Song Yan was secretly startled. Sacred Heart Hospital is the top private hospital in Haicheng, and it is the first in Haicheng in terms of medical equipment and doctors.In addition to the high medical expenses, registration is even more difficult to find.

If you really want to go to a doctor, it would be great if you can go through the back door. It's just that the child is not sick, but he has to go to such a good hospital for an examination. Isn't it just a matter of time...

"How embarrassing is this, it's all my business—" Chen Jingbo said politely, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Just by the way." The man's clear and cold words had an authority that could no longer be rejected.

Chen Jingbo choked as if swallowing a goose egg, and then laughed: "Then I am very grateful to Mr. Su! We will follow your car."

The man ignored him, turned and sat in the cab.

Song Yan was still in a daze, he turned his head and glanced at her: "Why, you are not happy?"

Song Yan shook his head.She is not very happy, but since going to the hospital is unavoidable, if she had to choose a car, she would rather take the car of "Boss Su".

"Isn't the door still closed?" He frowned.

She just came back to her senses, closed the car door, and he started the car immediately, without any intention of waiting for Chen Jingbo and Hao Zifei.

Song Yan smacked his lips secretly, this man is really attractive!However, he also has the right to drag him. Judging by Chen Jingbo's respectful attitude towards him, this person must have a lot of background.

But, what is the meaning of this person of considerable background?

She begged him for help before, but he opened the car door. In that case, why did he propose to take her and the child to the hospital again?Is it because she is afraid that she will not be exposed, so she insists on making up for it, and forces the child to be sent to the hospital for examination, so that her lies have no place to hide?

She shook her head, it's unlikely...

Seeing that this "Boss Su" is obviously not very familiar with Chen Jingbo, even his indifferent attitude towards Chen Jingbo sometimes makes her feel that he has a bad impression of Chen Jingbo?
But if it wasn't for helping Chen Jingbo, what was he doing for it?Is it because you are bored to meddle in your own business?This person is obviously not a warm-hearted person!

She couldn't think of a reason, so she couldn't help but quietly raised her eyes to look at him through the rearview mirror.

From this angle, she could just see his eyes, and he was focusing on driving while looking ahead.

Song Yan looked at his brows and eyes, and felt a familiar feeling in his heart again... It has been several times, why is this, could it be that she has seen him before?

She turned her head and thought for a while, there seemed to be some clue in her mind but she couldn't grasp it.

"Mom." The child in his arms suddenly said.

Song Yan woke up suddenly and looked down at the child, and saw that he had completely woken up after the crying just now, and was currently snuggling up in her arms and wrapping his fingers around her hanging hair.

Seeing Song Yan looking over, he immediately grinned at her and smiled brightly: "Mom, it smells, smells." He wrinkled his little nose as he spoke, probably smelling the aroma of shampoo from her hair.

The soft and innocent voice knocked on Song Yan's heart like the sound of nature, making the emotion that she had forcibly suppressed in front of Chen Jingbo break out uncontrollably, and burst into tears instantly.

Her baby, her angel!She thought that she and him were separated by heaven and man, and that they would never see each other again, but she didn't expect that there would be a time to hold him in her arms again!
Like a lost and found treasure, she hugged Haohao tightly in her arms and pressed her face against his. She was so excited that she didn't even consider that the tears would wet the child's face.

For Song Yan's overly excited action, Hao Hao didn't show the slightest resentment or fright, instead stretched out his thin arms and grabbed her neck, while wiping the tears on her face with his hands, imitating Coaxing in the tone of an adult: "Mom, don't cry, never mind..."

Song Yan burst into laughter with a "puchi", amused by the child's words.How can a child who has just learned to speak be so cute?

She held Haohao's little hand that wiped her tears, put it on her lips and kissed it again, and said softly: "Mom listens to Haohao, mother is brave, stop crying!"

Haohao smiled and clapped his hands to imitate words: "Mom, take care of me forever, take care of me forever!"

Song Yan's heart softened, and he smiled contentedly while hugging the child.

His smiling eyes turned inadvertently, and he felt a little strange when he passed the rearview mirror. After a pause, he immediately met the man's examining eyes.

Song Yan came back to his senses with a jolt, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed that something was wrong.Just now, I was so busy making out with the child that I forgot that I was still in his car. If I was like this, he...wouldn't be able to see anything...

The man's eyes quickly turned away, and he continued to stare at the car ahead.

Song Yan looked back at the back of the car, but he didn't see Chen Jingbo's car following him, so he was slightly relieved.She already had an idea, since he saw what happened just now, she might as well tell him directly.

Licking her lips, she opened her mouth: "Boss Su, I think you must be a good person if you jumped into the water to save me and the child without hesitation, so I want to beg you, a good person will do it to the end and help me."

He didn't answer, Song Yan was a little embarrassed, wondering if he should ask again.

Just when she was about to speak again, he spoke first: "Where's the evidence?"

Song Yan was startled.

"Didn't it say that the woman wanted to kill the child? What's the evidence?"

It turned out that he was asking this question, and Song Yan immediately replied seriously: "Oh, yes, there is a small remote-controlled toy car in the grass by the pond. Someone deliberately remote-controlled that car to lure children into the pond."

He was silent for a while and asked, "What evidence do you have that the woman left the car?"

"After saving the child, I accidentally saw the woman looking for a car in the grass, holding a remote control in her hand, so I thought, it should be the car she put in. At first I didn't think she was trying to harm the child, but then she didn't mean to. When I saw her talking very intimately with Mr. Chen, I thought of this possibility."

He parked the car slowly on the side of the road and looked back at her: "What do you mean, explain clearly."

"I think this woman is probably Mr. Chen's mistress outside, and she wants to kill this child." When she was speaking, her voice sank unconsciously.

The man stopped talking, and asked her after a while of silence: "How do you want me to help you?"

"Will you let me take the child out of the car?" Song Yan replied immediately.

He sneered silently, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Do you think you can save him by taking the child out of the car?"

Song Yan didn't say anything, and she also knew that it was a bit reckless to do so. In a society with such advanced cameras, it would be difficult for her to really hide the child.But she, who is eager to save her son, really can't think of a better way at this time!I can only take the child away first, and let's talk about the rest!
"If they call the police, you have to consider the consequences." He reminded coldly.

"But what can I do? The child almost drowned today!" Song Yan said anxiously, his eyes moistened again.

He stopped talking, stared at her for a while, and suddenly asked, "Why?"

Song Yan stared at him blankly, not knowing why.

"Why are you so obsessed with this kid?" he asked.

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