"I like this."

His eyes were red with laughter, and he looked at Shen Yiwen with a smile.

Under the snowy night, she looked like the scorching sun.

why?What others didn't notice or fail to notice, was discovered by her and noticed by her.

Loneliness, loneliness, that's not something you're born with.

But since his body became like this, for more than ten years, he never dared to speak out, he was afraid that he would cause trouble to the family, and he just lived his own life quietly.

Those excitements seemed to have nothing to do with him forever.He rarely goes out.

When the second brother was at home, the second brother would occasionally say: "Xue Nong, why don't I carry you out for a walk?"

But he just shook his head.

He said, "No."

Or, "I don't want to go out."

In the past 19 years of his life, since he was paralyzed, the number of times he stepped out of the house is very few.

Even this time, because a high fever turned into pneumonia, he was hospitalized in the provincial capital, and he gained a lot of knowledge.

It was the first time I knew that there were tall buildings in the city outside. It turned out that the car that my second brother mentioned before looked like that. It turned out that the market was so lively...

The outside world made him feel fresh.

He didn't tell anyone that the previous trip to the provincial capital was like a mirage to him.

When he returned to the production team, his dream woke up, and he just returned to his previous life.

Everything is taken for granted, but in my heart, I feel lost.



Shen Xuenong held her hand.

Shen Yiwen was stunned for a moment, and then, she was brought into his cold and gentle embrace by the fourth brother.

The fourth brother sometimes gave her the feeling that he was very similar to Cheng Jun, but the fourth brother seemed to be simpler than Cheng Jun, and the loneliness of the fourth brother was not as sad and heavy as Cheng Jun.

The fourth brother is like a blank sheet of paper, very pure and clean, but occasionally reveals loneliness and sadness.

He choked up and shed a tear with a smile.

"Thank you, this, I really like it."


Early the next morning.

Shen Yiwen opened her eyes in a daze, and saw someone not far away, smiling and staring at her.

"Fourth brother?"

She was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her eyes and looked out the window, it was already bright.

The sunlight came in from the window and shone on the fourth brother's body, which made him look like a jade painting, with a kind of gentle and youthful feeling.

Shen Xuenong smiled and rolled his eyes: "The cafeteria is about to open."

When Shen Yiwen sat up from the bed, Shen Xuenong picked up the clothes and helped her wear them with a natural expression.

Shen Yiwen just woke up, she was still in a daze, she didn't come back to herself until halfway through her clothes.

Why is the fourth brother... so like a good wife and mother?So gentle!

She thought for a long time by herself, then smiled and bent her big bright eyes.

At this time, outside the Shen family's courtyard, there was a sudden sound of making a fire.

"Shen Yiwen, the old Shen's family, all the sloppy ones, get out of here!"

Upon hearing the deep and violent voice, Shen Yiwen was stunned for a moment.

"Who is this?" She was confused.

And listen, it seems to be aimed at her?
Shen Xuenong was thoughtful. "This man..."

Where did he seem to have heard this voice?

But for a while, I can't remember, it should not be an acquaintance.

When Shen Yiwen came out of the room, Shen Xuenong was worried and leaned forward, but almost fell off the kang.

The wooden wheelchair made him happy all night yesterday, and the rest of the Shen family were also deeply happy for him.But after all, it is a preliminary product. For example, the wood used to make the wheelchair is too rough, and the rough edges need to be polished.

So early this morning, before Shen Yiwen woke up, she made a trip from east to south, and left the wooden wheelchair.I plan to send it back to Shen Xuenong after it is polished and smooth.

Shen Xuenong pursed his lips, and he quietly clenched his fists.


Outside the room, Shen Yiwen looked out of the courtyard, then raised her eyebrows.

"Dashan, son-in-law! It's her, that's her! She's the one who killed us Cui'e!"

Wang Dafeng grabbed Zhang Dashan with one hand, and pointed to Shen Yiwen with the other hand, complaining in tears.

"This little bastard is not a human being. She tricked our Cui'e, causing our Cui'e to be locked up. It's all her fault, she's the one who caused it. Hurry up and kill her and help us vent our anger! "

Shen Yiwen's face turned dark.

"It's enough!"

This Wang Dafeng had made a fuss with her yesterday, but today he even sent a rescuer.


Wang Dafeng called the man outside his son-in-law?

Could this be Dong Cuie's husband Zhang Dashan?

What Shen Yiwen looked at was a man of medium build but strong physique.

The man's face was dark, and he looked to be in his early 30s at most, but with his fleshy face, it seemed that he had a fierce temper and was a little scary.

"Shen Yiwen! Is that you?"

Zhang Dashan asked unhappily, looking furious.

Shen Yiwen frowned, she pressed her forehead and sighed, why didn't it stop so early in the morning.

"Tell me what you want."

She has a good eye for people, and she can almost know the temper of the other person with a rough look.

Zhang Dashan has a fierce temper. It is useless to reason with this kind of person, unless he is beaten first to subdue him.

Zhang Dashan snorted coldly, kicked open the courtyard door of Shen's house roughly, and walked into the courtyard of Shen's house with a gloomy face.

"Others are afraid of you, but I, Zhang Dashan, am not afraid! Let me tell you, if you are sensible, let Cui'e come back quickly, otherwise I will not spare you!"

Shen Yiwen sneered, and had already picked up a fire stick.

"Stop shouting and drinking, who are you scaring!?"

She looked stern, and immediately stepped forward.

It was also at this time that the old lady Xu Dazhi and the fourth aunt Yu Caixia came out of their respective rooms when they heard the noise.

"What's the matter?"

The old lady Xu Dazhi frowned, she felt bad for Wang Dafeng when she saw her.

"I pooh!"

Wang Dafeng actually spit a mouthful of thick phlegm towards Xu Dazhi.

"Xu Dazhi, you old and undead old woman, what kind of business did you meddle in back then? You actually picked up this little beast, Shen Yiwen, from the mountain."

"If it weren't for your good intentions, our family's Cui'e wouldn't have been tricked into the police station by her!"

Xu Dazhi's expression turned serious.

"Who are you scolding? This is, you came outside our old Shen's courtyard early in the morning and yelled, I gave you face?"

Xu Dazhi's face darkened, and he actually had a bit of power.She walked over on crutches.

But when Wang Dafeng heard it, it seemed like adding fuel to the fire.

He wasn't a very good-tempered person in the first place, but now he became extremely angry.

She rushed over directly.

"I beat you to death, you bad old lady. You were responsible for all the troubles. Why do you still have the nerve to live?"

"Shen Yiwen, that little bastard, she hasn't been a human being all these years, she made your old Shen's house into a mess, and bullied your old Shen's house all over the place!"

"It's kind of you, you were kind enough to bring back such a plague god thing. Not only did she entrap your old Shen's family, she also entrapped our production team and our Cui'e!"

"You are an old bastard, you are the most damned, you should go in! Why don't the police station arrest you, an old bastard!"

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