Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 159 Uncle Shen's Injury

"Shen Yunhe, let go, let go!"

Liu Yanzi was furious, seeing that Shen Yunhe was still holding her wrist tightly, she struggled angrily.

"It's against her! My mother must kill this little bitch today!"

"This little bastard!"

She was outraged.

But when she kept insulting, Shen Yunhe said coldly: "Divorce!"

Liu Yanzi was taken aback.

Seeing this, Shen Yiwen got up from Liu Yanzi's body. She was very vicious when she hit someone, and her evil spirit has not dissipated until now, but she retreated to the old lady Xu Dazhi, and at this moment Xu Dazhi had already supported Shen Erzhen.

Shen Erzhen was whipped by Liu Yanzi with a feather duster before, her face was covered with blood, and there was a wound on her forehead.

With a splitting headache, she covered her face with her hands, and the blood was wet, flowing down the gap between her fingers.

But when she heard Shen Yunhe's words, Shen Erzhen was still stunned.

It seemed both unexpected and reasonable, she let out a "heh", but she didn't know what it was like in her heart.

Shen Yunhe looked at Sanfang, and saw at a glance that Liu Yanzi had packed all her own things.

With a strong hand, he immediately lifted Liu Yanzi up.

"Wei Hua, do me a favor and send all her things to her natal family."

After that, he looked at Liu Yanzi coldly.

These few days, the reason why he was not at home was because he went out to ask people about the procedures for divorce.

People these days are nostalgic for the old days. Once married, it is a lifetime, even if it is a fight, but very few people get divorced.

He and Liu Yanzi had received the certificate.

Liu Yanzi's pupils shrank: "Shen Yunhe! What do you mean!?"

"You packed all your things, and you still come to ask me what I mean?"

Shen Yunhe seemed to sneer.

And at this moment, Shen Yimin narrowed his eyes.

"Second Brother, Third Uncle's family should have some savings. See how much money there is, and first take it out and count it."

"Also, when Wenwen came to our house, she used to wear a longevity lock made of solid gold around her neck. Liu Yanzi hid the longevity lock, and took this opportunity to find them all together. !"

When he mentioned Liu Yanzi, he didn't even bother to call him Third Aunt, and just called him by his first name.

Third aunt?

Such a person is really unworthy!

"You dare!?"

Liu Yanzi's expression changed: "Stop, Shen Weihua, stop!"

"I don't know whether there is a longevity lock or not! Don't touch my things, they are all mine!"

"Your? What is yours? Have you ever done anything for this family? What kind of work have you done and what money have you earned?"

Shen Yimin sneered: "Second brother, search! Get Wenwen's longevity lock back! As for the money from the third room, for the sake of giving birth to Yuwen and Dashan Erzhen, half of it is for her, and the rest Yes, take them all back!"

He had already seen what Liu Yanzi was planning.

"Shen Yimin, how dare you!?"

Liu Yanzi stared straight, but the seemingly sick Shen Yimin ignored her anger.

And Shen Weihua looked even more stern, and directly unpacked the baggage that Liu Yanzi had already packed.

Liu Yanzi was so distressed that she immediately cried out.

"Shen Canal!"

"Good job, Shen Canal!"

"My old lady was a big girl at the beginning. She followed you for so many years and gave birth to children for you, but that's how you treat me?"

"You old Shen's family has no conscience! You..."

Before she could finish cursing, her neck tightened suddenly.

She looked at Shen Yunhe in disbelief.

And Shen Yunhe, with disheveled hair and unshaven beard, choked her throat with a grim expression.

"Uncle Three!"

Shen Yiwen was startled, and Shen Erzhen was also taken aback.

"After following me for so many years, are you still suffering?"

Shen Yunhe spoke hoarsely.

"Back then... I was already engaged."

"At that time, our Shen family lived well, and your old Liu family was poor."

"The Liu family originally wanted to marry you to an old man, but you fell in love with me, didn't you?"

Shen Yunhe closed his eyes in pain.

It should have been a sunny day, but in the next 20 years, he regretted it countless times!

Why was he going to pass by that road that day, and Liu Yanzi just happened to catch him!

"Wen Ya..."

Shen Yunhe's eyes turned red. This name has always been an unspeakable pain in his heart.

For so many years, he didn't dare to mention it, or even think about it, because whenever he mentioned it or thought of it, it would make his heart ache.

Wen Ya is the eldest daughter of a landlord's family.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a lot of chaos, and there were constant battles everywhere. He started working as a long-term worker in the Wen family when he was a teenager. They had both bandits and devils here.

Although the Wen family is a landlord, it's not that they are rich and unkind, but they are friendly to the villagers. During the war, Master Wen tried his best to protect one side, and he was the great benefactor of everyone in Meihe.

Master Wen is also a well-known benevolent person, but he has few heirs, only Wen Ya, his only daughter.

When she was young, Wen Ya was just like her name, gentle and elegant.

He, Shen Yunhe, was just a long-term laborer who did all kinds of dirty work. He fell down while picking up manure and was covered in dirty smell.

It happened that Wen Ya saw it.

Not only did she not dislike it, she also smiled and handed him a handkerchief made of silk for him to wipe.

At that time, they were immature, just half-grown children.But from that moment on, there was a delusional dream in his heart.

Twenty years ago, it was 20.

Master Wen was getting old, and the old man was considered to be dying, and the only thing he was worried about was Wen Ya. He held a contest to recruit Wen Ya to recruit her husband, and Shen Yunhe was only young at that time.

She was dressed in a dusty short jacket and patched black trousers, but she had the handsomeness and vigor of a young man.He has not been talkative since he was a child, he held his breath and hit him all the way.

When he stood in front of Wen Ya covered with scars, Wen Ya was surprised, her brows and eyes crooked with a smile.At that moment they were destined for life.

He thought with all his heart that the girl in front of him would be his from now on!

At that time, Master Wen had been on the sick bed again and again, and wanted to marry the two of them before he died.

The wedding was already prepared, but Shen Yunhe thought, his family was poor, he knew he was not worthy of Wen Ya, but he wanted to give Wen Ya the best.He took out the money he had saved for a long time and went to buy a new set of clothes for Wen Ya.

He couldn't afford too good a material, but spent all his savings.

However, on the way back, he met Liu Yanzi.

Since then, it has become a long nightmare from which he will never wake up for the rest of his life.

"That day, you fell on the side of the road, you said you sprained your ankle, and begged me to take you back."

"When I got outside your house, I turned around and wanted to leave, but you pretended to be hospitable."

"It was very hot that day. You brought me a glass of water. After I took a sip of water, I poured it out outside your Liu's courtyard."

"When I woke up the next day, I was lying in the same room with you, blocked by those people from your old Liu's family, and you were crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself..."

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