In the impression of the original owner, this third brother is like a master, coquettish and self-willed, always making trouble for the original owner.Talking to the original owner is always yin and yang, either sarcasm or sarcasm.

But maybe... the man was just being a bit venomous?
However, this brain seems to be quite easy to use?

Shen Yiwen glanced at Shen Yimin, then looked away.

She walked ahead to lead the way, while the second elder brother Shen Weihua supported Shen Yimin.

Shen Erzhen could only watch the three brothers walk away, she was ashamed and indignant, and stomped her feet fiercely in anger.

"Shen Yiwen!! Are you a devil?"

Why did Shen Yiwen capture people's hearts even though she didn't do anything.

One after another, they all favored her?
why! ?


Shen Weihua supported the third son, Shen Yimin, but when he was walking in the snow, a look of inquiry flashed across his handsome and rugged face. did this child change so much?
When they were in the provincial hospital before, they learned about the family affairs from the fourth uncle, and the two of them were not at ease. It happened that Shen Yimin's illness was almost recovered, so he went through the discharge procedures.

However, since his superiors sent someone to find fourth uncle to understand the situation, fourth uncle became busy.However, the two of them still heard a lot from fourth uncle.

Most of them are about Shen Yiwen.

As early as that time, the two brothers felt that Shen Yiwen seemed to be a different person, very different from before.

But there is a saying that seeing is worth hearing a hundred times.

Even though he had made psychological preparations long ago, Shen Weihua was still very surprised when he saw it now.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shen Yiwen scratched her cheek: "Is there something dirty on my face?" Otherwise, why does the second brother always stare at her like this, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, there is something."

Shen Weihua didn't speak, but the sickly Shen Yimin took up the conversation.

"What?" Shen Yiwen was confused.

Shen Yimin snorted, and lifted his thin lips: "Ugly thing."

Shen Yiwen: "?"

After being dazed for a while, his eyes widened: "Third brother!? Are you looking for trouble? Are you calling me an ugly thing!?"

She rolled up her sleeves as she spoke.

Shen Weihua frowned thickly, and took half a step faintly, blocking Shen Yimin's front.

However, Shen Yimin pulled him without a trace, and after that, he still had that weird expression.

"Why, why don't people tell you that you are ugly? Then who made you really ugly, don't you believe you look in the mirror? Or compare yourself with me?"

"Tell me, you are a little girl anyway, why are you so ugly that everyone is angry? You can't even compare to me, hey! Sure enough, you are ugly at first glance, and even uglier at second glance. It's so embarrassing!"


Shen Yiwen was furious like a puffer fish, her eyes were so wide that they were about to explode, and then she shook her hands angrily.

"You are unreasonable!"

She angrily buried her head and walked away.

Seeing her like this, Shen Yimin bent his lips, raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes again, and became thoughtful.

Second brother Shen Weihua frowned tightly: "What are you doing to provoke her? In case she is unhappy..."

"Don't worry, it won't."

Shen Yimin stretched, but immediately after that, he quickly covered his face again, covered his mouth and coughed for a while.

He was coughing like hell, out of breath, and even that pale handsome face was flushed a little.

But after the cough stopped, he smiled again.

"In this way, I can rest assured."

Otherwise, I used to be always afraid that I would die of illness one day, and what would happen if this child Wenwen bullied the family members.

But today, ever since he saw this child, he has been provoking every now and then.

She was so angry that her cheeks swelled up, like a little bun, and she was full of energy.

But he didn't lose his temper like before.

If it was her in the past, she probably couldn't help but move her fist long ago.

Shen Yimin thought about this, and then smiled comfortably: "You are not big, but you are quite temperamental, which is very interesting. Let's go, second brother, to see how Xuenong is. I... am a little worried about him."

After all, it was Zhangjiacun.

Back then, Zhangjia Village caused the second elder brother to be bitten off a leg, and the lower body of Xuenong to be paralyzed.

Shen Yimin lowered his eyes quietly, without showing a trace of expression, but the hand hanging by his side slowly clenched into a fist.



"Fourth brother, brother Jun!"

When he heard Shen Yiwen's voice, Cheng Juan's eyes lit up quietly.

Then, he lowered his eyes again.

Fourth brother?Brother Jun?Why is Shen Xuenong in front of him?

"School farmer!"

Followed by Shen Erge's rough and bold voice, deep and powerful, deafening.

Shen Xuenong was sitting in a wheelchair, surprised: "Second brother? You and third brother?"

"I happened to meet you on the road. Who brought you here? Why did you come to Zhangjiacun?"

Shen Weihua didn't ask carefully when he came, the relationship between their brothers and Shen Yiwen was not very good before, almost equivalent to the state of being too lazy to talk even if they met each other.

Shen Xuenong quietly bent his eyes: "I came by myself, and I will lead Wenwen."

He fondly touched the rocker of the wooden wheelchair.

Shen Weihua was stunned for a moment, but Shen Yimin was a little surprised: "Isn't this a wheelchair?"

It was oddly shaped and made of wood, very different from the wheelchairs he had seen in the provincial hospital before.

Before he was discharged from the hospital, he secretly asked people, thinking to see if he could help the fourth child get this thing for transportation, but it was too expensive, and he had already spent a lot of money in the hospital this time.

When I didn't expect to come back, I saw this unexpected joy.

Shen Xuenong appears very docile, gentle and quiet in front of his brothers.

He manipulated the wheelchair and turned it around: "I don't need to be pushed by others, I can move by myself, Wenwen helped me do it."

It can be seen that he really likes it, and he rolled his eyes with a smile.

Shen Yimin couldn't help being startled when he heard this, and then said: "Forget her to be of some use."

Shen Yiwen: "..."

I can't help but think about black faces.

Her third brother is very good-looking, flirtatious, delicate, handsome, and naturally charming.

But how can you be so angry when you talk?

Cheng Juan came to her side with a smile and rubbed her head: "Open your mouth."


A piece of chocolate was pushed into her mouth, and she chewed the chocolate, because the chocolate was so big that her cheeks swelled up like a little hamster.

She glared at the third brother's side, then turned her head with a hum.


Shen Yimin watched this scene, and asked Shen Xuenong with his eyes.

Shen Xuenong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked delicate, but when he raised his eyebrows, Shen Yimin understood.

Oh open!

Shen Yimin looked at Cheng Jun again.

This man... the girl called him Brother Juan before?

Juan, which sounds like Juanzi at first glance, is a feminine name, but she is not bad in appearance and has outstanding temperament.

He's a pretty nice guy, why did he just fall in love with this little girl from his family?

With a flash in his eyes, Shen Yimin stroked his chin and pondered.

"Come on, go home!"

Shen Yiwen grabbed Cheng Jun, ignored her third brother, that pissed-off bastard, and walked out of a posture of disapproval.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Juan really wanted to laugh.

And when a few people came back.

"Shen, Yi, Wen!!"

In an inconspicuous corner, Wang Dafeng's face was livid, and she stared gloomyly, her eyes were full of malice.

That was chilling.

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