Shen Yimin was brought back by his second elder brother Shen Weihua, and when he saw Shen Yiwen's stern face, he couldn't help teasing her a few words.

Shen Yiwen was bitter, if it was the past, she would have been unable to bear it and had an argument with her third brother, they are a pair of happy friends.

But now I really can't get enough energy.

"I'm thinking about Sanfang." Shen Yiwen frowned.

Shen Yimin raised his eyebrows: "So I was thinking about Sanfang."

He had an ambiguous expression: "I thought you were thinking of the one whose surname was Cheng. Speaking of which, Comrade Cheng Jun is really good-looking."

Shen Yiwen: "???"

She looked over blankly, did the third brother discover something?Not right.

She didn't tell anyone about Cheng Juan's proposal to her before. After all, she was still in the stage of thinking about it, and everyone knew that it was not appropriate to announce it before the coffin was finalized.

The third brother, however, had a half-smile: "Okay, with your little thoughts, who do you think you can hide from?"

However, Shen Xuenong, the fourth brother in the wheelchair, pursed his thin lips, and there seemed to be a flash of displeasure on that gentle and delicate face.

Cheng Jun is a big liar! !

Who said before that we have to wait another two years, when Wenwen is 18 years old, and then make a move, but the result, how long?

It's quite a big person, but is the mouth still a mouth?How can it not be counted?

How old is Wenwen, only 16 years old!Still young! !

Do you just want the old cow to eat the young grass so impatiently?

Shen Xuenong squinted his eyes, and slowly clenched his hands on his lap into fists.He held his breath, as if he was looking for trouble.

But on the surface, it was quiet and silent.

"Stinky boy!" Seeing this, Shen Yimin laughed, and slapped Shen Xuenong on the shoulder.

He felt that his life at home was really interesting.

Ever since I came back from the provincial capital this trip, not only did my adoptive daughter and younger sister who were hated by dogs in the past seem to be a different person.Even the fourth younger brother of his family has become much more lively.Gradually, there is a look in the eyes, and there is anger.

Although it looks the same as before, it is gentle, delicate, quiet, and gentle.But from the bone reveals a new look to the feeling.

Shen Yimin was quite emotional: "This day is really good."

Shen Yiwen: "???"

She was confused again, is there something wrong with her third brother's mind?
Liu Yanzi came back from the police station today, and just had a big fuss, it's been noisy all day long...

But in the mouth of the third brother, such a day of flying around like a dog turned into a "good day"?
Where is it?

Shen Yiwen said she couldn't understand.


Early the next morning.

Shen Yiwen went out as usual, and went to the old houses of the production team that were used as planting bases to check for omissions.

"Wen Ya is here?"

"Oh, come here, Wen Ya!"

"Look at our vegetables, how good they grow!"

The uncles and aunts here are squatting eagerly at the gate, looking eagerly at the vegetable seedlings planted indoors.

When they saw Shen Yiwen, they kept saying hello.

And Shen Yiwen went in to take a look, and saw that after the seeds germinated, Laogao had grown up, and now the room was full of green, which made people very happy to see.

"Wen Ya, is this dish almost ready?"

"Is it ready to eat when it's cooked?"

Someone swallowed and asked.

Shen Yiwen pinched her fingers to make the calculation, and then replied with a smile: "I guess the first batch of vegetables will be harvested soon."

"That would be great!"

Immediately everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all beaming with joy.

Shen Yiwen is also very happy, but unfortunately, although there has been progress in growing vegetables indoors, the greenhouse project has been delayed.

The main reason is that the industrial level of the commune is too backward, and the plastic film she needs cannot be produced. This is really difficult for her. Is it possible that she really needs to produce it herself?

While she was frowning—

"Wenwen, are you hiding from me?"

Suddenly a slender figure stuck behind her, and the man's clear and cold voice came from her ears.

When he breathed, the hot temperature sprayed on her sensitive skin, making Shen Yiwen shiver sensitively.

She hurriedly looked back: "Brother Jun?"

Cheng Juan raised his eyebrows: "Are you doing it on purpose, are you avoiding me on purpose these few days?"

Ever since Cheng Juan confessed his marriage proposal that day, Shen Yiwen always felt awkward and uncomfortable, and kept estranged from Cheng Juan intentionally or unintentionally for several days.

Cheng Juan is not stupid, it can even be said that his mind is different from ordinary people.How could it be possible not to know?

"This... how can there be!?"

Shen Yiwen scratched the back of her head.Immediately stood at attention, smiling obediently.

Cheng Jun laughed.

He had been waiting for Shen Yiwen for several days. He thought that this girl would be able to get out of her own horns, but ended up being stuck in this dead end.

Since the mountain does not come, I will.Then I had to go to the mountain.

Cheng Juan sighed softly: "Okay, the future will be long anyway, it's just a suggestion from me, you don't have to worry too much about it."

Shen Yiwen was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

"What? What do you mean? Did you just tease me that day!?"

Her face was almost green.

Cheng Juan rubbed her little head: "What are you thinking? What I mean is, instead of worrying about these things, you might as well get along naturally like before."

Shen Yiwen's cheeks twitched.

"Brother Jun, don't you know? What you say is like being overwhelmed!"

How could she pretend that it never happened, after all, when he proposed and confessed his marriage that day, her own heart was also pounding.

These days, every night, lying on the kang tossing and turning at night, I always think about the content of that day.

Cheng Juan smiled again: "Of course I understand this truth, but."

He raised his eyebrows again.

"I'm not familiar with the place here, and the only person I know is you. If you don't even talk to me anymore..."

He lowered his eyes, and there seemed to be a gloomy look in his eyes.

Shen Yiwen's pupils shrank.

"No, no, don't get me wrong!"

She quickly waved her hands and explained: "I'm just too busy recently, really, I didn't ignore you!"

She racked her brains for an excuse.

Cheng Juan bent his thin lips vaguely.Then he said: "Is that so? Is it really just too busy, rather than deliberately alienating me?"

Seeing his eyes full of anticipation, Shen Yiwen felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in her heart, she straightened her back and said, "Of course! It's definitely not intentional alienation!"

After that, she made a somewhat awkward statement.

"Anyway, no matter what happens in the future, but in my heart. You are a very important person."

Raising her head slowly, her big crooked eyes stared at Cheng Jun.

"You are my pillar, let me rely on many critical moments, I am really grateful to you."

"If it is an exaggeration, you are like my benefactor. So how could I alienate my benefactor?"

She almost believed it herself.

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