Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 185 The Prisoner's Fiancée

"Huh?" She tilted her head, blinking her big, clear eyes.

Shen Xuenong pressed his heart, suppressed the enthusiasm, shook his head, and said hoarsely: "It's nothing, pay attention to safety, be careful in everything."

"it is good."

She agreed with a smile, then turned and ran away.

Shen Weihua was also about to go out, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to her with me here."

He planned to be with Shen Yiwen.

And Shen Xuenong clenched the dictionary in his hand, and touched his broken leg, which he didn't feel anything, before he hummed and smiled at his second brother.


Outside the production team, Shen Yiwen was terribly cold, but fortunately she was smart enough to dig out self-heating posts, arms, arms, legs, chest, back, stomach, etc. from the space in the middle of the night last night. All pasted on self-heating posts.

Even so, it was still very cold when the wind and snow blew.

She looked at the second brother again. The second brother was steaming in the snow like a big stove, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the cold at all.

Shen Yiwen, who originally wanted to quietly take out her hot post to share with her second brother, had no choice but to give up.

"Aren't you cold?"

"I am strong and strong!"

Shen Yiwen lowered her head to look at her thin and frail body, for some reason, her heart was inexplicably pricked.

Her second brother probably doesn't know how much hatred these words have.

And then, her eyes lit up.

"Brother Jun!!"

Cheng Juan walked towards her carrying a medical box.When the two looked at each other, she had a strange expression on her face.

At this moment, Qian Fengshou clapped his hands.

"Is everyone here?"

"It's all here!"

In the crowd, everyone seemed to be holding their breath, and they clenched their fists in response.

The sound waves intertwined and rushed straight into the sky.

Qian Fengshou nodded, and found that almost all the people who had helped rescue the Yujia Village production brigade had participated in the rescue.

He took a deep breath, then looked forward to it.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Captain, look!"

The man pointed forward and saw a puff of snow and smoke rising.

A military green truck drove up.

When the truck approached, a soldier from the local militia battalion poked his head out from the co-pilot.

"There are quite a few of you here? Fortunately, our car is big enough... Come, come, come up!"

Immediately, a soldier got out of the car and opened the door of the compartment behind the army card.


Qian Fengshou took the lead.He took the big guy, you pull me, I pull you, and they boarded this army green truck together.

There were already many people sitting on the truck.Some people looked sleepy, some looked haggard, and some were shivering with cold.

Almost all of these people were medical staff transferred from the provincial capital.

After Shen Yiwen got into the car, she sat with Cheng Jun and Shen Weihua, and was sandwiched between them, one on the left and one on the right.

Immediately afterwards, she glanced diagonally and was taken aback.

"Tan Fang??"

She looked over there in disbelief.

I saw a young woman, wrapped in a military overcoat and a peach red triangle scarf on her head, trying to curl up into a ball, constantly breathing into her hands.

When Tan Fang heard this, she glanced at Shen Yiwen, and she immediately smiled too.

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

"I just heard that I was going to pass by your Meihe production team. I was wondering if I would meet you, but I actually did."

Shen Yiwen was also surprised, "No, what a coincidence!"

But she immediately remembered that Tan Fang had broken off her engagement with Liu Zijin, and Liu Zijin had already been sentenced.

But I heard before that Tan Fang is the doctor in the provincial capital hospital, and this person's medical skills are very good.

When her third and fourth brothers were hospitalized, Tan Fang was the attending doctor of her two brothers.

Shen Weihua also frowned in surprise.

"Doctor Tan." He greeted him, since he was an acquaintance after all.

Tan Fang looked pleasant and nodded at Shen Weihua.

"After your third and fourth child were discharged from the hospital, how is your recovery?"

Shen Weihua said: "Thanks to you, it's already much better."

So Tan Fang chatted with a few people.

Someone in the truck saw this scene and whispered in private.

"Doctor Tan has an acquaintance here?"

"How did she know those country people?"

And a woman with braids smiled sarcastically.

Although he didn't say anything, his eccentric expression made people feel very uncomfortable.

Shen Yiwen glanced at the man, and she frowned.

At this moment, a male doctor held a scarf and said, "Dr. Tan, here, here you are!"

"I think you're quite cold, too. Use this scarf first."

Tan Fang frowned, feeling that this was not very good.Just when she was about to refuse, the woman with the braids spoke as if she couldn't bear it.

"Doctor Fang, I think you are meddling in your own business!"

Doctor Fang frowned.

"Su Xiuhe, why do you speak so badly?"

Doctor Fang didn't understand, why did he meddle in other people's business like a dog and a mouse?

He saw that Tan Fang was so cold, that's why he took out his scarf, and it happened that he brought an extra one, is there a problem?No problem!

But it turned into this in Su Xiuhe's mouth!
For a moment, Doctor Fang became very angry.

Unexpectedly, when Su Xiuhe heard Doctor Fang say that about her, she immediately became angry.

"You people like to push the highs and step the lows every day, don't think I don't know!"

"Isn't it because she has a background in Tan Fang's family, and knows that his father is a factory manager, and there are people above him...that's why he is so courteous."

"But to put it bluntly, she, Tan Fang, is just a broken shoe that no one wants!"

"Damn, why don't you have a lot of age, and you haven't been married yet, who is twisting your waist all day long!?"

Shen Yiwen's pupils shrank, she looked at Su Xiuhe, who was full of gunpowder, and then turned her head to look at Tan Fang.

She asked with her eyes: What's going on here! ?
What's up with these two?Su Xiuhe's speech was really ugly.

And Tan Fang's complexion has darkened.

"Su Xiuhe, don't look for trouble here!"

Su Xiuhe snorted, "Oh, yes, I almost forgot."

"It's not that no one wants you, but that you were engaged to someone before. I heard that your fiancé's name is Liu Zijin. He was sentenced for committing a crime and has already been locked up in prison!"

"Everyone, pay attention, this is the fiancée of a reform-through-labor prisoner!!"

Tan Fang clenched her palms tightly, trembling slightly with anger.

"Keep your mouth clean for me! No one wants anything, what is the fiancée of a labor camp prisoner!?"

Su Qiuhe rolled her eyes angrily.

"Stop yelling at me there, isn't what I said the truth?"

"If what I said is not true, then you point it out! If you can prove that I am really wrong, then I will apologize to you, otherwise why are you shouting there? Who are you scaring? When I am afraid of you Or what?"

Shen Yiwen: "..."

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