Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 326 Domineering side leak

Song Yan shrank back and replied nervously: "Why should I show you your ID card! You are not a policeman, so I won't show it to you!"

She didn't have an ID card, and she panicked when the ID card was mentioned, trying to cover up the matter.

Su Xing squinted at her and didn't speak.

She pushed open the car door and stammered, "I'm leaving!"

Su Xing didn't answer, and let her open the car door and go out.

Song Yan carried her bag and walked quickly outside the community. It was not difficult to get out of the villa. After she went out, she checked the time and found that she had missed the last subway. Seeing the black shadow behind him, I felt lingering fear, and my heart was in a panic.

She didn't see the black car coming slowly. The person in the car parked the car inside the gate of the villa area, watched her take a taxi quietly, and waited until she got in the car before he stepped on the accelerator and followed. go out……

Fortunately, Song Yan still remembered the small hotel where she stayed, and the taxi arrived smoothly, but the fare was a bit high, but she was emotionally complicated at this moment and couldn't care less about the pain.

She entered her room, washed up and lay down on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Su Xing's face kept appearing in her mind. He kissed and hugged her as if he knew her, and kept calling her Qin Luhan. What's going on?Could it be that the name she recalled was wrong, her name is really not Song Yan, but Qin Luhan?
She suddenly remembered what Yao Jiashi had told her before. He said that he had checked, and there was no one named Song Yan who looked like her!

She sat up suddenly, a little regretful that she ran away in a hurry just now, no matter whether Su Xing knew him or not, she should ask a few questions carefully, maybe it really has something to do with her identity?
She was upset for a while, gradually calmed down, and lay down again. She made a decision in her heart that it would be best to go to Su Xing after the court tomorrow.

Thinking of this, she finally settled down and gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, she was not stable, her mind was full of messy fragments, just like fragmented film reels, which disturbed her.

She struggled to wake up from the dream, sighed wearily, turned over and touched the phone to check what time it was, but she couldn't touch the phone no matter what!
She sat up, turned on the light, and looked for her mobile phone everywhere, but she couldn't find it. She glanced inadvertently and saw that the place where she put her bag was also empty!

Her heart skipped a beat, looking for her bag everywhere.I saw the contents of the bag spilled on the ground at the door, but the bag was gone.

She realized that it was stolen. The mobile phone and bag were bought by Yao Jiashi, which were very valuable. The thief stole the most expensive things around her and threw away the worthless things.

However, this is a hotel, how could there be thieves?
She went to the window of the room. This is the fourth floor, and there is no place to climb, and the windows are well locked, with no trace of being pried open at all!
If it wasn't coming in through the window, then it was coming in through the door. She looked at the door again, and found that the door was all card-swiped, and there was no sign of being forcibly opened.Then there is only one possibility!

Song Yan changed his clothes, went downstairs to the front desk, and said to them with a serious face, "My things were stolen."

At the front desk is a 50-[-]-year-old aunt, who looks like she is dying: "Stole it? How is it possible, we have people here all the time, there can be no thieves."

"Is there any thief, you should call the surveillance to see if any thief has been to my room before." Song Yan said coldly.

The aunt sneered: "Girl, you think we are a five-star hotel, right? Not every corner of our place is monitored, and there is no surveillance in your room, so I'm sorry, There is no way to help you investigate."

"If you can't help me investigate, then I'll call the police." Song Yan said forcefully.

The aunt laughed: "Let's fight then. You have no evidence to say that there are thieves here, and I said you blackmailed us on purpose!" She smiled triumphantly at Song Yan, "I said girl, you don't bring any clothes when you come to the hotel." ID card, you pretend I don’t know what you are here for? If you really have the courage to call the police, then report it, and I will see who is more afraid!"

Song Yan was startled, and then understood that this aunt thought she was a girl who was engaged in that kind of flesh and blood business, so she colluded with thieves and stole her things recklessly, because she was sure that she would not dare to call the police.

She sneered: "Okay, then see if I dare to call the police!" She was about to go out, but her mobile phone was gone, so she had to go out to see if there was a public phone.

"You dare!" The aunt's face changed suddenly, and she shouted. Immediately, two tall men came out from the back room, surrounded Song Yan from left to right, "I think you dare to call the police!"

Song Yan's face was cold: "What do you want!"

"We're not doing well, but we won't let you go to the police!" The aunt said with a sneer, "You damn girl has a tough mouth, let me see if you have the ability to get out!"

"Get out of the way!" Song Yan shouted in a deep voice.

Not only did the two men not move away, but they got closer and closer, and one of them reached out to touch her leeringly.

Song Yan slapped his hand away with a scream, and shouted, "Get out of the way! You are breaking the law!"

"On our territory, you still dare to shout?" The aunt came with a ferocious expression, and waved to the two men.

"What are you doing, don't touch me, what are you doing!" Song Yan screamed while patting their hands.

At this moment, a cold voice said in a deep voice, "Let her go."

The voice was not loud, but there was a sense of majesty that shocked people. The two men stopped their hands and turned to look at the speaker. Song Yan also looked over and saw a tall figure standing behind them.

"Let her go." Su Xing said coldly and took two steps closer, and the two men backed away unconsciously.

Su Xing walked over, grabbed Song Yan's hand and walked out. The aunt came back to her senses and shouted at the two men, "Are you guys stupid? Stop them!"

Only then did the two men come to their senses, and they immediately caught up. Su Xing didn't turn his head back, as if he had eyes behind his back, with an elbow strike, one of the men fell down in response.

The other man trembled in fright and stood still.

Su Xing ignored them and pulled Song Yan to continue walking.Song Yan thought of something, stopped and looked back at the aunt: "Where are my mobile phone and bag?"

Now she can basically conclude that the thief might be the aunt and the others, otherwise she wouldn't show such a gangster look.

"Your mobile phone and bag were stolen, it's none of my business!" the aunt said arrogantly.

"Take it out!" Su Xing sternly shouted.

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