Yu Yiming stared at her blankly for a long time, and finally said: "I will work hard to let you live in, but not now, before you live in, I think it is better for us to maintain a pure relationship, that is also right your protection."

Su Ningyuan immediately laughed brightly: "Okay, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you until the end of time!"

She took a step forward and looked up at him, smiling innocently and brightly like a little girl who was only five or six years old.

Seeing that, Yu Yiming's heart softened, and he reached out and rubbed her head: "Okay, you can go back."

"I'll wait for you to take a shower, and you take me back." Su Ningyuan shook his arm like a child.

"I was drunk and couldn't drive."

"You can just take a car. You can take a taxi back after sending me home. I'm a little afraid of driving alone at night." Su Ningyuan said in a coquettish voice.

Yu Yiming was silent for a while, shook his head and smiled: "Okay, okay, just wait and I will."


When Song Yan came home, he saw Lin Xuehui holding Haohao, who couldn't open his eyes, and was about to go out, so he quickly said, "Haohao should sleep with me, that, don't go back tonight, sleep with us too, If you don't mind, I'll let my mother sleep with me, and you sleep next door."

Lin Xuehui was surprised: "Why? Mr. Yu is drunk, can't I still take care of him when I go back?"

After coughing twice, Song Yan said, "Well, someone is taking care of him."

"Ah? Who?"

"It's... his girlfriend."

"What!" Shao Yujia shouted exaggeratedly, "Why does he have a girlfriend again!" That expression seemed to have lost a hundred million.

Song Yan laughed: "Mom, look at what you said, people with such good conditions are not too young, so it's normal to have a girlfriend."

Yu Yiming is Song Yan's senior, two years older than her, and is now 28 years old.

Shao Yujia said very discouraged: "No matter how good a man has a girlfriend, it's not your turn. Daughter, your luck is too bad."

Song Yan smiled and gave her a white look: "So Mom, don't always try to match me up with someone, it's so embarrassing to have an oolong."

"Why does he have a girlfriend? I haven't heard him mention it before." Lin Xuehui followed suit and asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, I sent him back. The door was ajar. I thought it was a thief. Who knew that someone opened the door with a key. A woman who can get the key to his house is his girlfriend. There must be no doubt." Song Yan said sullenly.

Lin Xuehui nodded: "It seems that he just didn't say anything, let's stop gossip and ask, he pays more attention to his privacy."

Song Yan and Shao Yujia nodded together.

That night, Lin Xuehui stayed at Song Yan's side, and Shao Yujia moved into Song Yan's room to share a bed with Song Yan and Haohao, and Lin Xuehui slept in Shao Yujia's bed.

Shao Yujia and Haohao went to bed early, and they fell asleep head to head early. Song Yan was in the living room looking at the computer and browsing the web for a while, and when he was about to go to bed, his phone received a message.

It's a video, a video of two people talking in bed.

She put on the earphones and turned on the video, and heard Hao Zifei's voice, in a daze, as if a little drunk: "That damned man, I don't love him anymore! He doesn't really love me either."

"How could it be? If he didn't really love you, how could he give you such a nice house to live in? Feifei, you and I are completely married!" This is the voice of A Li.

Hao Zifei smiled "hee hee": "You think he lives for me, he just threw me here. He wants to be free and doesn't want me to control him. Anyway, I don't want to be with him anymore. I'm happy to be here Happy here."

"Why don't you want to be with him anymore?" Ali asked persuasively.

"He... this person is terrible... Do you know that?" Hao Zifei "hush" and lowered her voice slightly, "He almost killed me once."

"Really? That's terrible, why did he kill you?" A Li followed suit and lowered his voice.

"Because I know too many of his secrets, he probably can't tolerate me staying in this world, because what I know can easily send him to jail."

"Really? Baby, you probably drank too much, talking nonsense!" Ali laughed, "I think you should go to bed first."

"What I said is true!" Hao Zifei became a little dissatisfied and retorted stubbornly.

"Since this is the case, why would he give you a house to live in? If he can't kill you, he probably still thinks about how to kill you!"

"Because I made a deal with him, I did him a favor, he promised not to hurt me, and I told him that I put those evidences in a secret place, if one day I die accidentally, it will be Someone exposed these things, so he didn't dare to touch me anymore."

"Oh? What did you do for him?" Ali induced.

"I made an alibi for him."


"Speaking of this, I have to lament his good luck. Who knew that his twin brother would go to the hotel at that time? He still got together with my cousin, hahaha!"

Twin brother!

Song Yan sat up straight suddenly, does Chen Jingbo have a twin brother?How could she not know!
Chen Jingbo's home is in the countryside, and he seldom mentioned his family in front of her. She only saw them twice when she got married and during the Chinese New Year in the first year, but the family gave her the feeling that he was the only child in the family. There are no brothers, why is there an extra twin brother?

After thinking about it this way, she missed what Hao Zifei said in the video, so she hurriedly went back to listen again.

I just heard Ali ask: "What hotel, what does it have to do with the alibi?"

Hao Zifei became impatient: "Oh, if you don't know about that, then don't know about it."

A Li stopped asking, and turned around: "Then where did you put the evidence you have on him?"

Hao Zifei laughed "hee hee": "I won't tell you, heh heh, that's my life-saving thing!"

A Li immediately hugged her and kissed her. After the kiss, Hao Zifei panted and said, "Oh, you are so bad!"

"Look how much I love you, am I worried about your safety, thinking that if you are really bullied by him one day, I can help you too." A Li's voice was very magnetic, and he coaxed the woman It is really overwhelming.

Song Yan plucked her ears with her fingers, and she couldn't bear it through the phone screen, let alone Hao Zifei.

Sure enough, Hao Zifei couldn't bear it anymore, and said softly, "Oh, I don't have any real evidence, but it's just to scare him. He has a guilty conscience, so he really believes it."

"Really, don't lie to me!" A Li asked with narrowed eyes.

"My people and my heart are all yours, how could I lie to you, my baby!"

Then the two hugged and kissed passionately, then covered the quilt, and then the video came to an end.

Song Yan put the phone away, unable to calm down for a long time.

Hao Zifei has a cousin, she knows, from her aunt's family, who looks very similar to her, probably because they both inherited their mothers.This cousin did not study well since she was a child, and she dropped out of high school before finishing high school. When they were in college, she once came to Hao Zifei to borrow money.

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