Reborn 1960 The Shrewd Wife Has Room

Chapter 147 Provincial City, Yongan Plastic Factory

Shen Yiwen took a look, Fourth Uncle Shen didn't show any expression, but she could see that Uncle Shen was in distress at the moment.

I couldn't help laughing secretly in my heart.

Her fourth uncle must be a good man, very self-conscious and measured.


Soon, Shen Yiwen will sit down again.

In this way, it will be more convenient to chat with the eldest sister.

After driving the car for so long, she also gradually learned that this eldest sister is called Li Hongying.

The two chatted speculatively, and soon they became sisters.

Cheng Juan's gaze, from the beginning to the end, was tightly glued to Shen Yiwen's body, not letting go of any of her expressions.

She was full of vigor and vitality.

And that made Cheng Jun obsessed.


"It's finally here!!!"

When the long-distance bus arrived in the provincial capital, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

During the period, the car stopped several times, and passed by other places to release a few passengers.

The car was full of people at the start, but now there are only half of the car left.

Shen Yiwen stretched her waist when she got out of the car. To be honest, the smell in the car was really not pleasant, and the road was wobbly all the time.

The smell of gasoline, sweat, stench, and all those messy smells together made her motion sick and almost vomited, and now her little face is pale.

Li Hongying was holding the child, and couldn't help smiling when she saw this, she took out a small bag of dried plums from her bosom.

"Come on, eat some of this, it's sweet and sour, it can suppress nausea."

Shen Yiwen felt embarrassed: "Thank you, I understand."

The two of them have exchanged contact addresses and decided to write letters for a long-term contact in the future.

Feeling ashamed to accept other people's things for nothing, Shen Yiwen also took out her pockets.Grab a small handful of rock sugar and stuff it into Li Hongying's palm.

Li Hongying was startled for a moment, then smiled, and didn't refuse.

"Well, we have something to write in the future... By the way, how long will you stay in the provincial capital? I'm from the local side. If you are not in a hurry to go back, I can show you around."

Shen Yiwen waved her hand: "Thank you, but no need, we are here to handle some business. We have to go back as soon as we finish."

The two said a few more words before bidding farewell to each other.

"Let's go."

Shen Qinghu's complexion was also not very good, it was caused by motion sickness.

That pale appearance seemed to have lost half its life.

But after getting out of the car, seeing the wind, the whirring snow and ice slapped his face, and it was icy cold, but he felt a little better.

Without further ado, they set off immediately and changed trains twice.

It took more than an hour to arrive at the factory that Cheng Juan had mentioned before.

It wasn't until this time that Shen Yiwen patted her forehead.

"Brother Jun, I was too anxious before, but before we didn't say hello to that side, were you too abrupt?"

She wondered in her heart, should she bring a gift or something for her hastily coming to the door?

Cheng Jun laughed: "You just noticed this now?"

Shen Yiwen immediately said: "I'm not too happy, I get carried away when I'm happy." She touched the tip of her nose with embarrassment.

Cheng Juan rubbed her little head.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's quite urgent over there. If this matter can be handled quickly, both you and the other party will be greatly relieved."

These words made Shen Yiwen confused.

what happened?The agricultural plastic film for greenhouses is what she needs urgently now, but is she also in a hurry at the factory?
Cheng Juan said, "You will know when it arrives."

After walking a few steps forward, I saw a wooden sign painted with white paint, with the words "Yong'an Plastic Factory" written in black on it.

The old man at the door glanced at them.

"Where did you come from, what do you do?" The old man took out a booklet, and looked like he was interrogating prisoners, but he didn't raise his eyelids much, as if he looked down on them.

Shen Qinghu immediately stepped forward: "Comrade, we are from the Qingshan Commune. This trip is to meet your factory director Li..."

Shen Qinghu clarified the purpose of coming.

And the old man at the door pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at them again with disgust.

When I came here, because Shen Yiwen was in a hurry, she only wanted to complete this matter as soon as possible.

Cheng Juan was well-dressed, but Shen Yiwen and Shen Qinghu, the uncles and nephews, looked like they were not from the city, and they smelled like earth.

A bit of contempt flashed across the old man's eyes.

What kind of person is this? He looks like an old hat at first glance!

But when he opened his mouth just now, he actually wanted to see their Director Li?

A big man like Factory Manager Li is someone they can meet when they say they see him?

"Okay, I know about this, the registration has been written for you, go back and wait for the news."

Shen Qinghu frowned, feeling that the old man's attitude was wrong.

"Comrade, do you think Director Li is not here, or what? You asked us to go back and wait for news, so do you think we should leave our address for you first?"

The old man didn't even ask for the address before.

wait for news?What news are you waiting for?
It's as if you can notify them, but you don't even know where they live, so how can you notify them?

However, when he said this, Shen Qinghu had already figured it out.

I remember that there is a guest house near Yongan Plastic Factory.

The journey here was really strenuous, Shen Qinghu planned to stay here first, and then go back after Shen Yiwen finished her work.

But the old man looked impatient.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!" The old man's expression darkened, while Shen Qinghu's expression froze.

At this moment, a sharp and sharp voice suddenly sounded.

"Fuck, these mud legs! Old Wang, don't let them in! They are not good people!"

Upon hearing this voice, Shen Yiwen's face turned dark.

Looking back, it was indeed the old lady who had a dispute on the long-distance bus before.

The old lady rushed over aggressively.

She was holding back her anger, she had been sulking a lot in the car before, who would have imagined that Yuanjia Road was really narrow, she got off the car now, and now she has arrived in the provincial capital, unexpectedly she ran into these people again.

"What's the matter?"

Old man Wang looked at his wife, and it turned out that they were a couple.As soon as he saw his wife's expression was not right, he asked a question.

And his wife said angrily: "Do you know that I just had a stomachache in the car, and I just asked them to give up my seat, but I was squeaking, pushing, and even scolding me! "

"What's the matter with the young people these days, why don't they know how to respect the old?"

His wife's nose is not the nose and the face is not the face, so he started to curse at the top of his voice.

Old man Wang's complexion suddenly turned bad.

Shen Qinghu frowned.

"Comrade! What happened in the car before was obvious to all. You were the one who troubled us first!"

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