Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 175 Ignoring His Surprised Face

Immediately afterwards, they felt the ground under their feet shake violently a few times.

Shen Yiwen almost couldn't stand, almost fell to the ground.

"Watch out!!"

Shen Yimin strode over, holding her thin shoulders with both hands.

Shen Yiwen breathed a sigh of relief, and after the dizziness caused by the shaking passed, she asked with lingering fear: "What's going on? What's going on outside?"

Her little face was pale, and she felt like something serious had happened, maybe it was an earthquake! ?

And at this moment, someone shouted outside.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"Look over there! It's an avalanche!!"

What avalanche?
When Shen Yiwen heard it, she was stunned, her eyes widened in horror.

avalanche! ? ? ?
When the people in the room heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Qian Fengshou's face turned pale, and he subconsciously ran outside.

"What's the matter?"

"Look over there!!"

Someone pointed to the northeast and said, "There's an avalanche in the east!!"

I saw monstrous snow waves rolling down the mountain.

The place where the avalanche occurred was relatively far away from their side, and the shock transmitted to their side could only be regarded as aftermath at best.

But this is the case, from a distance, the snow rolls down the mountain top, falling down overwhelmingly, the trees on the mountain are knocked down, almost in an instant, the heavy snow drowns everything.

This scene shocked everyone present!

Shen Yiwen and Shen Yimin also rushed out, and at this moment, Qian Fengshou yelled: "My God!!"

Qian Fengshou's calf twitched and he almost fell to the ground.

This is too scary! ? "

Fortunately, it didn't happen on their side, otherwise... It's not clear if anyone in their Meihe brigade will be alive, maybe everyone will have to be buried alive by Xue Beng.

This process lasted for more than ten minutes, until finally, the east side calmed down.

The originally withered dead wood forest has disappeared from the field of vision, replaced by a vast expanse of white snow.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Mother, father!!"

Shen Yiwen searched for the sound and saw that it was a middle-aged aunt who was about to run to the place where the avalanche happened with a pale face.

Shen Yiwen has lived in the Meihe production team for so long. Although the production team has a large population, she has long been familiar with everyone.

She knew that aunt, who used to work as a helper in the canteen of the brigade, was very kind, willing to work hard, and was a diligent and honest person.

But I heard that she was married from another brigade...

At this time, someone shouted: "Big Zhuang, where are you going?"

A man grabbed the middle-aged aunt, and the aunt turned around and shouted: "My mother's house is over there! My father, my mother, my brothers, and my sisters! They are all over there!"

"There's an avalanche over there, I don't know what's going on with them, no, I have to go and see!!"

After saying this, the aunt cried and ran to the east.

And that's just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, more and more people came out of their homes, and some daughter-in-laws who were married from outside were suddenly panicked.

And at this time.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Shen Yiwen looked back and found that it was Shen Xiangdong, the eldest son of her fourth uncle and fourth room.

What a coincidence.

Before hearing that Shen Yushan was back, the fourth aunt Yu Caixia packed her luggage in a hurry, and took the other two sons from the fourth room back to her mother's house south and west.

At that time, the fourth uncle Shen Qinghu and Shen Xiangdong were not at home. The two of them went up the mountain early in the morning and dug a hole in the mountain to see if they could trap some prey. return.

Upon seeing this scene, Shen Qinghu's expression changed.

Shen Yiwen had a vague premonition.

"Fourth Uncle, what's wrong with you? Could it be..."

Shen Qinghu greeted: "Wen Ya, hurry home! Tell the family!"

"Your fourth aunt's family is in the east, no, I have to hurry there!"

Shen Yiwen's expression changed immediately, "Aunt Si went back to her mother's house in the morning."

"What do you say?"

With a buzz, Shen Qinghu's mind went blank.The next moment, he almost ran away.

He ran too fast, staggered a bit, and almost fell.

Shen Xiangdong also reacted, "Father, wait for me!!"

The two men rushed to the east as if fighting for their lives.

Shen Yiwen's heart also tightened.

The production brigade where the fourth aunt's family is located is in the east, and now there is an avalanche there, which may affect the fourth aunt's family...

"not good!!"

She opened her legs, ran two steps forward, then slapped her forehead again, and hurried back and said, "Third Brother, please go home and let me know, I'll go after Fourth Uncle and the others first!!"

Otherwise, she wouldn't know the way, and he was afraid of getting lost. After all, she had never been to the Yujia Village production team.

After saying this, Shen Yiwen ran away.

Shen Yimin also knew that the matter was urgent, the sick man no longer looked weak and weak, but hurriedly took a step and went straight to their old Shen's house.

"Grandma, second brother!"

He yelled as soon as he entered the yard.

"Fourth aunt and her family have an accident, and there is an avalanche over there! Hurry up and bring your things, let's go there to save people!"

After saying this, Shen Yimin coughed weakly twice, but went to the corner and picked up the shovel.

But at this time, Sanfang squeaked, and someone pushed the door and came out.

"What! Avalanche!?"

Shen Yuwen looked bewildered.

The sky was shaking before, when the Sanfang brothers and sisters were discussing the matter about Shen Yushan in the room, they thought it was an earthquake, the brothers and sisters were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

But when he heard that it was an avalanche, and it also affected the fourth aunt Yu Caixia's family, Shen Yuwen's expression changed immediately.

Then, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he rushed to the corner and picked up the shovel.

"Don't make any trouble with your body, I'll go!"

After saying this, he ignored Shen Yimin's surprised face, lifted his legs and left.


On the other side, Shen Yiwen has hurriedly caught up with fourth uncle Shen Qinghu and fourth cousin Shen Xiangdong, both father and son looked unhappy.

Shen Yiwen herself was also worried.

She has met the people in Yu Caixia's natal family. They are all simple and honest people. Among them, the daughter-in-law of the boss of Yu's family is the one who has the most dealings with her.

Now that such a thing happened, Shen Yiwen couldn't even imagine it.

This natural and man-made disaster came too suddenly, completely out of her expectation.

There was no time to say more on the way, I didn't see Yu Caixia and her family safe and sound, and I didn't really meet them, no amount of comfort was powerless.

Shen Yiwen understood this in her heart, so she hurried on the road with her fourth uncle as soon as possible.When they arrived at the production brigade of Yujia Village, they could hear the crying and shouting.

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