"Haohao!" Song Yan gasped and rushed over. When he arrived, the soup bowl had tilted down.

Seeing that the hot chicken soup was about to be poured on Haohao's head, Song Yan couldn't care less, stretched out one arm to cover Haohao's head, and at the same time pulled Haohao out with the other hand.

"Wow", a whole bowl of chicken soup was poured on Song Yan's arm, she only felt a sharp burning pain penetrated into the bottom of her heart, and she almost couldn't breathe.

Even so, the first thing in her mind was not to see her own injury, but to see Haohao.

Haohao was pulled aside in time by her, only a few drops of soup were splashed on the shoes, everything else was fine.But because Song Yan pulled him violently and fell to the ground, he was frightened and was about to cry with his mouth flattened.

Seeing that he was not injured, Song Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly comforted him: "It's okay, Haohao, it's okay! Haohao just fell down, Haohao is brave, isn't he afraid?"

Being praised by Song Yan, even though Hao Hao kept his mouth shut, he still forcibly held back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes.

Seeing his son's little grievance and pretending to be brave, Song Yan felt amused and distressed, and encouraged him: "Hao Hao can stand up by himself, can't he?"

Haohao nodded, stood up by himself, pointed at Song Yan and shouted, "Mom, wet, wet..."

When he yelled, Song Yan suddenly "hissed" in pain and inhaled.

Lin Xuehui rushed over upon hearing the sound, first hugged Haohao to the sofa, and then came to help Song Yan. She looked at Song Yan's red arm and smacked her lips and said, "This chicken soup is very hot. This time it must be very hot. I think it will bubble. It's all mild, I think you'd better go to the hospital."

Song Yan forced a smile: "It shouldn't happen, I'll go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and bandage it."

"Then I'll help you buy it."

"No need, I'll go by myself, you take Haohao to dinner first." Song Yan declined, got up and went to the room to change clothes, so that the friction would be more painful when the sleeves of the summer clothes were too short to take off.

On the way out of the community, her entire left arm was in hot pain, and at one point she had to stop and endure the pain.

When she reached the gate of the community, a voice suddenly called her: "Miss Qin?"

She turned her head and saw a handsome and sunny face, it was Sun Fushang.

Sun Fushang approached and looked at the cold sweat on her forehead in surprise: "Are you... uncomfortable?"

Song Yan smiled wryly, and turned his left arm to show him, Sun Fushang immediately saw it: "Scalded?"

"Yes." Song Yan replied weakly. She didn't know whether it was the pain or the sun was too hot. She felt a little stuffy and dizzy, so she had to hold on to the lamppost next to her.

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Sun Fushang said decisively to her, "Go, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No need, just buy some medicine..." Song Yan shook his body as he spoke.

Sun Fushang stepped forward to hold her right arm, and said in a deep voice, "It's irresponsible for me not to go to the hospital when I'm sick, go!"

Sun Fushang's car was very air-conditioned, and after about 5 minutes, Song Yan's mind gradually cleared up.Turning her head to look at the street view outside the car window, she pursed her lips: "Just take me to a nearby hospital, instead of going to the Sacred Heart Hospital..." It's too expensive there, and "you don't need to use a knife to kill a chicken."

"The doctor in the burn department is a good friend of mine, and I will help with this little favor." Sun Fushang said with a half-smile.

Song Yan blushed slightly, and pointed at his finger lightly, what does this mean... Does it mean that she will not accept her money?
"I saw that if your burns are not treated properly, you may get a scar. There is a homemade medicine in the Scald Department of Sacred Heart Hospital that works very well. It doesn't leave scars after using it."

Seeing that Song Yan didn't speak, he thought she didn't want to go to the hospital yet, and Sun Fushang explained, "Besides, your physique is a little weak, and after being scalded and exposed to the sun, you may have a slight heatstroke, so you should go to the doctor to see if you can go to the hospital." Someone can take good care of you, but I have to go to work in the hospital in the afternoon, so I don’t have time to accompany you to other hospitals, so I can only take you to our hospital.”

Song Yan had no choice but to nod: "Then I'll trouble Dr. Sun." After the burns are taken care of, if the body is fine, he can leave by himself, and it probably won't cost much.

Seeing that she agreed, Sun Fushang nodded with a satisfied expression, and asked, "How...how did you get burned?"

"Accidentally knocked over the soup bowl."

"Oh, was there no cold water?"

"Oh, I forgot." Song Yanguang was thinking about Haohao at that time, so he didn't think of the cold water. Later, Lin Xuehui said that he wanted to buy medicine for her, so she came out in a hurry.

Sun Fushang gave her a white look: "It's better to have some common sense in life, so that the damage can be minimized."

Song Yan nodded silently.

There was a period of silence between the two, Song Yan endured the pain in his arm, looked out the window and couldn't help feeling that Qin Luhan's physique was really too weak, his leg cramped when he went into the water to save someone, and he sprained his ankle when he was chased by a drunk , I was scalded today and still have heatstroke all over, probably because I didn’t get enough nutrition under the bullying of my stepmother when I was growing up.

She made up her mind to start exercising after her burns healed. She died of cancer in her previous life, and no one cherishes her good health more than her.

The car quickly arrived at the Sacred Heart Hospital. Sun Fushang took Song Yan to the burn department familiarly. The doctor in the burn department really had a good relationship with him. They received them warmly and began to treat Song Yan's wound.

Looking at the blisters on Song Yan's arm, he smacked his lips: "This is a second-degree burn. What did you burn?"

After hesitating for a while, Song Yan replied honestly, "It's chicken soup just out of the pot."

"It's really hot. There is usually a layer of oil on the chicken soup, and the temperature drops slowly. It won't be much different from the temperature just out of the pot." Come on, you don’t have to worry about scars after using our medicine!”

Song Yan said weakly, "Okay, thank you doctor, I'll pay the bill later."

"Whatever the fee, our doctor's family members are exempted to a certain extent. Since you are brought by Sun Fushang, you should be regarded as a doctor's family member." The doctor said with a smile, and squeezed Sun Fushang. She squeezed her eyes, it seemed that there was some misunderstanding.

After treating the wound and leaving the consultation room, Song Yan said to Sun Fushang, "Thank you so much this time, um...otherwise I will treat you to dinner next time as a thank you?"

"Don't do it next time. I'm hungry now. I was about to go out to eat before I said it." Sun Fushang rubbed his stomach and said with a bitter face.

Song Yan laughed: "Okay, if Dr. Sun doesn't mind, let's find a restaurant outside the hospital?"

According to Sun Fushang's request, they ordered a few dishes in a small restaurant and sat across from each other.

While waiting for the food, Song Yan remembered something and asked him, "Does Dr. Sun also live in Taoyuan Meishu?"

Nodding, Sun Fushang smiled and replied, "That's right."

Song Yan bit his lips and kept silent, thinking to himself, no wonder Su Xing and him saw her when she was having dinner with Chen Jingbo at noon that day. I think it was him that Su Xing said to see a friend that night.

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