Shen Yiwen slept all day, and the day passed by like this.

When he woke up, Cheng Jun had disappeared, leaving only a leather jacket.

She touched it with her hands, and found that the leather is quite good, and the style is also strange. It only became popular in China from Xiangjiang in the 1960s.In today's barren and backward [-]s, this thing is so rare that it has to be imported from abroad.

As soon as she thought about it, she felt that Cheng Jun's background might be quite big.

"Doctor, nurse!"

A loud voice rang out: "I'm Shen Xiangdong, my mother Yu Caixia, and my brother Shen Xiangxi, how are they doing, are they all right?"

Shen Xiangdong set off at noon and took a long-distance bus all morning before returning to the commune.As soon as he entered the health center, he asked anxiously, but unexpectedly saw Shen Yiwen.

"Shen Yiwen!?"

His eyes stood up, his facial features were thick eyebrows and big eyes, he was handsome, but when his expression became ruthless, he was scary.

Shen Xiangdong has a bad temper. He has been reckless since he was a child, irritable and irritable.

I heard from those who reported that his younger brother was beaten and was covered in blood.

And it was Shen Yiwen who did it!
He held back his anger, thinking that when he saw Shen Yiwen, he wouldn't give up until he beat that little shriveled kid to bleed.

Who knows what a coincidence.

"You bastard, you have no conscience, you bully people and you are addicted to bullying? I think you really want to smoke!"

Shen Yiwen was bleary-eyed, and she was still in a daze when she was punched suddenly.Before he could react, he was punched by Shen Xiangdong and fell to the ground.

She didn't wake up until she fell to the ground and her body hurt everywhere.

"what are you doing!"

"What am I doing? It's fine if you don't do personnel work before, just like a devil entering the village, robbing this and that, does our old Shen family owe you?"

"Feeding you for ten years, dare to raise a friend?"

Shen Xiangdong cursed harder and harder, a vein popped out on his forehead, he grabbed Shen Yiwen's collar, and wanted to beat him up with his fist.

Shen Yiwen was cold and tight, that rough little face suddenly became expressionless.

"What is this for, what is this for?"

The little nurse in charge of charging was shocked.

She ate Shen Yiwen's coarse-grain steamed buns this morning, and felt that she owed a favor. Seeing that something happened here, she didn't have to hurry up and yell.

"It's not good, it's not good. Sister Wenwen was beaten, Shen Xiangxi's family, come here quickly!"

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Boss Yu's daughter-in-law, Yu Caixia, and Xiang Nan rushed over.

It was seen that Shen Yiwen and Shen Xiangdong were in a stalemate.

Yu Caixia was in a hurry, and she rushed over and slapped her: "You have no conscience, who are you hitting? Who are you going to show your prestige to? Hurry up and let go."

Yu Caixia pulled Shen Xiangdong away, and the second son Xiangnan also looked nervous, he helped Shen Yiwen up: "Wen... Sister Wen? Are you okay?"

Shen Yiwen pursed her mouth and said nothing, she brushed Xiangnan away, patted the dirt by herself, and straightened her waist.

"Since Dongzi is back, I'll go home first."

After speaking, she turned her head and left.

Xiang Nan was taken aback, "Sister Wen!"

He hurried to chase people.

Shen Xiangdong's head was full of confusion, and now his mother was pulling his neck, his face was livid with anger, and he was still struggling there.

"Mother, let go, why are you pulling me?"

"That bastard, I'm pooh!"

"It's really embarrassing for her. Ever since she came to our house, she hasn't stopped. Let's see if I don't kill her..."

"You can still stand it, who do you want to kill!"

Yu Caixia slapped her across the face, but she was very angry.

Boss Yu's daughter-in-law also looked angry.

"Why are you so ignorant? You're a big guy, why are you so heartless? Who are you with Wu Wu Chu Chu?"

"My Wenya is a girl after all, what if you beat her up... Hey! Dongzi, how can you do this!"

Yu's eldest daughter-in-law slapped her thigh, but she was really anxious and angry, and she condemned her endlessly.

Shen Xiangdong was scolded so badly that he was stunned: "Mother, auntie, what's the matter with you two?"

He stared round his eyes, almost doubting life.

"Why are you still protecting that little bastard? You bastard has no conscience, what's wrong with my brother, why are you still turning your elbows out?"

It was only then that the two of them remembered that someone in Dafang was hospitalized before, and Xiangdong and his father went to the provincial capital to help, and they just came back, so they don't know yet.

"What is this called? Isn't this revenge!"

Yu's eldest daughter-in-law let out a sigh, and didn't have time to worry about Xiang Dong, so she pushed her towards Yu Caixia, which was called not waiting to be seen.

"Xiazi, hurry up and catch this dazed tiger kid. Wenya must be upset, I have to go and have a look."

As soon as she left, Yu Caixia was so angry that she slapped Xiang Dong's head again: "You white-eyed wolf!"

Xiangdong was quite wronged, what did he do, why did he become a white-eyed wolf?

When Yu Caixia thought about it, she felt very uncomfortable, but she told the story again: "This time, it is really thanks to Wenya."

Xiang Dong was startled: "Her?"

What's the situation, whether it's true or not, why doesn't he believe it!

"Sister Wen, Sister Wen?"

Xiang Nan was in a hurry, but Shen Yiwen's short legs swished, and she walked away in the blink of an eye.

He had to run and chase people.

After panting, she grabbed Shen Yiwen and pulled her away, only to realize that this was really wronged by the boss, her eyes were red, like a live rabbit.

"Sister Wen... Sister Wen? Don't cry, this... this, my elder brother is not authentic, it's all my elder brother's fault, my mother will definitely not spare him, and will definitely beat him to help you vent your anger!"

"I didn't cry!"

Shen Yiwen bit her lips, her eyes were red and red: "I'm tired, I want to go home."

She understood from an early age that people are different.

Like someone who has both parents, a bunch of relatives, and was loved and raised by the family. She has no family and no relatives, so she is alone.

It's useless to be envious, there are some things you can't envy, if you really care about and compare everywhere, you can't exhaust yourself to death.

It is better for a person to live with a big heart. Only a big heart can live a long time.

So no matter what happens, she always tries to be optimistic.

But she is a human being, a living person, does she have no temper, does she have no emotions?She is also wronged.

But whoever made her die, who let her wear it, since she became that "little beast", she also got this karma.

Whether good or bad, it must be accepted in its entirety.

As soon as Shen Yiwen sniffed, she wanted to be quiet and calm now.

"Where's Wen Ya?" Boss Yu's daughter-in-law chased after her.

Xiang Nan looked uncomfortable: "Sister Wen is angry, big aunt, what's wrong with this."

"This guy!"

The eldest daughter-in-law scolded again, but after thinking about it, it was getting dark, and the clinic couldn't be empty.

Xiangdong has a reckless temper, and is a good player in fighting fiercely, but expect him to take care of others?Come on, he can't take care of the careless one.

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