Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 170 New Discovery

The third brother Shen Yimin pushed the door and went out.

Shen Yimin raised his enchanting peach eyes slightly, and asked a question with some interest.

Shen Yiwen was speechless, so she had to repeat it again, "Shen Yushan is back, the fourth aunt may be worried, she is afraid that Shen Yushan's temper will be ignored, and she will attack Xiangxi."

After saying this, Shen Yiwen sighed tiredly.

Not long after, almost one of them in the Shen family knew about it.

Even in the brigade, Shen Yushan was mentioned from door to door.

It can be said that when people mentioned Shen Yushan before, at most they said that this girl has a bad temper, likes to fight with others, is lazy and doesn't work, and so on.

But now, when Shen Yushan was mentioned, she just curled her lips, saying that she is not a good person, her six relatives don't recognize her, and even her own cousin can get her hands on her and so on.

Shen Yushan, who is the person involved, is making noise in the cowshed at the moment.

"What kind of broken place is this? I don't want to live here, it will kill people!"

"Let go, don't hold me!"

In this famine year, not only people are starved and thin, but even the old scalpers in the shed have long since starved to death.

But maybe because I had raised a few cows before, the smell of this place is really not good.

Especially in winter, there is no kang in the house, only a bonfire is lit.But as soon as the heat came up, the smell in the shed was even worse.

As soon as Shen Yushan was sent over, she was so smoked that she almost lost her breath.

"Get up, get up, don't pull me, don't pull me!"

"Are you deaf? Do you not understand human speech?"

She yelled at everyone, but some people turned cold.

"shut up!"

"You are now a bad person sent to the labor camp, stop messing around here!"

Shen Yushan was so angry that she swung her paw and scratched at it.

"Who did you call a bad element? Try calling again!"

The man was careless for a moment, and he actually got hit, leaving several bloodstains on his face.

This made the man turn blue.

"Tie her up with a rope! Then take a rag and gag her stinky mouth!"

"It's a pretty big girl, why is she spitting feces every day!?"

In a blink of an eye, Shen Yushan was tied up by five flowers, and she could only make a "huh" sound towards that side.

But the other party did not pretend.

"If you have the strength to make a fuss, it means you are full. Starve her for two days first, and wait until she learns to be honest!"

After leaving this sentence, the other party swung his hand, turned around and left.

Shen Yushan's eyes were red with anger.

Why?Why treat her like this?

I was suffocated in my heart, but I still had some hope.

She thought, even if she was imprisoned here, so what?
There is also her elder brother Shen Yuwen and her second sister Shen Erzhen outside!
When the two brothers came over later, she asked them to help release her.

At that time, let's see if she doesn't clean up these cheap things!
However, it backfired.

Shen Yushan waited and waited, almost hopeless, but it was still quiet outside the cowshed, not even a footstep.

And Shen Yuwen and Shen Erzhen, whom she had been looking forward to for a long time, did not come to the cowpen as she imagined.

Shen Yushan was suddenly upset.

what happened?Why didn't you come over?

She even felt a bit of resentment in her heart.

the other end...

Shen Yuwen and Shen Erzhen, who Shen Yushan couldn't wait for, had already appeared in the Shen family's yard at this moment.

The old lady Xu Dazhi was leaning on crutches, and she still had that serious and rigid expression, and cast a rigid glance at the two of them.

Then, without saying anything, he returned to the house without saying a word.

Seeing this, Shen Yiwen raised her eyebrows.Didn't say anything.

She still has a lot of things to do, anyway, looking at the state of the house, it should not be noisy anymore.

But after they dispersed, Shen Yuwen said worriedly: "Erzhen, do we really not care about Dashan?"

Before Shen Yushan was taken away, Shen Yuwen originally wanted to obstruct it.But thinking about it, what Shen Yushan did before caused public outrage at home.

And now he is a reform-through-labour prisoner, and he offended so many fellow villagers before.

It would be bad if he really showed up.

Later, he was worried and wanted to go to the cowshed to have a look.But Shen Erzhen gently tugged at him, and silently shook her head at him.

"Brother," Shen Erzhen was also quite conflicted.

But she glanced at the old lady's room quietly, and remembered what the old lady said to her that day.

Shen Erzhen felt very bitter in her heart.

"Let's not worry about it, it's not easy to get the eldest sister back, but perhaps the elder sister's temperament should really be changed."

Xu Dazhi is very prescient.

When Shen Yushan was detained by the police station, she didn't help to find people, probably because she expected today's scene.

Shen Erzhen's heart twitched again.


The greenhouse built by the production team is next to the back mountain.

This place was empty, and it was the site chosen by Shen Yiwen and Qian Fengshou.

When she came back here, she saw that the people here had almost dispersed.

Shen Yiwen sighed, walked into the greenhouse, and checked it carefully again.

Qian Fengshou has already given everyone a holiday, after all they have worked so hard for so many days.

But starting tomorrow, you can try to sow seeds first.

Thinking of this, she walked out of the shed and walked around again.

But suddenly he was taken aback.

"this is?"

An irregularly shaped black stone, mixed with a pile of broken bricks.

Shen Yiwen picked it up and took a look, "Is this coal??"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Does the production team use all the fires in winter? They are all wood firewood, or corn stalks.

"Where does the coal come from?"

Turning around again, I saw a piece of broken coal not far away.

Shen Yiwen picked it up again.

"what happened?"

As far as she knew, there were no coal burners in the brigade. Where did the coal come from?

After walking a few steps forward again, I found another piece.

Shen Yiwen had a faint guess in her heart, she immediately quickened her pace, and walked up the mountain along the trail.

After passing through a forest covered with ice and snow, he was suddenly taken aback, and saw that there were many bloodstains in this place, which had been frozen into blood clots.

But in the large expanse of white snow, those blood clots are particularly conspicuous.

"Someone fought in this place, and was injured, bleeding?" Shen Yiwen guessed.

Immediately afterwards, he realized something was wrong.

"This is not human blood!"

Because she didn't see some animal fur not far away.One of them is white, and the other is brown-black.

"It's not people, it's animals. Animals fighting in the mountains?" She guessed.

Then, Shen Yiwen walked along the blood trail and found more and more coal.

until they came to a cave.

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