Even Cui Yiwen himself had glimpsed a few times, but the feeling at that time was not as clear as it is now.

He was amazed, as if he was looking at a little monster.


He couldn't help but tense his skin.

I thought, this person is really not easy to mess with.

Not to mention anything else, just with this strange strength, if you really move your hands, you can kill people with a single fist.

Shen Yiwen opened up the gap a little, and then took a closer look.He swung his small fist several times in a row, and the crackling stones fell down, just opening a passage for one person to pass through.

She and Cheng Juan stepped over the broken stones and walked in.

Cui Yiwen couldn't help swallowing.

"Cough cough!!"

He coughed and cleared his throat, then approached Cheng Juan silently.

As if it would make him feel safer.

Shen Yiwen looked strange.

"Why do you look so scared??"

Cui Yiwen let out a heck, how could he explain this?
It was indeed someone's fist that was too scary, too terrifying! !
But it happens that someone is so powerful that he doesn't know it.

Cheng Juan helped his forehead.He lowered his eyes and laughed.

"Okay, come here. Now let's discuss and discuss what to do next?"

Of course Shen Yiwen listened to Cheng Jun.

However, he looked at the snow outside, and with a flash of his eyes, he grabbed Cheng Juan and blocked the passage between the two caves.

"Brother Jun, I remembered!!"

"We have a few shovels over there, I'll get them!"

Taking advantage of Cheng Juan's wink, Cheng Juan nodded understandingly.

"Shovel?" Cui Yiwen's eyes lit up: "This is a good thing! If there is a shovel, we don't have to work so hard to dig and shovel snow!"

And Shen Yiwen has already ran away.Before long, he ran back with some shovels.

Naturally, this shovel must have been pulled out from the space.

Cheng Jun rubbed his forehead and laughed, he suddenly discovered that this child Wenwen is like a treasure.No matter what strange and weird things, she can always get them out like a magic trick, and her reserves are very rich.

Three shovels, one for each person, but they were not in a hurry to work.

Shen Yiwen pondered——

"We don't know what's going on outside now, such as how deep and thick the snow is, so my suggestion is that when the snow is shoveled, we can shovel up first to get the thickness of the snow first. Then move on."

Cui Yiwen nodded: "I think so too. Otherwise, if we don't know the thickness and height, we will just dig the snow cave. If the snow cave collapses during the period, it is very likely that we will be buried alive in it."

Shen Yiwen nodded, they were thinking about the same thing.Now that there is a charter, it is time to take action.

She took the lead with her little feet.

She knows this question, it's just a matter of hard work, she has already made perfect.

So she waved the shovel, and Cui Yiwen and Cheng Jun immediately followed behind.

As for the flashlight, it was placed on the ground by Shen Yiwen, otherwise it would be too troublesome to work.

Cui Yiwen couldn't help feeling deeply grateful for the blackness in this black cave.

"Your equipment is quite complete! If I hadn't met you, maybe I would really be trapped here to death."

Shen Yiwen smiled.

Because whether it is a flashlight or a shovel, she took it out of the space.

"Come on, hurry up and work!"

She urged everyone, and then she grabbed the shovel and opened the way ahead.

It is different with tools, which is much more efficient than Cui Yiwen used to plow snow with both hands.

Not long after, a small snow mountain was shoveled out behind them, but the snow seemed to be endless.

Shen Yiwen stopped panting, her expression was serious.

"It's not good, it's worse than I imagined!"

I thought that the three of them would work together, and it wouldn't take long for a passage to be shoveled out.

But who knows that after such a long time, I still can't see the top at a glance.

Cheng Juan frowned, and at this moment, he suddenly remembered the terrain near Liujia Village.

The place where they are located is a low-lying basin, surrounded by mountains, and the terrain is sunken downwards.

If you look down from a high altitude, this place looks like a natural pit, and now they are at the bottom of the pit.

Recalling the momentum caused by the second avalanche, assuming that the bottom of the pit has been completely filled with snow, then the thickness of the snow above their cave must be at least tens of meters.

This conjecture made Cheng Juan feel serious, and at this moment, there was a plop.

Shen Yiwen turned her head and saw that it was Cui Yiwen.

He was very tired at first, and he was panting while leaning on the shovel, but now his body softened and he fell to the ground.

Cui Yiwen waved his hand feebly.

"I'm fine, I'm just freezing."

He tried rubbing his hands to keep himself warm, but his limbs were numb from the cold.

Shen Yiwen frowned, she hesitated for a long time before looking at Cheng Jun.

Cheng Juan looked at her, sighed helplessly, and then nodded slightly.

Shen Yiwen took a long breath.

"Come on, take this one."

She used the thick padded jacket she was wearing as a cover, took out a stack of self-heating stickers in a blink of an eye, and gave Cui Yiwen the self-heating stickers.

Shen Yiwen looked at Cheng Juan and said, "Brother Jun, teach him how to use this, I'll go back to our cave and have a look."

Shen Yiwen got up and left after saying this.

Cui Yiwen looked puzzled.

"what is this?"

He has a polite look.

Cheng Juan walked over, and dozens of chemical formulas had already been flashed through his mind.

Immediately he said—

"There is a kind of chemical agent in it. According to the formula, it can produce self-heating function. Try it."

After speaking, he handed over the method of using self-heating stickers to Cui Yiwen.

Soon Shen Yiwen came back, holding a small quilt in her arms.

She put this little quilt on Cui Yiwen's body, and then she took another look at the snow outside the cave.

"Let's go, let's go back to the cave first, go back and have a rest, and you have to take it easy."

After saying this, Shen Yiwen and Cheng Jun supported Cui Yiwen from left to right.

"I'm causing you trouble." Cui Yiwen said weakly.

Shen Yiwen shook her head.

"At times like this, we have to support each other."

But the current situation really worried Shen Yiwen.

This is how to do?Although she doesn't know medical skills, she can tell that Cui Yiwen's current situation is very bad.

That's right, it's not like her and Brother Jun after all.

After she and Brother Jun were trapped, they ate hot pot and used electric blankets to keep warm.

The heat source in their bodies can keep up, and the heat on their bodies has not dissipated.

But Cui Yiwen was as frozen as ice. Although he could use self-heating stickers to keep warm, Cui Yiwen was still shivering from the cold.

Shen Yiwen was impatient, and immediately went outside to shovel snow again.

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