"Then draw blood obediently!" He said commandingly.

Song Yan was scared, and sat down obediently and extended his arm to the nurse.

After coming out of the hospital, Song Yan looked at him: "I'm going back to Shacheng, that, the Rongding matter—"

"I'll see the situation, and I'll call you guys before I go to investigate in person." He cut off her words.

Song Yan nodded and turned around to leave. After walking a few steps, he thought of something and looked back at him: "When will the results of this blood draw come out?"

"I'll tell you the result." Su Xing replied.

Song Yan had nothing more to say, and walked to the side of the road to take a taxi. Su Xing walked over and said, "I've already bought you a plane ticket, and I'll take you to the airport now."

Song Yan returned to Shacheng from Haicheng, and when he didn't see Miaomiao everywhere, he asked the cook Chen Xue, "Where is Miaomiao?"

Chen Xue replied with a smile: "Song Yan, I have good news for you. Last night, Miao Miao went to see Mr. Yao. His fingers really moved. The doctor said he had a chance to wake up, so Miao Miao went to see Mr. Yao early this morning. Zhao Di went to the hospital to accompany Mr. Yao, the doctor said to talk to him more to give him enough stimulation!"

Song Yan became excited: "Really, that's great!"

After thinking about it, she asked Chen Xue again: "Is Yao Jiayun's family coming again?"

"I've been here, but the security guards Luo Xu found for us are already in place, and they couldn't get in. I heard that they might be deported back to the country."

Song Yan felt relieved: "That would be great."

She went to the hospital without taking a break, and saw Miaomiao was holding Yao Jiashi's hand and talking to him, tearing up, and Zhao Di also wiped away her tears.

Song Yan walked over and said with a smile: "Didn't it mean that Mr. Yao showed signs of waking up? Why are you crying?"

Miaomiao turned around and saw that it was her, and immediately ran over and threw herself into her arms: "Mom, Dad is almost healed, he is almost healed, his eyelids moved at that moment, and the doctor said that he might really wake up."

Song Yan caressed her little head: "Isn't that good? It's all because you talk to your father every day. You finally moved God and asked him to return your father to you!"

Miaomiao looked up at her, smiling very brightly, but there were still tears in her eyes, looking very touching. "It's also because my mother has been taking care of us. God can't bear to see my mother working so hard!" she said.

Song Yan felt warm in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Di suddenly shouted: "Oh! Come and see, Mr. Yao has opened his eyes!"

Song Yan and Miao Miao ran to the bed together, saw Yao Jiashi blinking, and slowly opened his eyelids.

Meow Meow suddenly shouted excitedly: "Dad! Dad!"

Yao Jiashi's eyes were a little empty, and he stared at Miaomiao for a while before finally focusing. "Meow..." He said, his voice was very weak.

"Dad, how are you, how are you?" Miaomiao asked hurriedly while holding his hand.

He smiled weakly and replied, "It's nice to see you, my darling."

At that moment, Miao Miao burst into tears like rain, Song Yan's eyes were red, and Zhao Di covered her mouth and cried "Woooo".

They called a doctor to check Yao Jiashi's body. The doctor said with a smile, "Mr. Yao has indeed come to his senses. His other parts of the body are fine. He will be able to go to the ground after a few days of recovery. Congratulations! But , you still need to talk to him more, stimulate his brain, so that his brain function can recover as soon as possible."

That night, Song Yan asked Miaomiao and Zhao Di to go back, and stayed by himself to guard Yao Jiashi.Although there is a nurse, she always feels that the nurse is not meticulous enough, and the doctor also said to talk to him more, so she can stay and talk to him.

In the evening, she fed Yao Jiashi some porridge, and when she saw him struggling to move her legs, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"My legs don't feel very good," Yao Jiashi said.

Song Yan smiled and replied: "That's normal. You've been lying on the bed for a while, and you suddenly recovered. You must not be comfortable exercising. You should recover in a few days." After thinking for a while, he said, "Otherwise, I'll give you a massage Give it a go, that should help you recover?"

Yao Jiashi didn't refuse, Song Yan began to massage his legs.

He looked at Song Yan and smiled slightly: "I heard from Miaomiao that you helped her a lot when I was in a coma these days, thank you, Song Yan."

Song Yan replied with a smile: "Why are you being polite? If you and Miaomiao hadn't saved me and taken me in, I wouldn't be alive now. Isn't it right for me to do this?"

Yao Jiashi restrained his smile, stared at the smile on her face for a while, and suddenly said: "Song Yan, when I get better, you can marry me?"

Song Yan's hand stopped abruptly. For some reason, the moment he heard him say this, the scene of him kissing Su Xing that night appeared in his mind.

She blushed, looked at Yao Jiashi, and saw tenderness in his eyes: "Song Yan, after experiencing life and death, I feel that people still can't leave regrets for themselves. I like you very much, Song Yan, and I want you to be a My wife! After Miaomiao’s mother passed away, I haven’t felt this way for a long time. I want to start a family with a woman. You are the first and only woman, and you and Miaomiao have such a good relationship—— "

As he spoke, he became excited and held Song Yan's hand: "Song Yan, will you promise me?"

Song Yan lowered his eyelids, mumbled: "But, I am a person without a past, I—"

"Let's go to the police station to explain the situation, and investigate carefully. As long as you are unmarried, I will marry you!" Yao Jiashi interrupted her.

Song Yan raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were full of tenderness and sincerity, and such blue clear eyes could see to the end at a glance, it was really hard for people not to be moved.

Moreover, she also has a good impression of Yao Jiashi. This man is mature, stable and very gentlemanly. Apart from work, he has no gossip for so many years. He is a rare good man.However, although it is very comfortable to get along with him, it always feels like there is something missing...

"Song Yan?" He called her softly.

Song Yan came back to his senses and smiled at him: "Wait for your health to recover first, then go and check my past, and then talk about it, okay?"

This is not considered a refusal. Yao Jiashi seemed to be encouraged, and quickly nodded and replied: "Okay, okay. I will try my best to recover!"

Song Yan thought in his heart, after a week, he would call Su Xing and ask Su Xing what was the result of the blood draw.Whose is that little toothbrush... Whose thing did he take to do a paternity test with her?

In the following days, Song Yan and Miao Miao took care of Yao Jiashi together. Yao Jiashi recovered quickly, but he could go to the ground in four days. On that day, the nurse was massaging Yao Jiashi's muscles. Song Yan sat beside him and peeled fruit. Harvest's phone rang.

After he got connected, he listened for a while and seemed very excited: "Really? That's great, I can. I'll go to the company in the afternoon. Huh? Does he know Song Yan?"

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