Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 68 The Devil Coming Out of Hell

Song Yan turned around and looked at him quietly: "Mr. Chen, you drank too much. He is not some bastard, he is your son."

"He is not my son, he is Song Yan's bastard born to others!" Chen Jingbo shouted angrily, "Do you think I really love this child so I let you live here with him? Wrong, I'm for you, Qin Luhan! I let you live here with him because I couldn't bear you, and I even found a nanny for you! Now you just want to take care of him and leave me alone?"

As he spoke, he came forward and grabbed Song Yan's arm: "No, you must accompany me tonight!"

His strength was so great that Song Yan almost couldn't stand still, Lin Xuehui stepped forward and supported Song Yan's shoulder from behind, and said to Chen Jingbo: "Mr. Chen, you are really drunk, you should go to rest. "

"Go away, what's your business here!" Chen Jingbo scolded.

Not only did Lin Xuehui not walk away, but she stepped forward and blocked Song Yan and Haohao behind her. She shook the mobile phone in her hand and said loudly, "Mr. Chen, if you mess around again, I will call the police." Already!"

"You betrayed you! I will pay you wages, food and lodging, and you want to call the police? I want to sleep with my woman, can you control me!"

While he was talking, he suddenly reached out and quickly snatched the phone from Lin Xuehui's hand. He threw the phone on the ground, stepped on it a few times, and the screen of the phone shattered on the spot.

"Go away!" He waved his fist at Lin Xuehui, as if he was about to hit him.

Song Yan handed Haohao to Lin Xuehui's hand, and said calmly to her, "Take Haohao into the house, and leave it to me."

Lin Xuehui hesitated and whispered, "How can you beat him?"

"You don't need to worry about this, just take Haohao in and lock the door of the room." Song Yan said in a deep voice.

Probably her composure convinced Lin Xuehui, she stopped talking, took Haohao into her arms, and walked quickly into her room.

Only Chen Jingbo and Song Yan were left in the living room. Chen Jingbo smiled evilly and pressed Song Yan against the wall.

He pinched her chin, and his eyes were full of evil: "Today, let's have a good time, right? I've followed you for so long, and it's time for you to repay me today, right?"

Song Yan smiled brightly like a flower at night: "Of course, let's drink wine on the bed."

Seeing her docile appearance, Chen Jingbo relaxed his vigilance a little: "Okay, let's go." He put his arms around her waist and was about to enter the room.

"I'll get the wine." Song Yan struggled.

He didn't let go: "Let's go together."

"Alright." Song Yan replied with a smile.

The two walked to the dining table, Song Yan held the bottle of white wine in his hand, a cold smile appeared on his lips and he raised his voice and said, "Tonight, I want to have a good drink with you!" After the words fell, he raised his hand Come to take the wine bottle and smash it down heavily on Chen Jingbo.

She exhausted all her strength and went with the idea of ​​"smash him to death". The wine bottle shattered on Chen Jingbo's forehead, and the wine mixed with blood instantly covered his face.

Chen Jingbo wailed, and Song Yan took the opportunity to push him away, quickly ran back to his room, and locked the door.

The door vibrated behind her, and with the deafening knock on the door, Chen Jingbo yelled: "You damn woman dare to hit me with a wine bottle, open the door for me, and see if I don't kill you!"

Song Yan put his back against the door panel, as if this would make the door indestructible.

After knocking like this for a while, suddenly there was no movement outside the door. Song Yan pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and Chen Jingbo seemed to disappear, quietly.

Did he faint?She was thinking, but at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, and the door panel behind her suddenly slammed heavily towards her.

She retreated subconsciously to avoid it, and saw the door crashing down in front of her, and Chen Jingbo stood at the door with blood all over his face, like a devil from hell!
Song Yan gasped, she didn't expect Chen Jingbo to have such a strong fighting power after being hit like this, kicking down the door panel forcefully!

Subconsciously, she took two steps back and looked at Chen Jingbo warily.

A strange smile appeared on Chen Jingbo's lips, and he approached her step by step: "Qin Luhan, you can't hide now, can you? Although I also drank tonight, I can definitely remember how you tasted!"

Great fear seeped out from every pore. In her eyes, the current Chen Jingbo was a real devil!

As he approached step by step, Song Yan retreated step by step until his back pressed against the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

She gritted her teeth secretly, and suddenly wanted to pass through the gap beside him and run out of the house. Who knew that he was so agile, and quickly grabbed her arm.

Severe pain came from her arm, and his strength was astonishing, as if it was about to crush her arm. The next second, she felt severe pain on her scalp, and then she lost her balance. Gravity hangs in the hair.

She was in so much pain that she couldn't resist, she was pulled by Chen Jingbo's hair and thrown on the bed, and then Chen Jingbo pressed her up, the bloody face combined with the ferocious expression, making people unforgettable at a glance!

"Let go of me, you devil!" Song Yan screamed, resisting, but couldn't escape.

"I must take care of you tonight!" Chen Jingbo bent down with a grinning grin...

Just when Chen Jingbo was about to make the next move, his body suddenly jerked, and then he fell down and rolled beside Song Yan.

Song Yan immediately pushed him away and sat up, covered the torn clothes and looked forward, and saw Lin Xuehui standing by the bed with the crutch, it turned out that she was the one who gave Chen Jingbo a hard blow from behind.

"Sister Lin..." she called out in a low voice.

Lin Xuehui nodded to her: "Hurry up and get your things, let's get out of here."

Only then did Song Yan come to his senses, and quickly got up and changed his clothes, then packed Haohao and his things into the suitcase.After waiting for her to go out with her luggage, she saw Lin Xuehui carrying a backpack and holding the sleeping Haohao in her arms.

"It's packed, haven't you left anything behind?" Lin Xuehui asked her.

Song Yan thought of something, hurried to the dining table and took the mobile phone hidden behind the tissue box, and followed her out the door.

They hurried out of the community, and when they were waiting for a taxi at the gate of the community, Lin Xuehui asked her, "Do you have a place to go?"

Song Yan was startled, she really didn't think about where to go.

"Otherwise, why don't you go home with me? But my house is a bit small, and you may be wronged to squeeze it together." Lin Xuehui said.

After thinking about it, Song Yan shook his head: "Thank you, Sister Lin, where did I go?"


"Go to Lawyer Yu." Song Yan replied firmly.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped outside the gate of a community.Let Lin Xuehui hold the child and watch the luggage while Song Yan walked to the gate of the security guard and talked to the security guard: "Master, my friend lives in this community, please let me in?"

The security guard looked at her suspiciously: "Since your friend lives here, you can call him and ask him to pick you up. We can't let you in without verification."

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