Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 315 Meow Meow is Actually Excellent

Finally the banquet was over, everyone left, and Yao Jiashi sent it to the gate.

Seeing that the guests had all gone out, Miao Miao excitedly grabbed Song Yan's hand and said, "Mom, you are amazing. Miao Miao listened to what you said and did it, and everyone praised me!"

Song Yan caressed her cheek: "It's because we Miaomiao have real skills!"

As soon as the words fell, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Who is this lady?"

Song Yan and Miao Miao turned their heads and saw a man about 30 years old standing behind them. It seemed that he was going to the bathroom just now, and he happened to hear Miao Miao talking to her.

Looking at the man with a little vigilance in his heart, Song Yan replied in a deep voice, "I am Miaomiao's tutor."

The man laughed: "What a beautiful tutor, with such a teacher, the child will become beautiful and excellent."

This kind of direct compliment made Song Yan feel a little impolite, but she couldn't say anything even if she was a guest, so she could only smile and politely answer: "It's too good."

The man took a step forward and stared into her eyes: "Can I ask this lady, your name?"

Song Yan looked at him and didn't answer for a while.

The man smiled: "Don't worry too much, I just admire you, just ask for your name, there is no other attempt."

Thinking that he would look too petty if he didn't tell others, Song Yan smiled generously and said, "It's okay, my name is Song Yan."

"Song... Yan..." The man repeated her name thoughtfully.

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Why, have you heard of this name before?"

The man smiled and shook his head: "No, it's a nice name."

Just at this time, Yao Jiashi sent the guests back, and when he saw this man, he came over to say hello: "I said why didn't I see you, Mr. Chai, so you fell behind and started talking to my daughter's tutor."

Mr. Chai smiled: "I heard from your daughter that I am so good because of this tutor, so I said a few more words to this beautiful tutor."

"Why, you want to poach the wall?" Yao Jiashi said jokingly, "However, it's too early for you to dig. Mr. Chai, who is not married, doesn't have this demand yet, does he?"

Mr. Chai smiled and said, "Isn't it true that I haven't met such a beautiful wife as Mr. Yao, who will have a child without hesitation." After speaking, he said his goodbyes, "Okay, it's getting late, I'm leaving Alright, let's make an appointment to play golf later."

Yao Jiashi sent Mr. Chai out, Miao Miao looked at Mr. Chai's back and pouted and "hummed".

"Why are you angry?" Song Yan asked amusedly.

"I don't like this person." Miaomiao replied.

"I think the way he looks at his mother is a bit weird. Anyway, he just doesn't like it. Mom, if you meet him on the street in the future, don't talk to him, you know?"

Song Yan laughed "puchi": "I probably won't meet him on the street."

The two went upstairs while talking, Miao Miao went to the bathroom to take a shower, and Song Yan helped her pack things in Miao Miao's room.

After a while, Yao Jiashi walked in. "You taught Miaomiao tonight, right?" He asked emotionally.

Song Yan smiled and replied: "Actually, I didn't teach Miaomiao anything, I just told her not to talk too much when I go downstairs, and don't laugh too happily. No matter what others say to her, just keep smiling. It's Miaomiao's own doing." Well done."

"I didn't know she could dance ballet!"

"That's because you are too busy, Mr. Yao. In fact, Miaomiao likes to dance very much, so when I was on the island, I encouraged her to learn ballet. She is very talented. She learned it by watching videos. She learned it by herself. I have learned it. Since she was studying, she has been learning to dance Swan Lake, so she can dance so well tonight, and she can always dance well after learning a piece repeatedly." Song Yan replied.

Yao Jiashi nodded: "That's because you taught her well before, otherwise she wouldn't be able to express herself even if she could dance ballet."

"I just thought too much. I was afraid that the guests would make her show her talents, so I told her that if someone asked her to show her talents, she would dance Swan Lake. Anyway, there are no ballet professionals here, and I can't see that she just learned to dance. This song. Unexpectedly, Miaomiao performed better than I expected."

"Where are those paintings, are they drawn by Miaomiao?"

When mentioning paintings, Song Yan laughed: "Most of them are drawn by me in my normal time. Mr. Wu is obviously trying to make Miaomiao look ugly, but I still won't let him do what he wants!"

Yao Jiashi said: "That Mr. Wu took his daughter too seriously, and he always brought it out to show off at such a young age. I didn't expect us to compare it to meow. I still have a little bit in my heart. A little joy."

"Actually, Miaomiao is very good, mainly because of her guidance. Although she may be a little naive, she has other talents. If you guide her well, she will be able to shine in the future. Mr. Yao, you have to take Miaomiao as your guide." Proud!" Song Yan said to him with a smile.

A look of guilt flashed across Yao Jiashi's face, and he nodded heavily: "Yes, you are right, I used to be a little unconfident about this daughter, and I was always afraid to bring her out to meet people. In fact, I was afraid of being laughed at by others. Me, I'll pay attention in the future."

He said with a look of relief: "Fortunately, Miaomiao was lucky enough to save you, and I am lucky to have such a good teacher like you."

He paused as he spoke, hesitant to speak, Song Yan asked him: "Mr. Yao, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yao Jiashi waved his hand: "Let's talk about it later when you recover some memory." After speaking, he walked out quickly, as if someone was chasing him.

Song Yan stared at his back inexplicably, not guessing what he was going to say, so he simply didn't think about it and continued to tidy up Miaomiao's room.

A few days later, Song Yan took Miao Miao to the city center to do some shopping. When she was in the mall, Miao Miao went to the bathroom, and Song Yan casually waited for her in the clothes counter outside.

Suddenly the face of the salesperson in the counter changed slightly, and he called behind her respectfully, "Mr. Chai!"

Song Yan turned around in surprise, and saw the man who asked her name that night was standing behind her with a smile.

"Mr. Chai, hello." Song Yan greeted him generously.

"Are you shopping here?" Mr. Chai asked.


Mr. Chai turned his head and said to the salesperson beside him, "I will pay for everything this lady buys."

Song Yan hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chai, but if you don't need it, we can do it ourselves."

"Don't be polite with Mr. Chai. This mall belongs to him. This is nothing." The salesperson next to him decided that Mr. Chai was going after women, so he hurried up to help.

Song Yan smiled and didn't answer, and it's not good to forcefully refuse, so she can choose not to buy, and if she doesn't buy something, doesn't she not need him to pay for it?
Mr. Chai looked at the watch on his wrist and said to her, "It's noon soon, otherwise, shall I treat you to lunch?"

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