Song Yan was about to thank you, but he changed the subject: "But this is the second time I've helped you. After all, the person I sent you before was only in charge of investigation, not in charge of tricking handsome men. This handsome man is not that good. I found—"

"Okay, let's count it as the second time." Song Yan said decisively, with a mocking smile, "I believe Fifth Master Su, you will definitely find a 'beautiful man' that satisfies me."

When Su Xiaochang was playing with these crooked things, his efficiency was quite high. She only raised this matter with Su Xiaochang in the afternoon, and in the evening she received an unfamiliar number and added her as a friend.

The application for adding friends said "Introduced by Master Su", Song Yan immediately added her as a friend, and he chatted with her: "I am A Li, the handsome man introduced by Master Su. Ask you my mission, what is my mission?"

"Get a woman's favor, and get the information I need from her." Song Yan answered briefly.

"What's the woman's name? Where can I meet her? What do you want to ask?" Ali asked three questions in one breath.

"I'll send you her information."

Song Yan hung up the phone and wrote a long paragraph, explaining Hao Zifei's current address, the bar he frequented, and what he asked Ali to inquire about.Soon, Ali returned with an "ok" expression.

The next step is to wait, this kind of thing can't be too anxious, so Song Yan focused on life, cleaned the newly rented house, and went to pick Shao Yujia to live in.

Shao Yujia didn't know anything about what happened to her during this period, but it probably came from her mother's telepathy, and she always felt that her daughter seemed to have suffered something.

After living together, she cooked soup for Song Yan every day, asked her about her health, and took good care of her.

Song Yan is still taking care of Haohao, but he is also starting to look for a new job.

"I have a friend who opened a kindergarten. I can introduce you to it, but that kindergarten has high requirements for teachers. Whether you can be admitted or not depends on your own efforts." Knowing that Song Yan is looking for a new job, Yu Yiming said to her.

Song Yan smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, Lawyer Yu, but I don't want to go to kindergarten. I have my own plans for work."

Qin Luhan studied preschool education, but Song Yan studied graphic design. She draws well and is quite talented in design. If it wasn't for the unexpected pregnancy and early marriage, she originally planned to show her talents in the workplace.

She pays attention to the recruitment information on the Internet, and has sent out several job applications, but there is no reply yet.But she thought, as long as she works hard, she will definitely be able to find a suitable position, even if she starts from the lowest level?
Not two days later, all the job application messages received replies, all of which were rejected, because she is now Qin Luhan, and Qin Luhan's major is preschool education or junior college, the employer saw this irrelevant major, She was not even given a chance for an interview.

But this setback couldn't hurt Song Yan. Apart from taking care of Haohao, she began to take orders online, making some skins, web design, cover design, etc., and sometimes also did some product appearance design.These things have been cooked when she was in college.

On this day, she suddenly received a call: "Qin Luhan, we are from Xinchuang Electronics Company. I saw you designed the appearance of a router on the Internet. It feels good. I think you are the talent our company needs. If you are free , I hope you can come to us for an interview at nine o'clock tomorrow, do you have time?"

Song Yan was overjoyed, and nodded quickly: "I have time, I will be there on time at nine o'clock tomorrow."

After writing down the company address, Song Yan hung up the phone, and Shao Yujia came over and said, "What, let you go for an interview?" Recently, her daughter was looking for a job, and she was concerned about it in various ways.

Song Yan put his arms around her shoulders and replied with a smile: "Yes, I will go to the interview tomorrow."

"Then I'll find out the clothes I want to wear, and I'll iron them for you!" Shao Yujia was very excited.

At nine o'clock the next day, Song Yan went to Xinchuang Electronics Company on time. It was a small company, and it looked like it was just getting started.The director of the company's human resources department interviewed her, looked at her resume, saw that she was studying preschool education, and was slightly taken aback.

"You are studying preschool education, and it's still a college? This major and education seem inappropriate..."

"I know that you may not be satisfied with my academic qualifications and major, but what I want to say is that what you want is practical talents. I have already made some achievements in graphic design when I was in college. The well-known dating website, I was lucky enough to participate in the design of the original promotional advertisement, you can check it out."

The advertisement was very creative. It was precisely because of the effect of this advertisement that gathered the first batch of traffic.Song Yan was able to participate in this design because of her strength. She stood out from the tens of thousands of design submissions, was selected by, and participated in the advertising design team. She played a big role in it and accumulated a lot. Experience in advertising design.

The director of the human resources department said "Oh": "I happen to know the director of the design department of Can you check it out? Are you sure you are telling the truth?"

"Of course, there were five creators at the time, and the one named Buyan was my pseudonym."

The director nodded, made a call, asked a few words, then hung up the phone and nodded to her: "It seems that you are right. The names of these creators have not been announced to the public. Since you know the names, you should It's you."

Song Yan smiled: "Since you called me because you saw my design products on the Internet, I think you should recognize my ability. If I have the ability, such things as education and major are not so important. You say yes?"

After a pause, she continued, "Besides, our company is just starting up. I don't think it is easy to recruit employees. Design talents with some qualifications may not come, and those who have just graduated from school are not experienced enough. I am undemanding but have experience, so I am a perfect fit for your company and you should hire me."

As she spoke, the director of the human resources department laughed, nodded and said, "You are very confident!"

"Of course, the source of self-confidence is strength. I ask myself what kind of strength I have." Song Yan raised his chin slightly.

The director immediately made a decision: "Okay, since that's the case, you can come to work officially next Monday, but the probationary period is three months. If your performance is not good during the probationary period, we have the right to fire you."

"Of course." Song Yan replied readily.

She got up and was about to leave, but when she reached the door, a staff member hurried in and said, "Director, the big boss is here."

The director of the human resources department's face changed suddenly, and he immediately stood up and walked out. Song Yanrang let her go out first by the door, thinking to himself, the title of "big boss" is indeed very intimidating. Seeing how nervous the director is, I don't know What kind of person is this "big boss"!
She went out behind the director, and then went to a bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, she was about to leave. When she passed by the door of the company's living room, she accidentally took a look inside. When she saw this, her steps stopped involuntarily. Living.

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