Su Xing had been listening to her quietly, the more he listened, the more startled he became.

If Qin Luhan is Song Yan's best friend, it is possible to know many secret things about her, but it is impossible to know everything about her from childhood to adulthood so clearly!Such memories can only be recalled if I have experienced them!Even if Qin Luhan's memory is messed up, it's impossible to tell what he doesn't know!

Could it be that Song Yan made up all these past events?But while talking and making it up so logically, is it possible?Strong doubts arose in his heart.

Seeing her gloomy expression, he leaned over and gently pressed her shoulder: "Okay, don't think about those unpleasant things now, you lie down first, and I'll go buy some dinner."

Song Yan lay obediently, she was indeed hungry.

Su walked out of the ward, and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Go and investigate..."

He said a lot of details in Song Yan's memories, and asked his subordinates to investigate. If it was really made up, it would not exist.Although he thought it was ridiculous for him to do such a thing, because she obviously made it up, but he just didn't give up and wanted to investigate.

He bought Song Yan's favorite food and brought it into the ward, and saw that Song Yan had sat up and was staring at himself in the mirror, frowning.

"What are you thinking?" Su Xing put down the food and asked her.

Song Yan murmured: "Why does this face seem familiar to me the more I look at seems like I've seen it somewhere before."

Su Xing couldn't help laughing, and said casually: "Of course I have. You used to see yourself in the mirror every day."

"Myself..." Song Yan covered his head, "My name is Qin Luhan? Isn't my name Song Yan?"

Seeing that her face was turning pale, Su Xing immediately became nervous. He stroked her shoulder and said, "Don't think about it, don't think about it, you should have a headache if you think about it too much. Come on, let's eat, let's eat!"

He held her face, forced her to look at him, told her not to think about anything, she finally recovered slowly, abandoned all doubts and distracting thoughts, and concentrated on eating.

That night, Su Xing stayed with her all night. The next day, Lin Xuehui came to accompany her, probably because of Su Xing's instructions. When Song Yan asked her "Who are you", Lin Xuehui only smiled and replied: "I am Nanny at home, I'll take care of you."

Song Yan had an inexplicable crush on this woman, so he didn't ask any further questions.

The doctor came to make rounds and said that there was no major problem with her body, but the head injury still needed to be observed. She could take a walk in the garden behind the hospital, which would help her relax.

Song Yan was also depressed in the ward, so he asked Lin Xuehui to accompany him to the back garden for a walk.

The air was fresh, and Song Yan's mood improved a lot. At this moment, someone suddenly called out from behind: "Qin Luhan!"

Song Yan turned around and saw a woman with a big belly standing behind her. Although her belly was not small, she was wearing heavy makeup, which made people uncomfortable.Especially her face, the face she hated the most in Song Yan's life.

She immediately showed an angry expression and yelled at the woman: "Hao Zifei, what are you looking for me for?"

While talking, she was still a little puzzled. She remembered that when she saw Hao Zifei not long ago, she seemed to be not pregnant yet. Why did her belly get so big all of a sudden?
Hao Zifei was startled, and then showed a smug smile: "I didn't come to see you, I just came for an obstetric examination, and I met you in the hospital, so I'll call you, after all, I know you!"

"Are you here to demonstrate to me? The child in your belly belongs to Chen Jingbo?" Song Yan asked through gritted teeth.

Hao Zifei was stunned, and then showed a shocked expression: "What nonsense are you talking about! Chen Jingbo died two months ago, okay? My child belongs to my husband, so don't talk nonsense here to provoke me and my husband relation!"

This time it was Song Yan's turn to be startled.

Chen Jingbo has been dead for two months?What exactly is going on?

"I said Qin Luhan, are you sick? Are you mentally ill like your mother?" Hao Zifei said sarcastically from the side, "So, being a rich wife is not so easy , God is fair—”

"You talk nonsense again, be careful I will tear your mouth!" Lin Xuehui cut her off before she finished speaking.

Probably because Lin Xuehui was very aggressive, Hao Zifei didn't dare to speak after being yelled at, she pursed her lips and muttered "crazy" and walked away.

But Song Yan's head was in a mess. She sat on the bench next to her and held her head, feeling that it was a ball of paste.

what is going on?How can you say that Chen Jingbo died two months ago?Why did Hao Zifei also call her Qin Luhan?Why is it that she is Song Yan, but her face is that of another woman, that woman's name is Qin Luhan!Why, why, what the hell is going on?

She desperately wanted to think about these things clearly, and she felt as if a needle began to stir slowly in the depths of her head, the more it stirred, the more painful it was, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, she felt her head was about to explode, Lost consciousness as soon as his eyes went dark.

Five days later, Su Xing stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at Song Yan lying on the bed with a deep expression.

Sun Fushang hurried in from the outside, Su Xing turned to look at him: "Sent away?"

Sun Fushang nodded: "Send it away, but isn't it a bit ridiculous for us to do this kind of thing? And we still do this kind of thing in the hospital. The hospital is the most scientific place, and I never believe in such ghosts. "

Su Xing turned to look at him: "But, how to explain her situation?"

Sun Fushang choked, and said for a long time: "That's right, you said that she is in good health, but she is unconscious, and the doctor can't find the reason. It seems that in the end, only the words of the master can explain it. "

He said with a chuckle: "Departing soul syndrome! Hehe, this is too ridiculous. He said that the soul in Qin Luhan's body was not her own, so after some brain trauma, the phenomenon of departing soul occurred .Do you believe him?"

Su Xing turned his head to look at the Wanjia lights outside the window, and replied gently: "I didn't believe it before, but now I do."

Five days ago, when Qin Luhan was walking with Lin Xuehui in the garden of the hospital, he accidentally ran into Hao Zifei. Hao Zifei's few words stimulated Qin Luhan, and she passed out with her head in her arms.

The doctor checked her body, and all the indicators were good, but she couldn't find the reason for her coma, which made Su Xing helpless, and even consulted a well-known foreign brain expert, but couldn't get a good answer .

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