Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 61 A Completely Different Him

Song Yan's first reaction was to press the emergency bell in the elevator, and then stick his body against the side wall of the elevator to prevent the elevator from falling suddenly.

After doing this, she thought of the other person in the elevator, and she couldn't help turning her head to look, and saw him standing quietly with his arms propped on the elevator wall.

"You can't do this, what if the elevator falls down, you should lean against the elevator wall like me, with your legs slightly bent as a buffer." Song Yan blurted out.

He didn't move or pay her any attention.

"What are you doing, hurry up and do like me!" Song Yan couldn't help being anxious.

He still didn't move, as if he didn't hear her.

The elevator trembled, and Song Yan was afraid that the elevator would go down again, so he rushed over to pull him without thinking about it.

Suddenly she held his hand, his hand was as cold as his face and eyes, even a little wet!

Song Yan was startled, why, is he breaking out in a cold sweat?
With this awareness, she suddenly and keenly noticed the strangeness of his breathing.

His breathing was short and heavy, and it didn't look like a reaction caused by pure nervousness at all, but rather a very, very frightened look...

She was a little confused, that kind of strong and capable man, would he still be afraid of the dark?

She tentatively reached out to pull his arm, as if he had been electrocuted, his body trembled violently, and he avoided it.

It seems that this man is really afraid of the dark, Song Yan blinked, and said softly, "I rang the bell, and someone will take care of it soon, don't be afraid."

"Who said I was scared." A hoarse voice immediately retorted her.

Song Yan raised the corners of his lips in the dark: "Oh, I'm used to coaxing children, and if I blurt it out, just pretend I didn't say it."

He didn't answer, his body was stiff.

"You still do as I said, in case something happens, it is also a protection for yourself." Song Yan said.

This time, he finally turned around and pressed his back against the side wall of the elevator, and Song Yan was next to him.

The two stood in the same posture, quietly in the darkness.

In order to ease the atmosphere and divert his fear, Song Yan said, "Let me tell you a coincidence. A few years ago, I encountered the same thing."

Seeing that Su Xing didn't answer, she didn't care, and continued to say to herself: "At that time, I was in the second year of high school, and I was locked in the elevator with a boy."

Su Xing's body moved slightly.

"The boy was tall, but timid, and he was afraid of the dark. I talked to him a lot. He didn't reply me a word, but I knew that he persisted because of my talkativeness. "

At that time, she and the boy stayed in the elevator for a full four hours, and he kept silent, and she talked to herself.

First she told jokes, and when the jokes were over, she talked about school anecdotes, and then she said she had nothing to say, and then she started singing, and after singing the popular songs at that time, she began to sing nursery rhymes. She clearly remembered that when she sang the fifth time Carrots", the rescuer came.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help humming the tune of "Pull the Carrot".

Su Xing next to him heard the tune and suddenly turned his head to look at her.

In the darkness, he saw the curvature of her side face, and for some reason, he had the illusion that the woman beside him was her...

He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and shook his head vigorously, it was clearly not her!

"Shut up!" he said through gritted teeth.

I'm back, Bingshan Bazong Faner is back!

Song Yan frowned in the dark, and said leisurely, "I'm sorry, I coaxed the child too much, so I just opened my mouth."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "click", and the lights in the elevator turned on. Then, the elevator vibrated and slowly went up.

Song Yan straightened his body to look at Su Xing, and saw him standing straight with his back facing her, his usual iceberg indifference, as if what happened just now had never happened, and she didn't even let her see a trace of embarrassment.

Smiling silently, Song Yan looked up at the numbers above.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator opened on the fourteenth floor. Outside the door stood a few elevator emergency personnel and a few security guards from the Su Corporation. They were all dumbfounded when they saw Mr. Su coming out of the elevator. Let him explain in various ways.

Su Xing ignored them, instead walked into the walking stairwell and went upstairs on foot.

Song Yan smiled slightly and walked to the finance department of Su's Construction.

When the cashier of the finance department learned of her intentions, he smiled and said, "You have been depositing the money for a long time, and you are not in a hurry? Speaking of which, there are very few people like you who are not in a hurry to get the money."

Song Yan replied with a smile: "I'm not in Haicheng, no matter how anxious I am."

"Actually, you can entrust someone else to come, just call us and tell us." The cashier kindly reminded.

Song Yan shook his head and replied, "Forget it, I don't feel at ease entrusting anyone else. It's better for me to do it myself. Anyway, it's safe to put the money in your company."

A series of signing and payment procedures were quickly completed. Song Yan left the finance department and walked up to the fifteenth floor.

The [-]th floor is very quiet, and the decoration is different from the departments below. There are only a few large rooms on both sides of the long corridor, and the door plates say the first meeting room, the second meeting room, the reception room, the president's lounge, etc. , this floor is the office area of ​​the president of Su's construction, and the president of Su's construction is Su Xiaochang, the fifth young master of the Su family.

Song Yan stood quietly for a while, then took a deep breath and walked inside.

The beautiful secretary, who heard that she had an appointment, invited her into the president's office vigilantly and politely.

"President Su, your guest has arrived." The secretary announced in a professional manner.

Su Xiaochang's high-backed swivel chair turned around to face them. He held a glass of wine in one hand and a thick cigar in the other.

"Okay, you go out." He responded to the secretary.

After the door closed, Su Xiaochang smiled at Song Yan: "You seem to be late."

"I went to the finance department to sign." Song Yan replied lightly, and sat down on the sofa.

Su Xiaochang took a sip of red wine, squinted his eyes and looked at her for a moment, then asked: "You said you have something to do with me on the phone, what's the matter?"

"Three times of help, can President Su admit it?"

"Of course, I always keep my word, but after three times, you must give me the remaining food stamps." Su Xiaochang took a sip of his cigar, puffed out the smoke, and looked up.

"That's natural." Song Yan replied with a smile.

"Okay, refreshing! So, what do you want me to help you with for the first time?" Su Xiaochang smiled with satisfaction.

Song Yan's face became serious: "I want President Su to send some people to help me with something..."

About 15 minutes later, Song Yan came out of Su Xiaochang's office and walked straight to the elevator.

The elevator was going down from above, and when it reached the fifteenth floor, the door opened with a "ding", and the tall figure standing inside made Song Yan slightly startled.

Why did I meet him again!
Smiling at him, and walking in, Song Yan thought that after going through the past, at least they could get along peacefully, but unexpectedly, he was met with a mocking voice: "Go to the finance department and pay the bills before you can leave? "

He has become the annoying him before again, and when he looks at her, there is always a sarcasm in his eyes.

Song Yan felt a little upset, so he simply replied, "Yes, since we're here, we have to say hello to the president anyway."

"It seems that you are very familiar with my fifth uncle?" When he was speaking, his eyes suddenly became very sharp.

Song Yan felt as if something had stuck into his eyes, he blinked involuntarily, and then said: "It's not familiar, but it's just a business relationship."

"Miss Qin is really an all-around player. She managed business, became a nanny, fought and cured crazy women. Your life is really colorful!" He sneered.

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