After Shen Yiwen washed her face, she picked up a towel and wiped it casually.

She asked the fourth brother sitting on the top of the kang.

Shen Xuenong was startled when he heard the words, and then nodded: "Yes, I like it."

But what he likes is not the comic strip, but... his eyes are quietly stained with loneliness.

Shen Yiwen looked at him for a long time: "Fourth brother, do you have something on your mind?"

I noticed it a little last night, but at the time I thought I was thinking too much, but now I see...

"Do not,"

Shen Xuenong smiled at her: "I see it's snowing outside again, remember to wear more clothes when you go out."

Shen Yiwen stared at him for a few more times before obediently saying hello.

However, when she was about to leave, she glanced at Shen Xuenong.

Her fourth brother was paralyzed from the lower body, so he was not good at walking.

In my impression, the fourth brother was in this state almost all the year round, no matter whether the rest of the Shen family had traveled far away or started working in the field, only the fourth brother could not be shaken.

Day after day, year after year.

He was always so alone, because he couldn't walk, it was like he was in prison, locked in this room.

Shen Yiwen frowned again, "How about..."

A good idea flashed through her mind, she just did it, and immediately went out in a hurry.

"Brother Dongzi?"

She found Shen Xiangdong, grabbed him, and the two squatted in a small corner chattering.

After she finished speaking, Shen Xiangdong's eyes lit up.

"Really? Is this really possible?"

Shen Yiwen immediately pulled out Cheng Jun as a shield.

"Of course, that's what I heard from Brother Juan. Brother Juan is very educated at first glance, so what he said must not be false!"

She swears by it.

Shen Xiangdong pondered: "Okay, then tell my mother later, and then take Xiangnan up the mountain together."


Shen Yiwen was eccentric, she put a finger on the side of her mouth like a thief: "Secret it! Keep it secret before it happens."

"Yes!" Shen Xiangdong looked serious, so as not to rejoice in vain.

What Shen Yiwen thought was that this "surprise", I hope the fourth brother will like it.

She suddenly smiled and bent a pair of big black eyes.


During the day, as usual, Shen Yiwen was like a brick in the production team, moving wherever it was needed.

All morning, I only heard a call from the east, where is Wenya, and another call from the west, Wenya, come here quickly.

She was so busy that she was dizzy and froze, living her life like a small encyclopedia of the era.

Whenever everyone has something they don't understand, they always catch her and ask.

After eating the big pot of rice at noon, Shen Yiwen began to think about improving the food.


"Shen Yiwen, you black heart and black liver!"

Suddenly a shrill loud voice sounded.

Shen Yiwen looked for the sound, and saw a middle-aged woman killing her in a panic.

Looking at the other party's appearance, he seemed to have suffered a serious illness, and his face was a little pale and sick.

It turned out to be Dong Cuie's mother, Wang Dafeng.

Shen Yiwen raised her eyelids: "What's the matter?"

Wang Dafeng pointed at her nose: "You shameless, hurry up and release my daughter!"


Shen Yiwen sneered directly: "I said, are you out of your mind? Who do you think I am? I'm not the king of heaven, I can't control her Dong Cui'e's murder and breaking the law."

"Don't be silly there, who murdered you? You just dislike my daughter, that's why you cheated my Cui'e like this!"

Wang Dafeng's face turned serious, this kind of thing must never be admitted, even if she knew it well.

Shen Yiwen stood up abruptly: "If you think Dong Cuie is innocent, then you can go directly to the police station and release her on bail. What can you do to me? She was arrested because she committed a crime. I don't have that much ability to influence the judgment of the judiciary."

After she finished speaking, she glanced sarcastically and walked away.

"Little bitch, stop for me!"

Wang Dafeng chased after him angrily.

Shen Yiwen became more and more impatient, "Who are you calling a bitch!" She looked unhappy.

Wang Dafeng has been seriously ill since Dong Cuie was arrested.

The way the police took Dong Cuie away that day really frightened her enough, but her man had long since died, and she couldn't just sit idly by for such a girl, she could only look for Shen Yiwen after thinking about it.

"You little bastard, why are you so mean? Our Cui'e provoked you? You're pouring dirty water on her! I don't care. Get someone to release my Cui'e quickly, or I will I can't spare you!"

Wang Dafeng yelled again: "Don't think that Cui'e's father died early, so my mother will be easy to bully. Our old Wang family has not died yet!"


Shen Yiwen rolled up her sleeves: "I think you've had enough of a good life, and you're probably tired of it."

She was about to make a move, but she saw Wang Dafeng squeak and scream.

Before she touched Wang Dafeng's body, Wang Dafeng fell to the ground and howled.

"It's dead, it's dead! Shen Yiwen, a little beast, she killed someone, she wants to kill me!"

Shen Yiwen: "?"

See you a long time!
In her previous life, she often heard people talking about touching porcelain, but she had never encountered it in her life. She never imagined that she had already come to the 60s during this time travel, and she was lucky enough to experience it.

She was immediately expressionless.

And the people around them couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wang Dafeng, why are you making a fuss? Think we are all blind?"

"That's right, the eyes of the masses are discerning, you don't have to look for trouble there!"

"Damn, I think she is a demon!"

"It's no wonder that Dong Cui'e did such a thing cruelly and secretly. Is it because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked?"

Wang Dafeng stopped doing it as soon as he heard it.

"What's the matter with you!? Why are you all turning towards that little beast?"

She felt really unlucky too.

At first, because she heard that Dong Cuie had almost beaten to death the fourth son of the Shen family, she was so frightened that she became seriously ill. Later, just as she was about to meet, Dong Cuie was arrested again.

After being ill for so long, I lost track of the outside world if I didn't pay attention.

So much so that until now, her understanding of Shen Yiwen is still the same as in the past, and she thought that Shen Yiwen was a "little beast" who personally hated dogs.

Unexpectedly, these people in the production team all turned to Shen Yiwen and spoke good words for Shen Yiwen!
"Stop messing around here, don't bully us Wenya!"

At this time, the fourth aunt Yu Caixia walked over with a sullen face, and she looked at Wang Dafeng with a deep hatred in her eyes.

"Let me tell you, Wang Dafeng, although Dong Cuie went in, our old Shen family hasn't swallowed this bad breath yet! If you are sensible, don't show up in front of us, or you will be in a hurry..."

Yu Caixia swallowed the second half of her words, but the meaning was self-evident.

Shen Yiwen's eyelids twitched, fearing that something bad would happen, she quickly pulled Yu Caixia.

"Cough, Fourth Aunt? It hurts you to be angry, it hurts you to be angry, you still have one in your belly, let's go, let's go, let's come back first."

Originally, she was very angry about this matter, but when she saw Yu Caixia standing up for her, Shen Yiwen didn't dare to be angry anymore, for fear that she would really give the blame for the fire.

Fourth Aunt, a pregnant woman with a big belly, if something happened... Shen Yiwen pressed her head, thinking that it would really kill her.

But as soon as they left, Wang Dafeng looked resentful and unwilling.

"Shen Yiwen, you beast!"

She thought bitterly again, and that Yu Caixia, this old Shen family doesn't have a good thing!

She stood up suddenly and stared at that side viciously, a dangerous idea immediately took shape in her mind.

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