a dreadful young man!"

The old man praised Shen Yiwen severely, almost making Shen Yiwen blush.

"Old man, you are flattering me."

Her appearance of being neither arrogant nor impatient is even more likable.

The old man immediately appreciated her more and more.

Qian Fengshou has already boasted wildly.

He scratched his cheek in a voice, really couldn't bear it, so he looked at the captain helplessly and said: "Uncle Qian is gone, let's go to the back mountain to have a look first."


Qian Fengshou said in a loud voice.

"Look, I'm happy to be patronizing, come on, old comrade."

After he greeted him, he looked behind the old man who were all experts from the provincial capital.

There are those who are responsible for geographical surveys, engineers and technicians from coal mine factories, and even leaders from the national media.

Due to the lack of materials in this era, the discovery of coal mines is a big event no matter where it is.

What's more, according to Director Han's report, the scale of the coal mine here is not small.

Everyone hurried to the back mountain.

Among the crowd was an old lady wearing reading glasses. Her hair was combed meticulously, but she had an academic air about her body. She also came here with those geography experts from the provincial capital.

Although the old lady is old, she is growing stronger and stronger, and she walks like flying.

She asked passionately: "Comrade Captain, where is your greenhouse here? Can someone take me to see it?"

Qian Fengshou was stunned.

The old man introduced with a smile: "This is Comrade Zhong Yan from the Agricultural Bureau of our provincial capital. She came to us specially before departure. I heard that your brigade has created a greenhouse project, and I am very concerned about it. , I want to follow and learn."

When Qian Fengshou heard this, he was immediately flattered.

The Agricultural Bureau of the provincial capital sounds amazing, but such a big shot came to their production brigade to study? !

Qian Fengshou's mind was blank and his whole body was in a daze, feeling very unbelievable.

"Uncle Qian."

Shen Yiwen quietly poked money for a good harvest.

It seems that their production team has already tried their hand at a small scale, and they have gained some reputation in the provincial capital, but Yiwen knows that this is just the beginning.

Qian Fengshou came back to his senses suddenly, slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, it just so happens that our greenhouse is located at the foot of the mountain, and the coal mine is at the back of the mountain, so it just happens to be on the way!"

Qian Fengshou was so overjoyed that his mouth was almost grinning up to his ears.

He hurriedly took the lead, "Let's go, I'll show you the way."

A group of people walked happily, but at this moment, an unharmonious voice popped out.

"Why is this road so difficult to walk? The snow is so thick with potholes that people can easily fall when walking on it. Didn't your production team shovel the snow?"

Qian Fengshou was stunned when he heard these words, but Shen Yiwen followed the sound and found that it was a thin old man.

His face is full of wrinkles and his face is serious. It's difficult to get along with him when he looks serious.

Mr. Qi and Mrs. Zhong frowned when they heard this.

"Old Su, we knew what was going on here before we went to the countryside. The main task this time is to come and investigate."

Elder Qi couldn't help saying this, but that Elder Su's face darkened.

This bad old man surnamed Qi, in front of so many people, dared to let himself lose face like this.

Elder Su looked unhappy, and immediately frowned.

"Old Qi, what do you mean?"

Elder Qi sighed speechlessly.

When Mrs. Zhong saw this scene, she circled the field and said: "Let's go, it's very cold today, don't delay here, let's go and have a field trip first."

As soon as this was said, Mrs. Zhong hurriedly let Qian Fengshou lead the way.

These two old men were not easy to deal with before, but now that they have gone to the countryside, they are still arguing there.

But this matter is really not the old man Qi's fault, but the Su family. I heard that the Su family used to be a landlord a few years ago.

Mr. Su himself was well-read in poetry and books, and later took on an important position in the bureau.

But after all, he was a young master when he was young, and he was used to living a good life of pampering, so he was inevitably a little hypocritical when it came to food and clothing.

The old lady Zhong couldn't help shaking her head speechlessly after thinking up to this point.

And Shen Yiwen looked at old man Su, and she frowned slightly.

Surnamed Su! ? ?

Whether it was participating in the avalanche disaster relief a while ago, or in the team of their production brigade, the people who lost their temper and acted hypocritically were all surnamed Su!

At this moment, Shen Yiwen suddenly thought of Su Xiuhe in Liujia Village.

Then, she couldn't help but patted herself on the forehead, couldn't she?It shouldn't be such a coincidence.

She shook her head, suppressing the wild thoughts in her mind.

At this moment, Su Xiuhe, who was being missed by Shen Yiwen, accidentally fell into the snowdrift.

When she struggled to climb out of the snowdrift, she saw people around her, and she continued to do whatever she was supposed to do.Didn't even bother to take a second look at her.

Su Xiuhe suddenly lost her temper.

"There is no sympathy at all!!"

She muttered and patted the snow sticking to her body.

And at this moment, someone ran towards her.

"Su Xiuhe, I heard that the coal mine discovered by the Meihe Brigade has been reported to the provincial capital. I remember that your grandfather is a geographer. Do you think the superiors will send him down?"

Su Xiuhe was stunned when she heard this.

"Probably not, my grandfather is quite old, besides..."

She glanced around with disgust and contempt.

"How miserable this place is, how cold the weather is, it's minus [-] to [-] degrees at every turn, and there have been two avalanches before, and many people died."

So, Su Xiuhe thought about it seriously.

Even if the superior wanted to send his grandfather over, his grandfather would probably not agree.


At this time, the local militia battalion armed forces over there.

The captain clapped his hands and motioned everyone to look at him.

"Everyone pack up, you are tired these days. The Qingshan Commune was severely affected, but the Meihe brigade was not affected. Bring your things and line up for the bus later, and we will take you to the Meihe side. Rest your feet."

Before Shen Jianguo brought back an army from the frontier, he also brought in snow-shoveling machines.

In this case, the disaster relief operation was in full swing, and a huge change occurred overnight.

And the medical staff who had been dispatched from the provincial capital before could finally take a breather because of the joining of military doctors from the army.

"It's finally time to rest."

Su Xiuhe let out a long breath upon hearing this.

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