As soon as she rolled her eyes, she began to babble non-stop.

"I was on the mountain before, and I dug up a clay pot, and there was a gold chain in it. I was hidden there many years ago."

"It looked like the jar was old for many years. Later, I sold the gold chain and saved the money for emergencies."

She had thought about it a long time ago, and she had prepared all the excuses.

The eldest daughter-in-law was taken aback when she heard that, and Xiang Nan was also dumbfounded.

"This... is it true?"

How is she so lucky?This kind of good thing happened to her.

It's also fortunate that she was lucky, otherwise, what would happen to his brother if something like this happened.

Heaved a sigh of relief, Xiang Nan's heart suddenly felt warm again, his whole body seemed to be exhausted, and he sat on the ground suddenly, with big tears falling down.

He covered his face, wanting to cry and laugh at the same time.

The cloud that had been suppressed in my heart for a whole day finally dissipated, finally saw the light, and suddenly became enlightened.

Even the spirit is different from before.

But Yu's eldest daughter-in-law thought more comprehensively, her face turned serious, and she said: "Keep your mouths tight, so as not to be blackmailed."

According to what Wenya said, who hid the clay pot for many years, but it has not been dug for such a long time, and the family is afraid that something happened, and it has become ownerless.

But these days... It's not that she thinks badly about people's hearts, but people die for money and birds for food. This is 200 yuan, so I still have to be more vigilant.

The Yu family nodded quickly, and solemnly promised that they would keep this matter to the bottom of their hearts, bring it into the coffin, and not let anyone know about it, so as not to cause any trouble.

But after this encounter, when everyone looked at Shen Yiwen, their expressions and attitudes changed a little bit, quite subtly.


"This Wenya, we really scolded her wrong before."

"A good person depends on others. You can't usually see it. You have to find out something to find out. After all, this is still a family."

"No, that kid has a bad temper. He used to cause trouble a lot, but I just thought about it, and every family is like that."

"That's right, my elder sister beat me up when I was a child. That's my own sister. Who can you tell me about this? Our elder brother almost broke my leg once."

"Fuck off, it's the old calendar of many years ago, and it's not because you owe it."

On the Yu family's side, Yu Caixia's brothers and sisters secretly glanced at Shen Yiwen, sighing over and over.

The second daughter-in-law said angrily, "What's wrong with your own, and what's wrong with your non-born? Look at Wen Ya, and then look at that Shan girl, who is Shen Yushan?"

"When something like this happened to Xiazi's family, she was still gloating and worrying about it, but she didn't do anything about it, and she just added to the chaos here."

"That's not true! Our father just made her angry."

Everyone frowned when they mentioned Shen Yushan.

They're not stupid, they've already figured it out, that brat leaked the news, spread lies, wanted to use Lao Yu's family as a weapon, and even planted a shit pot on Wen girl.

"Who is this?" Everyone complained again, twisting their faces, but don't mention that Shan girl, so as not to get angry more and more.

Shen Yiwen poured a basin of footwashing water, she was refreshed, she shook her head when she walked, and felt relaxed.

"Shen...Shen Yiwen," Xiang Nan cried until his eyes were swollen, and when he opened his eyes, he creaked and walked over like a big frog.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Xiang Nan sniffed, Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao, he himself knows that after a whole day, their four families are no longer authentic.

Shen Yiwen was scolded a lot because of their fourth wife's affairs.

Shen Yiwen snorted and raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sixteen, one year older than you, do you have to call me sister? According to our relationship, I'm your first cousin's little cousin."

Xiang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and for some reason, his cheeks twitched. He was used to being called by first and last names, but now...he became more and more uncomfortable, but he still lowered his head.

The voice was like a gnat and said: "...Sister Wen."

"En!" Shen Yiwen deserved it very crisply, and even rubbed his paw.

"Sister, I don't care about villains today, but this matter will not happen again in the future."

Xiang Nan touched his head, then glanced at her again, with a complicated look on his face.

The Shen family has many grandsons, as well as many granddaughters. There are two cousins ​​in the second room, and Yuzhen Yushan in the third room is also a cousin.

Xiang Nan used to be the most annoying Shen Yiwen, followed by Yushan and Yuzhen from the third room.

But this is my head... He is fifteen years old, when he was a child, someone at home occasionally rubbed him, but when he grew up, no one rubbed him anymore, and he went to his brother.

Now that Shen Yiwen is like this, she seems to treat him like a child, which is quite intimate.

He just... felt uncomfortable, his face was hot, and he was a little excited for no reason.


Walking towards the south, Cheng Jun took a tube of ointment and looked at Shen Yiwen with a smile.

Shen Yiwen's big eyes were curved, and they were happy, like crescent moons.

Even though her skin was rough, with this smile, her whole face seemed to brighten up.


She nodded generously, "I feel elated."

That good mood was visible to the naked eye, his whole body was straightened up, exuding joy, as if he had been wronged, and Cheng Jun couldn't help but laugh.

This is still a child, only sixteen, not just a child.

Cheng Juan pushed her on a chair.

"Come on, sit down, and help you with your medicine."

"Don't," Shen Yiwen stretched out her hand to block it, feeling embarrassed.

Even if the little feet are washed clean, but before... thinking about the pitch-black basin of footwashing water, it must be one of the dark history in her life, and it will never be washed white again.

"Cough!" She coughed and rubbed her nose back and forth with her fingers, "I can do it myself."

"Okay." Cheng Jun responded, and handed over the ointment.


From the Yu family, the eldest daughter-in-law has come to the ward and is guarding Yu Caixia and Xiao Xiangxi, who is covered in gauze and is still awake after the operation.

The third daughter-in-law looked outside and frowned: "Wen Ya is really open about this matter, but you won't be bragging about it?"

The eldest daughter-in-law frowned: "What is this? The child is kind and righteous, and saved our Xiangxi's life. If Xiazi is like this, if something happens to Xiangxi, she will definitely not be able to hold on."

"Sister-in-law, I'm telling the truth, why are you in a hurry with me?"

The third daughter-in-law said sadly, "I...hey, I also feel sorry for Brother Xiang Nan. I have been bullied by that little beast since I was a child."

"What kind of beast is not a beast? You can't say this out of your mouth again, or it will be chilling for people to hear."

The third daughter-in-law frowned again, feeling that she was being so rude.


"Wenya pushed Xiazi a while ago, and Xiazi was hanging on the ground with her big belly on her back. That was really dangerous..."

Mentioning this, the third daughter-in-law is also afraid.

"From my point of view, it means that Xiazi is very lucky, and that's why she didn't bump into each other. Otherwise, something must have happened long ago."

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