"There is such a good thing?"

It was already dark, but the main room was lit with candles.

The dim candlelight shone on Shen Yimin's face, and his usually pale and sickly face seemed to be stained a bit.

What Shen Qingzhi took out turned out to be a large piece of dried beef.

This is so rare.

Even Shen Yimin may not be able to get such a good thing.

These days, not only lack of clothing and food, but even meat is very rare.

Shen Yiwen smiled happily: "Come on, let's have another meal!"

But after all, it is the era of big pots and rice, so you have to be careful in your own business, so as not to be reported if you are not careful.

Shen Yiwen asked Cheng Juan to sit on one side, while the old Shen's family helped with the work. Soon all the food was placed on the floor, and everyone sat in a circle.

Even Xiangxi, who was supposed to be recuperating in the fourth house, was hugged by his elder brother Shen Xiangdong.

The child stared curiously at the delicious food on the ground, but the table was too small and there were too many things to fit.

Then she glanced at Shen Yiwen again.

Shen Yiwen smiled: "What are you looking at, eat quickly."

Xiang Xi's face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head obediently.Shen Yiwen's heart softened when she saw it, she raised her small hand and gently rubbed Xiang Xi's head.

Xiangxi was a little timid at first, but found that Shen Yiwen didn't hurt him, the gentle force was like a feather, and his cheeks became more and more red.

"My child, I'm sorry." The fourth aunt Yu Caixia watched from ear to ear, smiling so that a few faint fine lines appeared in the corners of her eyes.

And when the atmosphere here was just right, a furtive figure sneaked into Shen's courtyard under the cover of night.

Wang Dafeng put his hands tightly in his pockets.She lowered her head, but the corners of her eyes overflowed with gloomy light.

The production team was not connected to electricity, and usually went to bed as soon as it got dark.There was no one around at the moment.

She saw the candlelight in the hall of Shen's house, and knew that the house was lived by the old lady Xu Dazhi.It is estimated that the old woman is still asleep, but the first room, the third room, and the fourth room... are all quiet.

Wang Dafeng gritted his teeth tightly: "Cui'e has become like that, she will be shot soon, and I have no hope of living..."

"It's you who forced me, and it's all because of you!"


Shen Yiwen's two large snakeskin bags really contained a lot of good things.The bacon is cut into pieces, and it is rare for everyone to eat meaty meat, but now they are a little bit reluctant to eat it.

But Shen Yiwen took out more and more things from her pocket one by one, which made everyone laugh a lot.

"It's really delicious!" Xiang Nan lowered his voice, knowing that it's not good to eat alone in secret, so they just clicked and stopped, the door was closed tightly, and even the windows were hung with curtains so that no one could see them.

He kept his voice down as much as possible when he spoke, as if he was afraid of being overheard.

"Eat more if it smells good." Shen Yiwen smiled.

But suddenly, her second brother Shen Weihua frowned thickly, and then the third brother Shen Yimin covered his mouth and coughed.

"What's the matter, are you choking?" Fourth aunt Yu Caixia quickly poured Shen Yimin a glass of water.

But Shen Yimin shook his head, "Where did the smoke come from..."

"Oh, the stove in our house is burning, of course there is smoke." The door was closed tightly again, it was strange that there was no smoke.

Cheng Juan and Shen Yiwen were sitting together, he was holding half a piece of roasted sweet potato in his hand, suddenly he frowned and got up quickly.

"Brother Jun?"

Shen Yiwen was surprised, and saw Cheng Jun jumping onto the earthen kang of the kang house, and pulled the curtains aside.

At the same time, the second elder brother Shen Weihua also limped towards the gate and pushed the gate of the main room outward.

There was an uproar.


It was on fire outside! ?
"Hurry up, hurry up, fetch water to put out the fire!"

The old lady Xu Dazhi was also stunned, and quickly tapped on her crutches, urging her family members anxiously.

"Brother Dongzi, Xiangnan, let's go, let's put out the fire!"

But the fire was burning so strangely, there was a pile of grass blocking the door of each house, and there was even a smell of raw soybean oil when you got closer?

But where did all the oil come from?

This fire was by no means an accident, it was deliberately set on fire!
Want to burn their family to death?

The more Shen Yiwen thought about it, the uglier her face became. She had already clenched a pair of small fists.

"Oh, what's going on?"

Those who lived near Shen's house were also woken up by the thick smoke from the fire.

Although oil was poured on it, in this winter, the snow was thick and thick, and the fire looked scary, but the fire was not big.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Someone greeted: "Old Shen's family has an accident, hurry up and help, it's still on fire!"

At the front of the production team, Qian Fengshou was half asleep, still in a daze, when he heard his wife, Guiying, goofing off.

The sons, daughter-in-law, and others of the Qian family also hurriedly put on their clothes and pulled on their shoes, and everyone rushed towards this side in a hurry.

But there are also many Shen family members, and in just a short while, the fire has been extinguished.

The yard was full of water, and the ice and snow were melted by the water, leaving a mess.

Shen Yiwen was fumbling around with a flashlight in her hand.

"What's going on here?" Qian Fengshou was terrified, "It's fine, why did it catch fire in the middle of the night, did you not pay attention when it was burning the kang?"

Shen Yiwen's face was dark, and when she was about to speak, she heard a bold and deep voice: "It didn't start from the house."

When she looked back, she saw the second elder brother Shen Weihua carrying an empty bucket, his thick eyebrows were knotted, and his gestures were full of boldness and unruliness.

But those dark and deep eyes carried a bit of sternness.

At this time, the third elder brother Shen Yimin also nodded. He coughed and said: "The fire started from outside the door. When we just put out the fire, we found that someone blocked the entrances of our first room and the fourth room." , this is deliberately trying to burn us to death."

Qian Fengshou's heart skipped a beat: "Impossible!?"

How much hatred, how much hatred, to do such a thing?

And Shen Yiwen had already wiped her face, she let out a deep breath.


She took the lead.

Shen Yimin followed: "Where are you going?"

"Go and find Wang Dafeng!"

In just a short while, Shen Yiwen already figured it out.

The only ones she offended recently were Dong Cuie's family.But Zhang Dashan had been taken away by the police station because he was sheltering Dong Cuie, and the Zhang family was too far away.

As for the Meihe production team, only Wang Dafeng is the most likely to do such a thing.

One is that she has an absolute reason to be the motive, and the other is that Wang Dafeng had been working in the canteen of the production team before, if nothing unexpected happens, the raw soybean oil that was sprinkled on the Shen family to fuel the fire should all be stolen from the canteen by Wang Dafeng.

And when Shen Yiwen said this, everyone in the Shen family turned pale.

"Is the Dong family finished?"

"This is too much deception!!"

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